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BBW Clubs => BBW Related Stories / Fantasies => Topic started by: fuel1563 on November 29, 2004, 10:11:52 PM

Title: Sparrows 3rd story
Post by: fuel1563 on November 29, 2004, 10:11:52 PM

I had just had to buy a new school uniform. The uniforms were bell like, shapeless structures, yet I had still managed to outgrow mine, again. I hadnââ,¬â,,¢t squashed anybody since ââ,¬ËœBoneheadââ,¬â,,¢ Lamb a few months ago and I was eager to try out my extra new weight. By sheer coincidence as I was returning to my study to begin prep. I saw Chris Falcon go into the gym. store room. He left the keys in the lock and the door ajar. I took the keys, stepped into the store pulling the door to and locked it behind me. The interior was a dim maze of equipment lockers, Falcon popped out from behind one of them to see who was locking him in. To grab his arms and sweep his feet out from under him was the work of a moment. Due to the suddenness of my attack I was settling my tummy down on Falconââ,¬â,,¢s torso before he even realised he was in trouble. Falcon was tall and strong so if I looked between my boobs, I could see his face over the curve of my stomach.
The extra weight I had added was all flab. My boobs were now huge, as was my arse. Even the flesh on my stomach felt soft, but that was just excess. Under about four inches of soft, warm, flesh, my tummy retained that medicine ball haness that made squashing so easy and so much fun. I leant forward slowly letting my tummy engulf him, it wrapped around his body until it touched the ground on either side. Then I started to make an impression on him. Up till now Falcon had been silent, too surprised to say anything. With a great rush the air was squashed from his lungs and he was unable to say anything. Squashing was now just so easy, tears poured from his eyes as he tried to beg me for mercy. I could feel his body getting flatter, my tummy deforming the shape of his rib cage and compressing his internal organs. Then suddenly he was unconscious, too late I realised that in my eagerness I had leaned into him far more than I had wanted to. By the time he came round again it would be last bell.
I almost leapt out of my skin when I looked up into three faces, lower sixth men who had just witnessed the squashing of Falcon. I had no idea what they were doing there but I was glad to see them, Falcon had gone before I had even started to cum. As I got to my feet they took off towards the back door, which I knew was locked since that is the first door I tried. The back door to the store room was reached down a narrow corridor that ran behind the changing rooms. I had to hold my hands behind my back as I stepped into the corridor because the walls pressed against the sides of my tummy. When they realised that the door was locked they turned and saw me squeezing towards them down the passageway, they went white with fear. I didnââ,¬â,,¢t know who the two taller boys were, but the short, pretty, blond one was called Terry Hopkins and he always had far too much to say for himself, I had tried for weeks to get him under me, now I had him where I wanted him.
The two taller boys were stood shoulder to shoulder with their backs against the door holding Hopkins in front as I made my stately progress towards them. With a bit of struggling I got my arms in front of me and grabbed Hopkins by the shoulders. He was less than average height and didnââ,¬â,,¢t even come up to my boobs. I bent my knees, pulled him against my stomach, turned sideways and straightened up. My back was firmly pressed against one wall, my tummy against the other and buried under a mountain of fat was Hopkins, with his feet about six inches off the ground. He had been shouting and screaming abuse as I walked up the corridor, now except for a coarse rasping of breath, he was silent. My boobs also touched the wall, since the level of my breasts was higher than the top of his head, to breath Hopkinââ,¬â,,¢s had turned his head sideways and tilted it back as far as he could. I placed my hands on my boobs and pushed them together, swamping his head. Even though he had his arms straight out sideways, I now covered him from his knees to the top of his head and from one wrist to the other. This was going to be enjoyable.
"What you are witnessing gentlemen is called squashing." I said, addressing the other two.
"You are in the right place, side views are the best way to appreciate the differences in size between the squasher and the squashed. Iââ,¬â,,¢m squashing young master Hopkins here for two reasons, one, and most importantly, I enjoy squashing; two, he asked for it by calling me names. Later on Iââ,¬â,,¢ll squash you two because I want to squash somebody and you are convenient. Then Iââ,¬â,,¢ll squash Hopkins some more."
