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Big College Experience Part 3

Started by cantthinkofname4212, November 17, 2020, 09:22:39 AM

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Adult content, characters are all 20 years old:

It had been a number of months since the beginning of the semester, but it was coming to it's end near Christmas time. Tim had still been serving Steph's squashing needs by remaining her toy. He wasn't really in a position to argue about it, Tim had thought about telling his girlfriend about it, but decided against it. He was able to convince his girlfriend, Sam, that after this semester, they should move into another dorm on the other side of campus. Tim hadn't told Steph this at all and simply waited it out until February came around. Steph would obviously be infuriated, but she would really never know where he went. It might have been risky to stay on campus, but he couldn't exactly change schools immediately either and it would just be suspicious to Sam if he tried anyway.

Tim loved Sam with all his heart, but he had to admit that a part of him would miss Steph . It was a part of him that was more submissive and Tim couldn't help but think that sometimes his rightful place was as Steph's squash toy. He was both attracted to Steph and horrified. He was lustfully intrigued by everything about Steph. Her body, her confidence, her Goddess fetish, he loved it all. But he also knew that she treated him with no respect and also had no idea when his next squashing was going to be his last. Tim had recalled a time when Steph kidnapped him when he got into the dorm area.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Steph had just walked out of her room and found Tim trying to get into his dorm. Their rooms were just across the hall from each other, in case you guys didn't read part 1. "Oh... hey Steph... I" "Pfft, whatever loser, come over here." "Wait!" Tim said in a hushed tone, "Sam is right inside, if she hears us-" "Well then, you best be getting in my room before I yell how good you gave it to me last night and she happens to over hear!" Tim, frustrated, waited a second or two. He realized that there wasn't much time left, why tell Sam now? He slumped over and followed Steph into her room. "Whoa!" Tim said, he looked around and was impressed with the size of Steph's room. "You like? It was a 2 bedroom suite when I got here, but I knocked the plaster walls down myself and made it all into one big room. I prefer it, I couldn't fit my fat ass in the tiny bedrooms anyway!" Steph laughed. "The school let you knock the walls down?" Tim asked. "Well not exactly... I just used this to knock down the walls." Steph said slapping her hip. "You... knocked the wall down... with your-" "yeah well, you of all people should know how destructive this body can be. By the way, I put on some weight after Thanksgiving. I'm hoping that 1500 pounds isn't too much for you!" Tim always seemed so surprised at how surprised he was whenever Steph told him more about her body. Maybe it was because he saw her nearly everyday, but he hadn't noticed a huge difference with her size. She was still incredibly strong and agile for a giantess.

It was true that Steph had added to her endlessly growing body. She even seemed to grow a bit taller over this last four months. Standing at 7'4" and weighing 1,500 pounds now, she was practically unstoppable. "So, let me show you around the dorm little man," Steph walked forward into the huge area. While the dorm was just a wide studio apartment at this point, it wasn't very tall. Stephs head almost brushed the ceiling. "So you really knocked these walls down by yourself?" Tim said still in surprise as he walked behind her. "Of course, why rent construction tools when you have a Goddess like body?" Steph said in confidence. "This is something I've been wanting to show you for a little while now." Steph brought him over to the back middle of the room where her bed was. Steph's bed was simply 12 queen sized mattresses, 6 on one side and 6 on the other. She did her best to cover it with nice sheets and have them placed together. "That's, pretty amazing. Does it hold you?" Tim asked, before realizing how bad that question might have come out. "Haha, it doe, for now. I just lay width ways on both sides. The height does it job, but I think my ass might be a bit too wide for it at this point. But despite the fact that my fat butt and belly sticks out on either side, there's still plenty of room for you." Steph winked at Tim. It was true though, Steph had gotten a lot wider in general. Tim had no idea how any person could fill this much space but as always Steph surprised him.

