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Topics - ManinLevis69

This is a fight between a huge high school girl and a 29 year-old blonde biker chick who was selling drugs at her school.  The fight took place in some woods out in the middle of nowhere.  It's a work of fiction -- and a bit violent -- but I knew a woman that had a similar experience years ago.  She didn't sell drugs but got beat up by some huge girl after mouthing off to her. It was at an outside party that the girl was crashing. Needless to say, the bikers didn't intervene as is usually the case when females fight.

     Paula ran through the woods and wove between narrow spaces of the tall trees and brush.  Her entire body ached.  Her lungs burned.  She was running east by her best estimate as the sun canted toward the Western twilight sky.  She was freezing.  She lost her leather jacket. 
     Poor Heather.  Alice had beaten her friend senseless as she would probably do to her if she caught her out here.  Heather was one of her best friends.  Her heart hammered against her sternum.  A million thoughts flitted through her mind, including how she'd defend herself against Alice and the other girls if they caught her.
She stopped as she neared the big lake.  She hunched over to catch her breath, leaning forward with her hands on the knees of her Levi's. 
     "Oh, fuck.  I'm lost.  What am I going to do?"  She coughed cold air out of her lungs.
     The girls had driven her several hours away and kept her locked in some room all day Friday.  A girl named Claire had been there.  She brought her a couple meals and gave her something to sleep.  When she didn't take the pill, Alice came in and forced it down her throat. 
     Paula hadn't awakened until 3:00 p.m. today, where she found herself tied to a chair at the remote cabin.  Moments ago, she wiggled out of the ropes after falling on the floor with the chair.  She then ran out of the cabin toward the woods, but none of the girls chased her.  She hadn't seen them for hours.
     Paula started thinking that the girls' absence was just a ruse.  They were going to hunt her down.  She could feel it.   
She felt groggy and nauseated as she stared at the dense foliage in distance beyond the lake.  The air was moist and cold. A stream of gray clouds streaked the sky.  Several gusts of wind cuffed and chilled her.
Paula saw no way to traverse the lake.  The ice didn't look frozen enough for her to walk on it.  She  headed back the opposite way toward the woods and tried to find a hiding place.  Branches cracked beneath her cowboy boots.  She stepped up onto higher ground and grasped a small sapling.  She caught her breath.   
     "Oh, Paula," someone said.  The voice stunned her, even though she expected the girls to show up at some point.  "Come out, come out wherever you are."   
     She recognized the booming contralto-like voice.  Paula sidled behind an elm tree and turned sideways.  She felt she was thin enough to hide herself from view.  She place her head against the trunk of the tree as her pulse rate soared.
Alice made her way down the hill.  Paula could see her through the openings in the trees.  She wore a green waist-length coat and tight gray sweat pants—her rear end protruding through the material at an almost deformed proportion.  Her fat white face oddly contrasted her black stringy bangs. 
     The girl moved to within forty feet of her.  She waddled forward near the fringe of the woods.  As the girl got closer, she noticed the scowl on her large face.  Everything about her was huge, and her hips were as wide as a table.  Paula knew the teen had some kind of a pituitary abnormality.  She'd seen something like it on one other occasion.  But that man was gentle.  Alice scared Paula to death, even though she was just a high school girl.   
Alice trudged closer and entered the same section of the woods; she made her way half way through it, pushing vines aside and stirring up dry leaves.  Paula's heart shot to her throat.  She didn't know what to do.  She stepped further behind the tree as Alice inched closer.  That's when a stick snapped underneath Paula's boot.  It sounded like a firecracker in the quietude of the bucolic surroundings.
     "Is that you, Paula?"  Alice cackled.  "You can't leave.  We've got some unfinished business to discuss."
When Alice was within twenty feet, Paula took a couple deep breaths and pushed herself away from the tree.  She darted north, slapping brush and vines aside.  One whipped back and smacked her in the cheek, nearly poking her in the eye.  It stung like crazy.
     Alice took off after Paula.  Despite her size, she was quick.  Her athleticism added a spring to her gait that Paula couldn't match.  Paula ran with less coordination through the woods—feminine-like, unlike a girl jock.   
     "Oh, no.  Oh, please no," Paula moaned, as she looked over her shoulder.  Alice was gaining on her.  Just then, Paula's boot struck an elevated patch of land and her knee buckled.  She fell forward and rolled down the hill toward the edge of the woods—twenty yards from the lake.  She landed on her side next to a pine tree. 
     Alice trundled toward her.  She was fifteen feet away.  Paula stood but fell to her knees winded.  When the biker chick got to her feet, Alice tackled her to the ground and knocked the wind out of her.  Paula landed on her back in the clearing—with Alice's arm draped across her abdomen. 
     Paula clawed at Alice with her long nails, which protruded through her biker gloves, but Alice reached up, grabbed her wrists and pinned them over her head. 
     "You really didn't think you'd get away, did ya?"  Paula tried to catch her breath but couldn't;  her heart was hammering.  She looked up at Alice—her pouty lips pursed.  "Did ya?"  Alice moved up and straddled the woman.
     "Please let me go," said Paula.  "I won't say anything.  I swear."
     "But you now know that I whipped your friend's ass.  I can't just let you go to the police."
     "I won't go to the police.  I promise," said Paula.
     "You're a lying sack of shit, too, biker bitch.  You and your other stripper friends have already told a million lies."
     Alice stood and gazed toward the lake.  She stretched her arms up and smirked.  She then reached down, grabbed a tuft of Paula's blonde hair and pulled her to her feet.  Paula screamed.
     "You're hurting me," she shouted.  Alice continued tugging on her hair as she took a couple steps forward. 
     "That's about the least I'm gonna do to you," said Alice.
     "Help me!  Please, somebody help me."  Alice laughed.
     "No one can hear you out here."  She released her grip on the blonde's hair.  Paula staggered forward, stopped and hung her head down.  Her legs wobbled. 
     "Any last words?" said Alice.  Paula gazed up at her.
     "You . . .  you're going to kill me, aren't you?"   
     "As pathetic as you are, yes, I'm gonna kill you."  Paula looked down at the ground as tears filled her eyes.  "But I'll make it quick so you don't suffer."  Alice cackled.
     "Please don' kill me."  Alice took a step toward the woman.  Paula backed up and raised her hands in a begging manner.  Alice took another step.

