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Thier culture had been ridiculed, and repressed by just a small minority of the main society for hundreds of years for thier beliefs and practices, which were later made illegal by the government. Thier group had developed into it's own subculture constituting it's own ways, a social and religious hierarchy, aswell as a pattern of beliefs and sexual practices. Within the group women became the predominant sex, and more over fat women were the primary leaders, and deemed priestesses, and for one, a queen goddess to be worshiped by her subjects. Those were all others within the subculture. All males were relegated to complete, though voluntary servitude. All males being equal to eachother were dirrectly supervised by ordinary females led by priestesses who obeyed a high priestess, and all of which worshiped the queen goddess. To instill obedience and disapline in all thier followers the priestesses began to occassionally punish a male, and even an ordinary female by subjecting them to lengthy periods of great compression and suffocation utilizing the priestesses own weight and flesh to do so. This went on for generations ignored by the main society. It was when this practice became common as entertainment that the government of the society took notice as at the same time the number of followers of the subculture had doubled and tripled. Then the ridicule and repression of the subculture really began, and would last many more generations until the sollution was found that allowed them to live free.
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Author: spcbrown

Posted: 07 Oct 2003 18:54 The day finally came when the world government made the decision to completely segregate them from the main society. Funds were funneled to them to help buy transports off the home world to take them to one of the large moons orbiting the next planet away from the sun. On this moon was already a grid of small cities, and all of them developed for titanium mining. The males and ordinary females would take over those opperations after being trained, and the miners would have to return to the home world..The atmosphere on the moon was almost 103% of that on the home world allowed by the lush forrestaion over much of its surface which was just 70% the size of the home world. Gavity however was just that aswell, 70 to 75% of homeworlds. That however would be of great benifit to the priestesses and the queen goddess as they would weigh 25 to 30% less on thier new home moon, and therefore have greater mobility. The high priestess weighed about 880 pounds on the home world and now she would be able to move around much better weighing 264 pounds less on the moon. Many of the priestesses weighed around 600 pounds, and they would be just 420 pounds on the moon. They would all still be very heavy of course, especially the queen goddess. She weighed around 1600 pounds, and would still be 1120 pounds on the moon. Her mobility would still be quite restricted. Those males and ordinary females that sometimes carried them, 12 for the queen goddess, 8 for the high priestess, and 6 for any priestess, would have it much easier.
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Author: spcbrown

Posted: 10 Oct 2003 01:17 Upon their arrival to the new home their population of 40,000 males, 90,000 ordinary females, 12,000 priestesses, the high priestess, and the queen goddess disembarked the ships and saw their new home would have an abundance of different animal species and vegitation that would make up their food supply. Also there were any number of small, medium, and large fresh water lakes, aswell as a river system running down from various mountain ranges to keep them supplied with water. All this was neccessary, because they were going to have to be completely self sufficient, as the home world would not support them in any way once their people had left. The queen goddess deemed all of these resources to be managed and maintained, protected by her law. One of the species in particular that was found was a bipeedal creature, just three feet tall, that exibited a good deal of intelligence. They were feirce in defending themselves initially but were able to be domesticated. They were doomed to be crushed for supplimental entertainment and as food. They had overly perportionate heads and the priestesses found them a delight to crush. Another species was much like a wild bore from the home world. Once captured and subdude it too was a pleasure to crush for the priestesses. It had eighteen ribs that the priestesses loved to break.
Within the first year a palace was constructed for the queen goddess, incorperating a temple which was at one end of a massive colliseum like structure. The entire population came to the temple every morning and every night to worship her from below in the colliseum. If any missed a prayer session they were condimed to death. This naturally was done by crushing. Sometimes the high priestess would do the duty using all of her greater weight to break every bone in the victims body. If a member of the population commited a crime such as murder, or poaching, he or she would be put to death by the queen goddess herself. That process usually consisted of just her sitting on them for some period of time, perhaps only a few minutes, or for an entire day of torturing them under her massive bulk. All of this was done infront of an audience of the public and was considered entertainment.
The main event in entertainment though was held once or twice a year. It was the queen goddesses games where males and ordinary females were in combat with selected priestesses skilled in hand to hand fighting and grappling and having the goal of crushing their opponent by any means they desired. Often a prietess would wear sandals that had a metal sole. Some even had devises set up designed to crush captured opponents. They restrained the victim to a rock wall, and in front of them was a giant block of stone held up in the air by steel cables connected to a supporting frame. This block of stone was drawn back by a wench system and then released to ram into the wall and crush the victim with its driving force of several tons, splattering what parts of them it hit onto the wall, the ground and itself. Usually the block surface wasn't big enough to crush an entire body, but some systems were constructed that were capable of crushing eight to twelve people at once from the knees up. Some only up to the neck, and then their heads would be crushed by a priestess, the high priestess, or even the queen goddess sometimes.
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Author: spcbrown

