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April 12, 2009, 07:30:52 PM Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 11:42:58 AM by bikemancody
Several years ago there was a girl gang that used to frequent the local Taco Bell.  It had always been a big hangout for youngsters because of the value menu, and these girls were no different than the usual kids other than they were extremely violent.  It wasn't until a few of them got in trouble months after this particular incident that I understood what some of these girls were up to.

Basically, the gang members used the restaurant as their stomping grounds (no pun intended--okay, maybe) to seek out potential victims for the initiation of new members.  The final test in getting into the gang was to kick someone's ass.  At times I had witnessed fights in the parking lot of the restaurant as I was one of the managers.  And I had to break a few up from time to time.  But it wasn't until one of my female crew members explained that the girls got more brownie points for kicking an older girl's ass that I fully understood why the gang used the restaurant parking lot.

There was a bar nearby that was frequented by bikers.  Some of the biker chicks, many of whom were strippers, liked to go to Taco Bell for their evening break or even after they got off work.  Some came alone and these women often became targets of the girl gang members.  My female crew member who was sixteen told me that the biker chicks were thought to be easy prey for the potential girl gang members.  They were usually skinny as most strippers are and usually didn't report the fights because some were even drug runners or dealers who worked alone.  The girl gang members being as violent as they were particularly liked seeing some of these women bashed.  And the women usually didn't report the fights because they didn't want to be further questioned or were too ashamed of getting beat up by a high school or  middle school girl.

On one particular night there was a little redhead who came into the restaurant.  I remember waiting on her.  She pranced into the restaurant in tight jeans and high black boots.  She was probably about 26 and was only about 5'4" and less than 110 pounds.

She bought a Taco salad and diet drink inside then left.  But it wasn't five minutes later that a disturbance transpired outside the drive-thru window. 

"Fight," I heard one of the guys yell. 

I then ran outside and saw a group of girls in a circle surrounding a fight taking place between some young girl and the sexy redhead.  The girl was only about 14.  She had stringy black hair and looked sort of fierce.  And at 5'9 and 140-150 pounds she had a clear size advantage over the redhead.  And she was clearly using it.  She threw a punch that jarred the redhead's head back and then charged her, grabbed her hair and delivered a knee to the woman's groin.  The woman dropped to her knees then fell forward on both hands.  The girl wasted no time in placing a punt kick at the redhead's midsection that knocked her on her back.

"Get up, bitch," she shouted.  "I want to stomp your little ass some more.  Come on, bitch!" 

The woman was writhing on the ground.  Some of the girls were shouting at her and calling her names.  Then some huge fat chick of about sixteen stepped in, grabbed the biker chick by the hair with one hand and pulled her to her feet as if she weighed nothing.  A look of terror was etched on the woman's face as she was being lifted.  She waved feverishly at the girl with several slapping motions but to no avail.  She screamed it hurt so badly.

"We ain't even half way done with your little ass, biker cunt," the girl said.  She then put the biker chick in a rear bearhug and turned her toward the young girl.  "She's all yours."

The woman kept trying to get away but the fat girl grabbed her again after releasing her.  This time when she turned her toward the girl I saw that the biker chick's face was already pretty messed up.  Blood was flowing from her nose and mouth as well as trickling from one of her eyebrows.  She looked terrified and with good reason.  Her thin little shoulders and arms were now in the grasp of the nasty-looking fat chick who literally towered over the woman by six or eight inches.  The fat chick started shaking the woman.

"You'll don't want to deal with me, bitch, so get your little ass over there and fight."

The biker chick continued to squirm and get away.  She then stomped down on the girl's shoe with her boot.  And at that point I was really concerned.  A glare in the fat chick's eye soon transmogrified into a maniacal leer.  She threw the crook of her elbow around the biker chick's neck and started choking her.  She pulled back on the woman's head and I saw her slim body convulse a couple times as her legs buckled in two quick thrusts.  She was now on the toes of those high black boots as she started coughing.

"I'm going to murder you for that move, cunt!" 

"That's enough," I shouted, marching toward the semicircle.  The fat girl now held the biker chick by the front of her throat and had just cocked her fat fist back.  She was clearly about ready to knock the biker chick's head off but instead looked at me and dropped her fist.  The biker chick's body then collapsed to the pavement--partially from exhaustion and even more likely due to sheer relief, a cartharsis from realizing she would've been pounded into oblivion by the huge fat girl with no other help but my own.  I was her only hope.

We don't see these girl gangs as much anymore.  Some are actually locked up now, I hear.  And the redhead is doing fine.  I actually went out with her a few times but never mentioned the fight.  The fourteen year-old girl who she had fought had broken her nose.  And the fat chick had actually put her in a neck brace for a week because of all the choking. 

No doubt, these girl gang members are very fierce and ruthless today.  And when a hapless biker chick wanders into their path the consequences can spell disaster.  I warn any women out there to walk around in groups and not by themselves when they frequent teenage hangouts.  These girls mean business and can seriously injure you.  And the sexier you are and dress--with the tight jeans and the belly button showing with your latest pierced navel pieces--the more likely you are to be a target.  I kid you not.

#1 April 12, 2009, 09:38:05 PM Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 10:35:47 PM by bikemancody
Biker chicks are easy prey for these girl gangs.  These girls know a weaker adversary when they see one.  They pick fights with women they know they can trounce then pounce on them.  It's brutal but a veritable reality.