     Alice surveyed the area.  The two were alone.  Her aunt's property was miles away from any neighbor.  A few renters occupied tenants across the lake but they didn't concern Alice.
     Paula continued to back up as the girl approached.  Before she could react, Alice lunged forward and punched her in the gut. The blow dropped Paula to her knees.  She then punched the woman in the head and knocked her on her side.
Paula didn't remain on the ground long.  The girl pulled her up and held her by her shirt. 
CUSSSSHHHHH!  Alice knocked her to the ground with the back of her fist.  Paula's body rolled over several times before she landed on her side again.
     "Come on, biker bitch.  At least put up a fight.  You're making this way too easy."  Alice picked Paula up again and flipped her around like a crash test dummy.  Blood trickled down the corner of the biker chick's mouth to her chin.  Her eye was still bruised shut.  Her face was already a wreck from last night, and her hand was broken.  It ached even more in the cold. 
     Alice held the woman as she wobbled.  She smirked as she raised her fist high above her right ear.
CUSSSSHHHHH!  Alice again back-fisted the woman and knocked her down.  Paula's closed her eyes as she tried to crawl away from Alice—her ass hiked up.  Alice planted her foot on the left rear pocket of the woman's Levi's and shoved her to her stomach.  She picked her up again and turned her around, embracing her in a fierce front bear hug.
     "Ummmphhh!"  the biker chick aspirated, as Alice squished the air out of her lungs.  Alice put Paula down.  She staggered forward.  Alice socked her in the gut with an uppercut.  She sank to her knees again.
     CUSSSHHHH!  Alice whacked Paula across the face with the back of her hand and knocked her to her stomach.  She then grabbed the blonde by her choker and pulled her up.  Paula screamed as Alice pulled her to her feet and shoved her forward.  Half of her face was bloodied. 
     Alice blocked a weak slap from the woman, then grabbed her by the neck in the crook of her elbow.
She choked the woman and walked her backwards toward the water.  Paula gagged.  Alice's grip was choking off her air.  She coughed.  Then her body went limp as Alice dragged her by her boots to the edge of the water.
     Alice released her grip.  Paula fell to her knees in the chilly water.  She awakened and crawled around on her hands and knees.  She then reached up to rub her throat.  Alice pulled her back up just as she started coughing again.
     Paula stood and wobbled in the heel-deep murky water—with a million tiny floes of ice milling around her.  Her jeans and shirt were soaked.  Alice could see her nipples through the shirt.  Paula shivered.  Her lips trembled.  She coughed a couple more times.  She glared and pointed at Alice.
     "You'll get yours, fat girl.  You can't treat people like this."  Paula gasped.  Alice moved closer.
     "Maybe so, but I sure kicked your skinny ass.  And there's nothing you can do about it, you pathetic little piece of trash."
     "Maybe not, but . . ."
     CUSSSSHHHHH!  Alice backhanded Paula across the cheek and eye and knocked her out.  Her body splashed into the water, sending chunks of ice in motion.  Alice stepped further into the lake, grabbed the woman by her belt and shirt and dragged her into chest-high water.  She then stood the unconscious woman up in the water, put her hand on the top of her head and dunked her.  She held Paula under water for several seconds, then pulled her up.  She then dunked her again.  She finally got tired of fighting the hapless woman and dragged her to shore.  She left her there -- not caring in the least what would happen to her out here.

