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  • (April 02, 2020, 07:36:09 PM)
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gorgeous "Latin Bombshell" Rosa at 5'2" and 109 lbs. was sentenced to 120 days in a Womens State Prison for shoplifting. From the shadows in the far corner of the "dormitory" of 25 cots came this deep woman's voice saying- "C'mere Babycakes" Rosa gathered her belongings & walked towards the voice. She heard the cot creak and groan as this humongous shape stood up as she got close. "Tiny" was 6'4" tall and 560 lbs. She had a picture of a snake tatooed on her massive 30 inch arm. She told Rosa to take the cot next to hers & that from now on Rosa was to be her "bitch" Rosa's latin temper got the better of her & she told Tiny to back off. The other inmates heard this, and sat up in their cots to watch what was going to happen. Tiny grabbed a handfull of Rosa's hair & held her up until Rosa was on her tippy-toes. With her free hand, Tiny curled her fat fingers into a fist, and with an upper-cutting motion , slammed her fist into Rosa's belly. Rosa's entire body was lifted 4 inches off the ground, and she would have collapsed if it wasn't for the grasp that Tiny had on her hair. Tiny then clamped her other hand around Rosa's neck and lifted her high in the air as if she were a rag-doll. Tiny slammed her to the hard cement floor, and stood over the helpless little body. Tiny then leaned down, and grabbed a hold of Rosa's dress & yanked it over her head. She tossed the dress into a corner, leaving Rosa lying on the floor in nothing except a pair of white cotton panties. Tiny then took her fat foot, and placed it squarely on Rosa's abdomen. Rosa screamed in agony as Tiny applied more & more weight until Tiny's entire 55 inch thigh was standing directly on her. Rosa was barely conscious & completely helpless by this point. Tiny got off of her, & scooped her up in her massive arms, & carried her over to the next room where the shower stalls were. Tiny then took off her own dress, and with one hand, tore Rosas panties right off her body. She then held the semi-conscious Rosa under the water until she came to. She then gave Rosa a washcloth, and for the next 20 minutes forced Rosa to soap and wash every bulge & every roll of fat on her huge body. As if this wasn't humiliation enough, when she was done, Tiny waddled foward until Rosa was pinned against the shower tiles by Tiny's huge belly. Tiny then fell foward, crushing the tiny little woman under her mountain of fat. She completely engulfed Rosa, and just continued to grind her pussy against Rosa's pelvic bones, getting herself off while Rosa was being crushed. Finally, Tiny backed off, and Rosa collapsed to the floor. Tiny picked up the unconscious girl as if she were a baby, tossed her onto her cot, patted her small firm round ass, and said that from now on Rosa was indeed her bitch & life was going to be interesting around here!
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Watching the other women prisoners defer to Tiny was amazing. Whenever the 6'4' 560 pound "Tiny" would enter the mess hall, the other women prisoners would scatter, allowing her to sit wherever she wanted. Also, Tiny would have following her, her "bitches", Rosa who was 5'2" and 109
pounds, and her newest follower: Gina. Gina was a 25 year-old drug addict who was a skanky looking blonde who was 5'6" tall & 97 lbs. When she was brought to the "dormitory",
she was in the throes of withdrawl, & was in bad shape. Tiny greeted her by grabbing one fat hand around her throat, lifting her up in mid-air, and announcing that she too was one of her "bitches". Gina was very weak & still trembling from the "shakes" but she tried to pull away from this huge monster. Tiny just smiled at her futile attempts to pull away, and just using one finger, she grabbed Gina's wrist, and dragged the helpless girl to the far corner of the room. Unlike Rosa, she didn't sexually moleste this one, she just clamped one fat hand into this huge fist & slammed it into Gina's tiny waist. Gina gasped & knelt down on her hands and knees coughing up blood. While she was in this position, Tiny waddled over until she was straddling the helpless girl. Tiny wrapped her massive 55 inch thighs around Gina's pathetic little body, crushing her between the huge rolls of fat on her thighs and the insides of her knees. Gina was already being squeezed into unconsciousness,
but in a final display of humiliation: Tiny just sat her huge ass on top of Gina's bony little body, and Gina just dissappeared from view under more than a quarter ton of fat as Tiny sat on her skinny back and squashed her into the hard cement floor. When Tiny finally rolled off her helpless victim, Gina was completely flattened and in terrific pain, but no other inmate dared to go
near her to try & help. Tiny picked her up by the hair, and dragged her back to the cot opposite herself & Rosa. She then told both of them than from now on, they were to do her bidding.
(to be continued)

For the next two months, Tiny forced 109lb. Rosa and 97 lb. Gina to be virtually her slaves. When there was laundry to be done, Tiny sent them to the laundry room while she lay on her cot. When Tiny went to the mess hall for meals, her two little "bitches" followed in her wake, looking like babies compared to the 560 pound monster. The other inmates scattered whenever they saw her, allowing her to sit where ever she wanted. For each meal, Tiny would load up her plate & then have the two little girls pile their plates full of food & sit down on either side of her. Tiny would devour her own plate in seconds & then eat most of the food from the girls plates while they picked at the food trying to get whatever they could. In essence, Tiny was eating 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, & 3 dinners every day. She was probably the only woman to be gaining weight while in prison. Even the guards were terrified of her. normally when a prisoner had to be transported across the yard or to the warden's office, one guard would come up clamp a set of handcuffs on the prisoner & walk her over. They found very early on that there was not a set of handcuffs in the place that would fit over Tiny's fat wrist. Therefor, when she had to be transported, 3 husky female guards, weighing 150 lbs., 160 lbs., & 170 lbs. would come to accompany her. They still were in fear, because Tiny outweighed all three of them combined, plus an additional 80 lbs. more! Luckily for them, Tiny never bothered them, she was too smart for that. She knew that she could do practically whatever she wanted to a fellow inmate, and not get into any more trouble. By the end of two months, Gina was completely straight and accustomed to life in jail. she was also fed up with being bossed around constantly by Tiny, and the thought of having to help bathe or massage those huge rolls of fat one more time made her skin crawl. The next time that Tiny told her to go to prison store to pick up & pay for a pack of cigarettes, Gina gulped, but said" No, get em yourself" Tiny laughed and said "quit fooling & get them now" Gina backed up a step, put her hands on her hips and said " i'm not kidding, Get them yourself, the exercise will do you good, you blimp" Tiny got up from the cot & started waddling towards Gina...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Great story! I'm waiting for the rest of the story. I just ask that you don't kill'em. Continue the squashing and facesitting  :D

Yes, this desperately needs continuing...