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Topics - Dominic456

Music can alter a person's heart and breathing rates
When you listen to music, in addition to the brainwaves getting altered, you heart rate and pulse rate also are affected. Relaxation can be as easy as a listening to a slow piece of music, like the sublime Indian raga feel in the song, Humility, on Sacred Love, and encouraging the body to slow down.
Certain sound frequencies can dissolve blocks
Do you remember the commercial of the opera singer shattering a glass with her own voice? In a situation in which the voice of the singer is quite consistent with that of the glass, this happens. This is the same principle behind such ultrasound devices as those that detect things like kidney stones. Kidney stones can be broken up by ultrasound waves and eliminated with urine, providing an alternative to invasive surgical procedures.
Music has many benefits and uses for personal healing and in the medical world. Integrating music like Shambhu's Sacred Love into a healing regimen can benefit people who suffer from a wide assortment of ailments and conditions.