     The woman woke up an hour later, found a house near the lake and got some help.  She later broke up with her biker boyfriend and stopped selling drugs.

 :P It's no secret that I'm a fan of the big girl beating little girl genre, particularly school girls versus biker chicks or cowgirls.  But I've also had the privilege of getting input from both sides.  I've dated some very sexy biker chicks and taught at schools where some of these women have been beaten senseless.  Consequently, I don't just base my stories on how I want them to end, but on reality.
     Let's face it, high school girls have attitudes today and are more violent than in the past.  They also have short fuses and seek out people to beat up, whether it's on a whim or part of an initiation to get accepted into a gang.  And biker chicks are easy prey, as some of my teen informers have intimated in the past.  Biker chicks are humiliated when high school girls beat their ass, and they hardly ever pursue litigation because of it. The girls are smart and know this.
     The worst beatings seem to come at the hands of fat girls, who subconsciously are venting some of their frustrations from being ostracized by slim, attractive girls and women.  Maybe someone's made fun of them in the past or picked on them relentlessly. Biker chicks seem to be unlucky as hell, especially if they're caught selling drugs at a high school.  In many cases, it's the fattest girls in the school that get a hold of these tight-jeaned biker chicks and pound them into oblivion.  Shot putters, softball players or just some wide-hipped brute who wants to lay one of these women out.  And they have no problems getting violent with the biker babes.
      Some biker chicks only slap at the girls, but the fat girls always punch -- and very hard. This is to ensure a severe beating and to send a message to the bikers.  It's also what the girls call the intimidation factor.  And biker women have told me that there's nothing more terrifying than looking up at some huge teen girl who's ready to smash your face in.  A behemoth they know they can't beat, and if they fight back, they get pounded harder in return.  Biker chicks get weak in the knees and scared, and the fat girls sense it.  They're then ready for blood.  Some girls refer to the beatings as pussy bashings.
     Unfortunately, biker women also have to answer to the bikers.  They can get their ass kicked or even killed by returning home without the money -- cash that these behemoths often grab from the back pockets of their Levi's, Wranglers or whatever when they finish brutalizing them.  This brings me to my latest story.  It's not real long but I hope some biker chicks read it and stop selling drugs at the schools.  I hate seeing these women get hurt because the high school girls will bloody and brutalize them when they can.  If nothing else, it'll make them think twice about entering a high school.
     I knew of this 27 year-old biker chick who, for some reason, started selling drugs. She had lost her job as marketing manager during the recession and couldn't find work for a couple years.  When approached by her biker boyfriend, who needed her help in getting into a major gang, she saw an opportunity to make some quick cash making drops.
     Her name is Barb.  She's 5'4" tall and 110 pounds and has one of the best asses I've ever seen.  She's actually racked up some cash winning some "best ass in jeans" contests in bars -- both locally and in Florida during bike week.
     It was a hot spring day in late April when she had to make a drop at a high school in town and collect the money.  An eighteen year-old girl name Trudy met her at the back of the school after-hours and let her in.  The janitor was away and the doors hadn't yet been locked.  However, fifteen minutes before the first blow was landed and Barb's attempted escape, someone locked the back door, trapping the woman inside.
     "You got them?" the girl said.  Barb nodded as she looked up at the tall girl.  She was clad in tight jeans and boots and a snug black and white sweater.  She felt intimidated by the 6'0" tall girl; she handed the girl the dope before she got the cash.  She was still a rookie at this "drop and collect" shit and just plain scared. Problem was, the girl had no intention of paying her.  It was a set-up.  As Barb looked at Trudy and asked for the money, she got shoved from behind.  Barb flew over a striped couch and landed across a wooden bench -- both of which had been moved there near some other heaps of junk and chairs.
     Trudy then said, "Time to face your punishment, bitch," and then disappeared.
     With her body splayed across the wooden bench and leather biker purse now on the floor, she looked back and saw one of the fattest girls she's ever seen.  The girl was also eighteen and about 6'4," with hips as wide as a barn door.  Barb's heart pounded as she tried to push herself up, knowing the girl was now waddling toward her, fists curled and glaring at her as if she were her appointed executioner.
     Barb scrabbled her long nails on the tiles but couldn't get to her feet.  The girl trundled around the bench, her footsteps vibrating the floor, hiked up her giant leg up and stomped down on Barb's left shoulder.
     "Uhhhhhhh," cried Barb, as her face struck the cold tiles.  She tried to push herself up, but the girl stomped on her back.  Barb's chin smacked the floor.  Her head spun.  The fat teen then grabbed Barb's left leg and flung her off the bench and onto the floor.
     Barb gasped as she lay on her stomach.  She tried to move but couldn't.  The rhino had injured her shoulder.  She also felt as if her upper ribs were crushed.
     "You should know better, coming into a high school and pushing your drugs, biker slut."  The girl smirked and grabbed Barb's hair.  Seconds later, she pulled her to her feet by her long blonde hair.  Barb screamed as the girl clutched her golden mane and punched her in the stomach.  The biker chick fell to her knees but immediately got yanked to her feet.  This time, the girl delivered an upper cut to her solar plexus.  Barb dropped to her stomach on the floor -- hands splayed.
