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Big College Experience Part 3 continued...

Started by cantthinkofname4212, November 17, 2020, 09:24:59 AM

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Just part 3 continued, adult content, etc.

"Alright little man, let's get back to my room!" Steph said to Tim, assuming he could still hear her. Steph snacked on some sweets while they walked back to her room. As she walked, she could still feel that Tim was still alive and breathing, but he was starting to lose his breath. He felt like he was starting to pan is within her rear end and wiggle about. As she entered her dorm and closed the door, she said, "Oh Tim, please stop, you're going to make me cum again..." She was extremely tempted to keep him in there, but decided against it for fear of him passing out. She pulled down her pants and released her captive from her massive ass. He feel to floor panting and coughing a bit, his eyes adjusting to the light when he noticed where he was again. Back in Steph's room. "Hey there Tim, I'm just covering for you to Sam. Texting her about you staying over your friends house tonight. I wouldn't wby her to get mad at you." She said, Tim saw her typing on his phone. "There, she shouldn't bother us now." She placed down the phone. Tim was actually relieved, if she had gone through previous text messages, she would have found all the conversations about him moving out of his dorm. The fact that Steph didn't know was pretty much the only thing keeping him alive.

"Alright then, why don't we both take a well deserved shower?" Steph said. She brought Tim over to the bathroom area. Since Steph had a thing about doors, she also demolished the door and some of the walls around her bathroom too. There still a small set up, but her bathroom was pretty open, but clearly with a girl like Steph, she wasn't exactly shy. "Why did you text Sam about me staying at a friend's house?" Tim inquired. "Well, I wasn't about to tell her about us! I figure we have never spent the night together so I decided that I wanted you here with me. I got a ton of snacks and we have all night. That other guy in the hallway was some nice foreplay, but you know I only have eyes for my Tim!" Steph was extremely content with how things were going with Tim. First of all, he had survived every squashing she had given him, despite the fact that sometimes she had actually thought about what killing him with her fat ass or thighs would feel like. Second, he lives right next door, third, he obeyed Steph for the most part, but offered some resistance and fourth, she did find him very attractive. She always imagined this type of guy to be with. A small yet strong guy who, no matter how hard he tried, couldn't fully resist the temptation of being squashed by a giantess.

Steph got fully undressed and turned on the shower to warm it up. "Come on in Tim. You could run away if you wanted, but then you'll have to explain to your girlfriend why you smell like another girls wet pussy..." Tim knew she was right of course. He was starting to get angrier at Steph for using his girlfriend as leverage against him, but for now what else could he do? He too got undressed and stepped into the shower with Steph. He noticed that she had rigged the shower head so it was coming out of the ceiling and that she enlarged the drain and tile area itself. A normal shower wouldn't even come close to fitting her gargantuan body. "isn't this nice Tim? The warm water cleaning us after we've been so dirty." Steph giggled. Tim was standing right next to her naked body and couldn't look up past her belly and a bit of her beach ball sized boobs. Tim began to get erect, just looking at her body all wet and right next to him. It made him feel so tiny being next to her. Since Tim was short, being only 5'4" and only 120 pounds, he did always feel small to most people, but it was different with Steph. She was an absolute mountain of a woman, he didn't just feel short, he felt insignificant, he felt like she wasn't even human. She always talked about her being a Goddess and maybe it was true after all. Surpringsly to Tim, Steph didn't try any squashing or teasing in the shower. She did just want to clean herself and him off, but the night was still young.

They stepped out of the shower and dried off, Steph didn't put on any clothes and just as Tim was starting to he tried an attempt to leave. "Well, it is getting late Steph. I think I'll turn in." "Oh, you'll turn in alright," Steph said, walking over to the door, "Turn into my sex slave that is." She plopped down onto the floor directly in front of the door, giving the entire building a good shake with it. "Steph... please...?" Tim pleaded. "Okay, you can leave if you want, but I'm not moving any where." Steph pouted and crossed her arms. Tim sighed, she had played this game before or variations of it and he knew he wouldn't be able to make her budge. Nevertheless he was going to try. He backed up and ran and tried to tackle Steph into the door, knowing full well that wouldn't move her, but he decided to come up with another idea. "Haha! Wow you almost got me out of the way! Keep trying your pathetic attempts of freedom, I just love-" In what would be considered the boldest thing Tim had ever done, while Steph was mocking him, he climbed up on her thigh so that he could be eye level her while she was sitting down and he actually threw a punch that landed on the side of her face! Tim had just gotten so angry that he just wanted to be free and see his girlfriend tonight, but Steph ruined that.

