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Big Cutie Leah is a Football Fatty

Started by BigCutieLeah, October 27, 2014, 12:36:35 AM

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Come enjoy my latest set on and watch as I spend a Sunday afternoon lounging on the couch in my favorite too tight jersey, drinking beer and watching football. It's the only way I like to spend my Sunday and it could only be better if I had a big plate of spicy wings and you to share it with you!

Don't forget to take a peek at my private members only blog and be sure to follow the Big Cuties blog at


drinking beer, football and looking at you!  that can become a real quick addiction!


Quote from: bbwaddiction on October 27, 2014, 01:24:39 AM
drinking beer, football and looking at you!  that can become a real quick addiction!

Sounds good to me!



I'd love to see clips of u sitting on poor helpless guys


Quote from: squashme11 on November 02, 2014, 07:25:55 PM
I'd love to see clips of u sitting on poor helpless guys

I can't really make any promises as far as that is concerned, but you never know what the future holds.


If there's a possibility, can I be on the list  ;)


Quote from: CSkater on November 04, 2014, 12:48:16 AM
If there's a possibility, can I be on the list  ;)

Sure, we can start a list. ;)