     "You biker cxnts think you're tough waltzing around our school in your tight jeans selling drugs.  Well, let's just see how far you get today, slut.  It's payback time, little bitch."
     Barb struggled to get to her knees.  She fell to her ass and then on her back.  The girl trudged forward and grabbed for Barb's boots.  The biker woman kicked her boots out, prompting the girl to back up.  Just as her boots landed on the tiles, the girl stepped forward and kicked Barb in the crotch.  She smirked and repeated the brutal blow seconds later.  Barb writhed on the ground in agony.
     "A message for your little shaved cxnt.  I guess that's why you can slide into those tight jeans of yours."
     Barb didn't answer.  "Maybe you think of me when you can't have sex with your boyfriend tomorrow, bitch."  The girl kicked Barb in the pussy again.
     "Uhhhhhhh.  Oh, please stop."  The fat teen kicked her in the cxnt again.
     "Ummphhh!"  Barb grabbed her crotch and rolled to her right.  But the girl reached down, grabbed her hair with both hands and yanked her to her feet.  The biker chick screamed in agony as she got pulled up from behind.  The girl then turned her around and engulfed her in a brutal bear hug, hoisting Barb three feet off the floor.
     Barb looked up and moaned as the girl squeezed the life out of her. 
     "I oughtta just squish you to death now, you skinny bitch.  You're a worthless piece of shit."
     "What are you, a stripper or something?"
     "No," said Barb.
     "Yeah you are.  With that ass."
     "Okay.  I am.  Just let me go."
     The girl dropped the woman on her boots.  She watched the thin older chick stumble around, letting out a deep chuckle as Barb struggled to stay on her feet. Just as Barb looked up, legs wobbling and mouth parted, the high school girl belted her in the mouth with her fat fist, which knocked her back five or six feet near the steps.
     With blood flowing down both sides of her mouth, Barb tried to run up the steps, but the girl grabbed one of her boots and pulled her back down.  She then grabbed Barb by her hair again and yanked her off the steps.  Barb screamed some more.  She slapped at the girl.  The girl laughed.
     "You ain't gonna take me out with those weak little slaps 'cause I'll murder you with my punches.  Barb stopped slapping and backed up.  Just then, the girl lunged forward with her quick, athletic agility and smashed the biker chick in the nose.  Barb's nose popped like a cherry as blood sprayed on her shirt and sweater. Another blow to the temple knocked her to the floor, her head barely missing the step.  The girl grabbed Barb by her jacket and belt and hurled her across the room.  Barb landed with a thud.
     The huge girl and slim woman were now at the top of the steps, leading to the back door.  Barb was on her knees with her arm up to protect herself.  Half the blonde's face was bloody, but the fat girl was far from finished with the beating.  She reached down, pulled Barb to her feet, grabbed her from behind between the legs and by the front of her throat, hoisted her up and threw her down the steps.  Barb slammed into the door with her right shoulder.
     Barb weakly raised her arm up and tried to push the crash bar on the door, but it was locked. The girl let out a sonorous laugh. "You're not going anywhere, you little bitch!"
     "Oh, please.  You win.  I give."
     "It doesn't work like that."
     The biker chick sank to her ass.  She panted as she sat there bleeding from multiple orifices.  The fat teen waited a few seconds, then waddled down the steps toward her prey. This time, she picked Barb up under the arms and slammed her back-first against the door.
     The behemoth slammed Barb against the door twice more.  Barb smacked the back of her head against the door the last time, which sent her reeling into a dizzy spell.  She stumbled around at the bottom of the steps.  Seconds later, the fat girl grabbed a fistful of denim near Barb's crotch, picked her up under the chin, tilted her head back and rammed her head into the door.
      Barb sank to her side like a sack of potatoes.  The girl lifted her head up and slammed the side of her face on the tiles and knocked her out.
     When she came to, Barb was on her knees in the girl's locker room; her arms were tied to a weight bench with her bare ass exposed.  This was how the cops found her after the girl had dragged her the entire length of the school to the locker room.  Some say the fat girl dragged Barb across the floor to the locker room by her boots as Barb lay on her stomach; the girl then ripped off her sweater, jeans and boots.  Rumor has it the girl wanted to kill the woman and dump her body in the pond behind the school.  But several girls stepped in to save her.  The fat teen was choking her with her forearm as Barb kneeled on the floor naked before the girls intervened. The tie-up was a wicked suggestion that both humiliated the biker chick and sent her to jail.
     Drug-dealing biker chicks be warned!  There are some girls that want to do more than harm you if you sell drugs in their schools.  So the next time you think about prancing that tight-jeaned ass around a high school, remember that you may have to face the fattest girl in the school.  And she won't take it easy on your skinny little delicate body.  She'll be out to spill your blood and may even try to kill you.  It's just a matter of time before you or one of your biker chick friends gets murdered if you meet up with the wrong teen girl.
 :o A 6'6" 396 pound girl named Alice, an eighteen year old girl bully, has headed over to a sexy twenty-eight year old teacher's apartment to warn her about flunking and suspending a friend of hers.  Debbie Preston, an English teacher who is only 5'4" and 112 pounds, is preparing to go out to a country bar on a week night.  She doesn't know this girl because the girl is not in her class.  But she's heard about this brutal monster.  And as she steps out of the shower and gets ready for a night on the town, she's about ready to get the surprise of her life.  And this is one unfortunate predicament that she won't soon forget:

     Debbie buttoned her shirt up again and revealed just the tops of her breasts.  Debbie's breasts were relatively small, but they looked perfectly proportionate on her petite figure.  Debbie eyed herself with admiration in the mirror.  Her hair was feathered out more than usual.  It looked sexy on her.  Hopefully, the guys liked it. 

     Someone pounded on the door again.  It was the third time.  Debbie thought about ignoring it.  She didn't like to answer the door after dark.  It could be just one of the guys trying to sell her The Columbus Dispatch, which she already received every day.  Those people kept such terrible records.

     "Just a minute," Debbie shouted, as she found her blue bandana and tied it around her neck.  Debbie peeked through the eyeglass but didn't see anyone.  She then unlocked the door and opened it.  She had just taken a step outside, when someone grabbed her by her sore arm and back of her neck and shoved her back inside her apartment. 
     In a painful flash, Debbie got whirled around and slammed against the wall.  The second time, a wave of dizziness struck her as her head flew back and banged against the wall, immediately knocking an indentation into the dry wall.  Seconds later, she felt her body being lifted as the large, blurry mass in front of her picked her up under the arms, hurled her to her right and slammed her back-first against the front door.  The door slammed shut as Debbie felt the breath leave her body. 

     When the hellish spinning and one-sided wrestling match finally ended seconds later, Debbie found herself staring up at some huge teenage girl who was built like an NFL lineman.  The girl's immense hands now covered Debbie's mouth and her fingers clutched her cheeks so tightly, she thought her jaw would be crushed.  Debbie's head was pinned against the door.  The girl had her immobilized as she peered above the mammoth's hand and stared up at the enormous dark eyes that were boring a hole through her.  The girl towered over her by at least a foot.  Her face was as round as the moon—the appearance of which alone galvanized her with fear.  Debbie gasped and squeaked out a whimper, breathing for the first time after getting the wind knocked out of her.  Her jaw slackened but the girl still had a firm grasp on it.