"I'm going to get more comfortable if that's alright." As if Steph really needed to ask Tim at all. Steph pulled her pants and underwear down and bent over her throne of a bed. Her ass, sticking out at Tim, was big and beautiful. It seemed like a lot of her weight gain went more toward her lower half in general. Her massive thighs were like stone structures holding up two boulders. Her ass was wide, but also pretty tall itself. Just one of Steph's ass cheeks was enough to completely cover Tim's entire frame. Her cheeks stuck out from her body like two wrecking balls, the middle of her ass was at Tim's height. "Tim, kiss my ass." Steph demanded. "I don't know-" Tim said meekly. "That's too bad then, ah well. Hey, just curious, has Sam ever been crushed by a giantess? Maybe I can go over and ask?" "You wouldn't!" Tim angrily said. "Have you not met me? You honestly think I would pass up another squashing victim? It can either be you or both of you tonight. And just keep in mind, I haven't decided if I'll ever leave her alone. I might just go over one day because I'm bored and horny. But I promise, that doesn't have to happen tonight..." Tim was angry, frustrated, powerless, but also, turned on. Steph was truly an amazing woman, Tim had all these feelings he hadn't had before and she brought them all out. Nevertheless, he knew what he had to do at this moment.

Tim approached her elephantine ass. She was swaying back and forth a little bit as if enticing him forward. He made it to her butt, lifted up his head and gave a light kiss to her one cheek. "Mmmm keep going, my slave..." Steph was getting in the mood now. Tim kissed lightly and a little bit faster still. He tried to get to as many different areas as he could, but her ass was so wide, he would have to walk back and forth to do it and it was so tall, he couldn't reach anyway. "Kiss it like you mean it. Tell me how much you love my fat fucking ass..." Steph bit her bottom lip, she felt extra aggressive tonight. "I... love your ass, Steph." Tim said, in between kisses. "Go on..." "Your ass, it's just so... big. It's also so round and firm. You have the most amazing butt I've ever seen." Tim was getting into this too, at least none of his bones were aching as this point. "Do you like it when I use my  body to dominate you?" Steph teased. "I do, I really do. It's just so easy for you to squash with your body. It's just nature that you dominate someone like me..." "Mmmm yes.... Okay then, that's a damn good answer." Steph then lowered her ass a bit so that it was not level to Tim's waist. She then reached back and using one arm, actually pushed Tim into her ass cheeks. From there, all she had to do is stand up right and clench her butt and like magic, Tim was trapped in between her ass cheeks, completely crushed. "Oh wow!" Steph exclaimed, "I always wanted to see if I could do that to a human being. Oh my god, if you small people weren't made for being squashed for giantesses like me, what were you made for?!" Tim was completely enveloped within Stephs ass. Looking at her butt, you could still tell that there was a person in there, but there was something else Steph wanted to try. "Okay Tim, I'm hungry and unfortunately, they haven't invented vending machines that can walk to you yet." "Wait... Steph... can't...." His last ditch attempts to plead for freedom were cut short by Steph pulling her pants back up, minus the underwear. "I have the best type of underwear now haha!" She thought to herself.

Steph didn't have to really move much in order for her to get any stimulation. She constantly thought of new ways she could use her body to torture and crush people and this was her newest one yet. The fact that she succeeded made her incredibly turned on. Tim wasn't getting out from her ass cheeks with or without pants on. Now she could just go out and get a midnight snack WHILE she was crushing her sex toy. Dream come true for her, nightmare for him. Steph walked out of her dorm and as she did, she found her other neighbor and Tim's girlfriend, Sam, standing outside her door. "Oh hey, umm Steph, right?" Sam asked. "Yes, hi! I know we only met once before, umm Sam, right?" Steph pretended not to fully know who she was. "Yeah that's right. No problem! Hey, have you seen Tim at all?" "Tim your boyfriend right?" "Yeah he usually comes back home on Fridays around this time but a bit earlier. Like I thought he would be back 15 minutes ago..." Sam seemed worried. "I can't say I've seen him lately no, sorry!" Steph almost burst out laughing but kept it in. "Huh, okay. Thanks then." "Well, wherever Tim is, I'm sure he is safe and sound. He seems like a smart guy who stays out of trouble." Steph clenched her cheeks together, pressing against the poor boy between them. "Alright then Steph, have a good night." Sam politely said, she turned back and went into her room.