Posted: 10 Oct 2003 15:48 Soon all the priestesses, the high priestess and the queen began to rapidly gain weight, because many of the meats they ate were very high in fat content. Also there was some vegitation they all ate that was high in carbohydrates. Before she knew it the queen had gained the weight she had lost due to having less gravity on the moon. She now weighed around 1600 pounds. On the old home world she would weigh over 2000 pounds now. Also some of the priestesses were getting pregnant where before all the breeding had been done between the males and ordinary females. All female babies born out of a priestess were adopted into the queens family. Female babies born out of ordinary females were religated to lower status unless they showed charactoristics of excessive obesity by age 5. Then they were taken into the queens family. Male babies of either ordinary females or priestesses would be subject to death for population control if neccessary. At times fiftty percent of them would be crushed at birth.
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Author: spcbrown

Posted: 12 Oct 2003 06:14 Over the years the highpriestess had become just as fat as the queen, and most of the priestesses were around 1000 pounds. They began to have festivels, orgyies dedicated to their decadence, celibrating in endless gluttony, objectifing their blubber for worship. The queen, high priestess and all priestesses took multiple sex partners, and their every orifice, and crevase filled with male seed. They consumed loads into their bellies. For this ultimate experience some of the males would be subjected to the extreme presures of weight, by incidentally getting sat on, or having one of the blubbery women roll over onto them in the moment, and crushing and or suffocating them, sometimes to their death.
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Author: spcbrown

Posted: 15 Oct 2003 02:28 Competitions were held in both eating and crushing that many of the priestesses competed in. In the eating competition just about every food available was eaten, many meats, and some fruits and vegitables. The prize for winning was only bragging rights and to recieve the addoration of ones bloated belly that was stuffed with many pounds of food. The crushing competition was a race to pulverize a nuber of Crushopians, the little three foot tall creatures, heads in an alotted time. It too was for bragging rights of having crushed dozens of those large Crushopian heads faster than anyone else, and having their feet and legs covered in blood splatter and brain matter from the creatures. The crush contestants were given more than plenty of food to eat, and the eating contestants were given many Crushopians to to crush. A wonderful time was had by all. Even those males or average females that found themselves benieth hundreds of pounds of blubbery female, perhaps well over a 1000 pounds, accepted their fate as good fortune.
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Author: spcbrown

Posted: 16 Oct 2003 16:25 Dozens of them were suffocated and or crushed to death by one or more priestesses. Some even died under the high priestess and others under the queen goddess. Either of thier 1600 pound bodies of pure blubber made short work of any being under them.
Little did any of them know they would all be dead a decade later when a giant asteroid collided with the moon. Had they not neglected the space observitories and science in general, they possibly could have saved themselves, or at least saw it coming and evacuated, but they were all so fat by then not even half of the priestesses would have fit on the ships. The ships probably wouldn't have functioned properly anyway, being so neglected too. Anyway since the asteroid hit the moon, the moon in fact saved the old home world which would have been hit five days later killing trillions.
...the end...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.