     "Who are you?" Her voice was muffled by the girl's mitt—part of which was now partly in her mouth. 
Debbie thought she tasted chocolate.  "Get out of my apartment!"

     With the knock on the head it had taken her a second to recognize Alice.  She'd never seen her up close, but the girl was even bigger than she imagined.  And the monster girl might've just given her a concussion.

     Debbie tried to squirm but the only thing that moved was her right cowboy boot.  It arced up a few inches then fell backward, as her heel kicked the door.  Perhaps it was a futile self-defense reaction, a weak attempt to kick the giant girl that now held her prisoner.  But she slowly placed her boot on the tile area of the floor and continued staring at the teenager.

     The girl smirked.  Debbie looked away, then down.  The girl was hideous.  She could no longer stare at her.  The girl slowly raised her fat leg and stepped on Debbie's boot with her giant gym shoe—hands still gripping her mouth, the walls of her cheeks nearly forced together.  Excruciating pain lanced through Debbie's toes.  The tall, fat girl applied more weight, momentarily losing her grip on Debbie's mouth. 

     "You're hurting me," cried Debbie.  "Ohhhhh!  Please stop."

     The girl removed her foot.  She then lowered her thick arm and trapped Debbie against the door with her large belly, hands propped on the door on both sides of Debbie's head.  She grabbed both of Debbie's shoulders, sinking her fingers into the flesh of her collarbone.  Debbie's chin dropped to her upper chest.  Her legs felt rubbery.  She couldn't see anything below the bust line of her shirt, except the top half of the girl's jersey.  Debbie perused the red letters that said Madison Girl's Softball as she slowly raised her head and looked up at the girl.  Her heart skipped a beat as soon as her eyes met those of the teen's, who was now snarling at her. 

     "You Miss Preston?" the girl said in a husky voice, scanning her breasts and slender frame as she backed up enough for Debbie to catch her breath.  Debbie felt as if she would fall flat on her face if the girl backed up any farther.  Her legs wobbled.  Debbie gawked at the girl—unaware that her jaw was slackened again and her mouth wide open.  This girl was the epitome of pituitary freaks—oversized bones, swollen cheeks, thick brows, lips and nose.  And those hateful, wretched eyes were just downright frightening.  Debbie looked down again but the girl grabbed her chin, elevated it and shoved her head against the door. 

     "Ouch," said Debbie, who already had a knot on the back of her head.  She closed her eyes tightly and sank her top teeth into her bottom lip to fight the pain.  She respired heavily.  White stars danced before her as she blinked her eyes.  The girl held Debbie's chin just above the throat as Debbie stood with her arms hanging limply at her sides.  The girl raised her hand, squeezed Debbie's cheeks and pried her teeth apart, slackening her jaw.

     "I'm going to ask you again and you're going to answer.  Understand?"  Debbie nodded but could only move her head slightly.  The giantess nodded it for her.  "That's a good girl.  Now, are you Miss Preston?"

     "Yes," said Debbie, her voice again muffled by the girl's thick palms.

     "Good.  Do you have a student named Claire Whalen in your class?" 

     Debbie squirmed, but the girl immediately threw her hip into Debbie's solar plexus and knocked the wind out of her again.  Debbie's knees buckled and she slid down the door a few inches.  The girl grabbed her under the armpits and lifted her against the door, holding her up a few seconds.  Debbie's boots dangled a few inches off the floor tiles. 

     "Don't try that again."  She dropped Debbie to her feet and grabbed her mouth again.  "I don't want to hurt you.  Claire asked me to come by and see if you'd reconsider the suspension.  Understand?"  Debbie nodded.  "Now, you can make this difficult or easy—it's up to you."  The girl removed her hand from Debbie's jaw.

     "You can't tell me how . . ." 

     The bruiser punched Debbie in the stomach and instantly knocked her to her knees.  The behemoth then waddled forward, bent down and grabbed the back of her blond mane; and jerked her head back.  Debbie was now gawking up slack-jawed at the huge girl from her knees.  The bottom of Alice's belly (actually her crotch) hovered six inches above her head.  Debbie's arms hung limply at her sides—her back arched, fingertips curled on the floor, the ass cheeks of her blue jeans resting against her boot heels.