"Phew, that was a close one," Steph said to Tim when she was a bit more down the hall. Tim made muffled shouting sounds. "Hey I said I wouldn't crush her tonight and I promised. But I didn't say anything about anyone else... hello..." Steph approached the vending machine and as she did, saw a handsome guy with brown hair. He was a bit bigger than Tim, both taller and muscular, although still not giantess sized like Steph. "Hey there," Steph said with a smooth expression. "Midnight snack, Huh? Great minds think alike." "Uhh, yeah I guess. My girlfriend was getting kind of hungry so," The guy got cut off by Steph, "Ugh! Seriously? You have a girlfriend too?! Does every person I meet just have a girlfriend or boyfriend?!" The guy seemed taken aback. "Uhh I don't know about everyone, but I guess I do...?" Steph walked in front of the guy and the vending machine. "Okay let's cut to the chase, my name is Steph and I'm a huge giantess with a big fat body, yada yada, I'm going to squash you." "Wait..... wut...? The utterly perplexed guy was then rammed into the vending machines by Stephs bulk. She just jutted her belly into him and he crashed into the vending machine. Before he could fall, Steph caught him. "Listen guy, nothing personal, you're just in the right place for me at the right time for me. I'm glong to use my fat body to squash you and you're going to resist me." Steph then simply pressed her belly into her victim and walked into the vending machine. The guy she was crushing was a bit taller so his head was nearly up to her cleavage. She noticed that he was holding a chocolate bar that she grabbed out of his hand and started to munch on. "Mmmm thank you! See Tim? I don't ever remember you bringing me chocolate during the times I crushed you!"

Steph started to eat and squash her victims pretty heavily. She didn't do too much to Tim at the moment, she was focused on her new fresh meat. She started out normally, using a small fraction of weight on him, but walking around with Tim in her ass cheeks got her pretty bot and bothered. She didn't waste too much time before she pressed much more of her weight on the innocent man. "Food and horny squashing what more could a fat girl want?!" Steph cried a bit. She still had to be somewhat quiet, others were most likely sleeping nearby. Steph continued applying pressure onto the vending machine and the man between her and it. "Oh yes... hey little man, do you feel my weight pressing on You? How does it feel to be squashed by a goddess? You should feel very honored." The poor guy didn't have any chance of replying. He wanted to cry out for help, but he had acres of flab all around him. He couldn't speak through it. "Mmmm did you know that squashing turns me on so much, I do it to pretty much whomever I want? I just love the feeling of a small but sturdy man like yourself being pressed by my fat. I'm going to smother you until I cum... I promise I'm close..." What Steph said was true. She was getting to a point where she couldn't hold back for much longer and needed to just let her squashing take it's toll on her victim. She just hoped that this guy had the strength to survive this encounter as she pressed nearly all of her weight against him. Not only did her flab absorb the man's entire body all around him, but it was also encompassing the vending machine too. If anyone walked by now, they would just see a giant fat girl leaning her belly against a machine. This image going through her mind, sparked her sex drive further. Steph was crushing two men at once with her tremendous body. One sitting between her ass cheeks and the other, pressed up with her belly. Steph didn't want to be too loud,  it couldn't help but let out a good moan that was signaling her achieving orgasm. She stepped back from the machine, releasing the man for a second, but then she stormed her weight forward again applying even more pressure and crashing the machine, breaking it. Steph needed more than that. She stepped back again, and forward, back and forward at least five times. Between the innocent man's ribs cracking and Tim tickling her pussy from behind, she finally reached her peak. She was about to scream, but held her mouth with one hand and placed the other hand on top of the vending machine, using extra arm strength to put more weight onto the helpless man as she came. Soaking through her pants, she also got Tim completely drenched. Steph finally opened her eyes after her 60 second orgasm, she stepped back and the man's body fell to a heap on the floor. "Oh wow, more candy!" Steph noticed the machine was now broken so she could raid the entire thing. After grabbing her food, she looked down her at latest victim, "Thanks random guy. That was amazing, maybe we can run into each other again soon!"

Continued in next part...