Not that it actually hurt Steph, seeing as how Tim wasn't that strong and she was essentially the obese she Hulk, nonetheless, it seriously pissed her off. Without taking her eyes off of his, she slowly stood up, grabbed her fridge that was next to the door and barricaded it in front of the only exit. "St... Steph... okay... wait... you just made me so angry I couldn't help it, but... oh god..." Nothing that Tim was saying registered with her at all. She walked her way over to him until his back was against the giantess's bed. She gently picked up his small frame and tossed him onto the middle of the bed. She still had the exact same face on the whole time, but the passed 30 seconds gave her time to cool down before she started giggling. "This Tim! Is exactly why I love You! You don't take my shit and you keep things interesting. You assaulted me Tim. You assaulted a Goddess and disturbed the natural order. It's just a little past midnight and I'm going to fuck your brains out until the sun comes up! If you ever wondered if you'd die under my fat eventually, tonight may very well be it!" As soon as she finished her short speech, she took a step back and jumped up and forward with her arms out as if she was belly flopping into a pool. She was going to give him the biggest belly splash of his life. Tim saw her moving in slow motion, her whole body jiggling from her huge dive forward on top of him. Tim tried to cry out, but didn't have enough time, Steph's bulldozer of a body landed on him and the oversized bed, flattening it out a little bit more. The mattress tried to cope with the giant amount of weight that just landed on it, but failed to bounce the fat girl back up. Steph landed without any extra recoil. Even her specially made bed wasn't enough to hold her up anymore, she was gaining too much weight too fast. "Mmmm oh yeah... that was a good one..." She moaned in complete ecstasy, she had always wanted to try splashing someone before, but never had the opportunity. This was half the reason she invited Tim into her bedroom in the first place. She rolled off of him, there was a noticeable indent in the bed, right where Tim was. Steph stood over him in the bed, "That was so fucking hot! It's amazing how turned on I get when I squash you, Babe..." "Ugh... I think you finally killed me..." Tim jokingly said. "Haha! Don't tease me little guy, there's more where that came from." She ran to the front of the bed again, just as she was ready to jump, Tim was trying to crawl away. His lack of strength and the fact that he was in a deep part of the bed made it unlikely he would have enough time to get out from under her. "Ready or not..."Steph said, she took a few extra steps back, as she wanted to get a running start this time. She sprinted forward, absolutely rumbling the entire building with each of her giant steps and leaped forward again, giving and even bigger splash this time. The first two mattresses that were on top, exploded outward and cotton and other spring materials from them jutted out from them. Steph landed her belly perfectly onto Tim's entire body. Her belly was only a little shorter than Tim's entire height, but she managed to completely cover it with him from head to his ankles. There was absolutely no sign of Tim under Steph, her gargantuan fat blanketed him entirely.

"Mmmm yes... you like how heavy I am on top of you little guy? I'm so huge compared to your pathetically small body. I'm crushing you so much...!" Stephs moans helped set her off a bit more. She began to gyrate in circles for a bit and then, realizing Tim needed some air, she actually rolled to her side. While most of Tim's body was still under Stephs belly, his head was in clear air and he gasped for a breath. "Mmm your little gasps for air are so cute!" she giggled and then began to steam roll back over onto Tim, this time rolling to the other side of the bed. "Ooooh that's nice. My belly is so big and destructive. You can lift and push my belly, but it's no use. I'm huge, heavy and fat!" She then steam rolled onto the other side again. She just kept rolling back and forth on top of Tim. He got the occasional short breath to keep him alive, but his ribs were creaking, something that when Steph felt it, her body have an orgasmic shudder. "All that belly... smothering you. My big hips crushing your rib cage. Mmmm me rolling on top of you like a hot and heavy steam roller... it's turning me on so much... this is exactly what Iike..." Finally, Steph began to climax, her speech to herself and Tim and the constant side to side movement on him was more than enough for her to get off. She stopped directly in the center on top of Tim. Her body gave multiple shudders which made her whole body bounce up and down on top of Tim. She still wanted to be a little quieter so she screamed her orgasm into her pillow.

After the feelings finally subsided, the mountain of fat rolled off of Tim onto her side again. "No! Tim!" Steph noticed that Tim had passed out. "You bastard, it isn't as good when you aren't conscious. I need to feel your fear and cries for help... ah well, maybe in an hour or so. I'll rest up too I guess..." The Goddess decided it was for the best. She quickly fell asleep as well, just on her side to make sure Tim wouldn't be killed under her. Tim woke to the sunlight on his face coming through the window in the hallway. He was laying right outside his own door in the dorm area. The last thing he remembered was being crushed by Steph in her bed so he wasn't sure why he was here? He then felt a shadow come over him and realized that Steph was standing right above him. She was knocking on his door to his own dorm. She looked down at Tim and realized he was finally awake. She simply winked at him. Sam, eventually answers the door with sleep still in her eyes, "Oh Steph, good morning..." "Hey Sam, just figured this belonged to you so..." She motioned to Tim on the floor. "What? Tim?" Sam was confused. "It seems like he had a bit too much fun last night. Right after we met in the hallway, I went to my girlfriends for the night. When I came back to the dorm, I found Tim here passed out on the front lawn in the middle of campus. Lucky he isn't too big, it wasn't much trouble carrying him back!" Steph laughed a bit. A very convincing lie. "Wow! Thank you so much! I was a bit worried about him but, aside from a hangover, he seems to be in decent shape. Won't be doing something so stupid again, huh Tim?" Sam said to the poor boy. "Uhh yeah I guess so..." He said meekly. "Well, he is all yours, I'm finished with him," Steph looked down at Tim, "For now..." She walked back to her and squeezed herself through it. "That Steph seems really nice. Maybe we should invite her to hang out at our dorm some time?" Sam said with excitement. "Uhh Yeah... maybe one day..." Tim rolled his eyes.