     "Miss Preston, I know you're not a stupid woman.  Now, are you going to cooperate, teach, or do you want some more?  I can keep this up all night."  Through clenched teeth Alice tugged back on Debbie's hair.  Debbie's mouth shot open as she grimaced in agony.

     "Please!  Oh, God, I've had enough," Debbie said weakly.  "You win.  I'll cancel the suspension."

     "Good girl," said Alice.  She released her grip on Debbie's hair and stepped back—her amorphous blob still hovering above Claire's tiny English teacher.

     Debbie's chest heaved as she sobbed into her hands, still on her knees, head down.  Alice smiled–her face ballooning out.  "By the way, Claire would like her grade changed, too.  She said a B would be good.  What do you think?"

     Debbie still had her face in her hands.  She felt humiliated.  She wanted to die.  The girl grabbed Debbie's thin wrists with both hands and pried her arms apart.  She clutched Debbie's chin and lifted her head back again.  Debbie stared straight up at the girl's round face, which had reddened a bit as she struggled to catch her breath.  Bending over was obviously difficult for her.

     "I asked you a question, Miss Priss . . . I mean Miss Preston.  Will you change Claire's grade to a B?"

     Debbie looked up with tears in her eyes.  "No way will I change her grade to a B.  You can kill me if you want.  I won't change her grade."  Debbie was trembling.  She thought the girl was going to pummel her senseless as she glared at her with those evil eyes. 

     "Well, we can discuss that later."  She released Debbie's chin and stood straight up.  The girl then pointed at her.  "For now, the suspension is off.  And for your sake, I hope you keep your end of the bargain.  If so, I don't have a problem with you.  If not, I'll be back . . . and it'll be worse next time.  I can promise you that."

     "Oh, one last thing–I wasn't here.  If you tell anyone I was here, I'll be back again.  Understand?" 
Debbie nodded.  She was kneeling but now watched the girl.  The giant teen smiled at her. 

     "Nice belt buckle," she said.  She bent her massive form at the waist, reached down and ran her fingers over the words and horse on the buckle.  Debbie swallowed and turned her head.  She blinked a few times as she eyed the girl from her peripheral vision.  "You a cowgirl or something?"  She smiled at Debbie—her full face beaming—as she stared down at Debbie and waited for a response.

     "Yes.  I was a barrel racer when I was in high school." 

     "Good deal."  The girl admired Debbie's ensemble for a second; then she turned around, opened the door and left without looking back.

     Debbie knelt for a few more seconds and caught her breath.  She then fell to her side—her face now flat against the cold, hard tiles of the entryway floor.  Her throat ached and her cheeks felt numb where the girl had squeezed them.  Debbie writhed and cried on the floor.  It was twenty minutes before she got to her feet.  She stumbled a couple of times on the way to the kitchen.

     "Oh, God."  She drank a glass full of water and gasped.  Her entire body trembled.  Her stomach hurt and her jaw was now numb.  "I can't go out like this."

     She walked to the bathroom and gazed into the mirror.  Her makeup was smeared and her hair was mussed up.  And in addition to the bruised sternum and head, she now had thick, red rings around her neck and more streaks across both cheeks.  She limped to the phone and dialed Jane's number.  She wasn't home so Debbie left a message.  She said she couldn't make it tonight.

     Debbie lay on the couch for the next twenty minutes, knees tucked to her chest and arms crossed.  All she could hear was the pounding of her heart and ringing of her ears.  Then the stereo downstairs thumped on.

     What kind of place was this?  Debbie thought.  I've got two gigantic teen girls after me—one in my class and one a friend of hers.  And the one is going to come back and hurt me more if I don't let her friend back in school.  Maybe getting back into teaching wasn't such a good idea after all.  She obviously couldn't handle it.  And the pay sucked. 

     Debbie replayed the fight all night and didn't sleep.  How could she have defended herself better?  The girl was tall, athletic and as fat as a barn door.  She outweighed her by at least two hundred and fifty pounds.  But Debbie was skilled in kickboxing.  She thought about it more.  It was two A.M.  She finally let it go.  The girl had blind-sided her with the attack.  She didn't have a chance to react.  But even if the two had met on the street somewhere face-to-face, the girl would easily flatten her.  She was just too big and strong.