They listened and watched in shocked silence. I let go of my boobs to allow Hopkins to draw a tortured breath, his face was absolutely black. As he went for his second breath I leaned in, even though the sound was muffled by my tummy, his ribs and joints started to make the most awesome popping noises.
"I can feel every one of those pops and cracks through my tummy, it is the most wonderful sensation there is. I simply canââ,¬â,,¢t believe that he is not enjoying it as well. Afterwards heââ,¬â,,¢ll tell me he didnââ,¬â,,¢t even though I can feel his hard on sticking into my tummy."
Suddenly he was no longer hard. I turned and let his limp body fall to the ground. Stepping over it brought me up against the strangers. The atmosphere in the corridor was claustrophobic to put it mildly. The two were wedged shoulder to shoulder with the door against their backs and their arms pinned to their sides, against their fronts was me. They were not over tall, so each had his chin resting on one of my breasts. It was then I realised that even though they were stood shoulder to shoulder, they could comfortably fit into the corridor. The same corridor that was pressing on the sides of my tummy, I was wider than the pair of them together. I hadnââ,¬â,,¢t been so pleasantly shocked by my size since the episode in the barn. My tummy was pressed very lightly against their bodies. The closeness of our bodies made it very warm and sensual, it would have been pleasant for all of us, if two of us were not about to be pancaked.
I leaned in, simply being the size and shape of an Earth Goddess started causing some serious suffering to two men. Watching two suffering at once was much more than twice the pleasure. I was discovering Earth power all over again. Dominating one person at a time was the very height of pleasure, now I knew I could do it to multiples was a new, undreamed of, bliss. It wasnââ,¬â,,¢t long before their heads sagged forward onto my breasts. I stepped back, caught them before they could fall and dragged them over the body of Hopkinââ,¬â,,¢s and into the store room. I lay them out side by side and sat across their hips. My tummy covered both their bodies right up to their necks. Unable to wait until they came round I leaned forward, my stomach covered them both until it just touched the ground on either side of them, I was able to squash them in tandem. I leaned back and waited for them to come round. As I waited I heard Hopkinââ,¬â,,¢s drag himself back to the land of the living. He was still in the corridor and I was at the other end blocking any escape.
"Come down here Hopkins, I want you to see this." I ordered.
He staggered down to the corridor just as the other two were coming round. I waited a few moments for them to get their breaths and for Hopkins to take in the sight of me completely dominating two human beings at the same time. I started to lean forward, the victims gasped and spluttered with pain. I spoke to Hopkins.
"See how the curve of my tummy digs into their bodies, it is just too big and heavy for them to resist. Listen to the pain they are in. Iââ,¬â,,¢ve barely even started yet."
I could feel the movements of both of them, struggling independently, equally futilely, whilst Hopkins watched, white with fear. Up to now they had been roaring with the pain, but when I leant in further they went quiet, their mouth open with silent screams, their eyes pleading with me.
"Just look at their suffering Hopkins, they are both bigger than you, both stronger than you, yet even together they canââ,¬â,,¢t stop me squashing them. Imagine what it is going to be like in a few minutes time, after I have squashed them, when I come over there and put all my weight on you. How long do you think your scrawny little body will last?"
I pulled back off the other two, allowing them to breath. Typically they wasted what little breath was available begging me to stop. I just looked at them between my boobs and rubbed my tummy. When they had some measure of breath back I looked Hopkins in the eye and started to reapply the pressure. Ever since the barn I have nearly always had to hold back to avoid killing the victim, but two of them allowed me to use far more of my weight than I had ever used before. I watched Hopkins watch me squash two big, strapping, lads into unconsciousness. Double squashing with an audience, I was going to have to make this a regular feature.
"Look at their rib cages flattening out, have you any idea how much that hurts. Itââ,¬â,,¢s not the lack of air that renders them unconscious, itââ,¬â,,¢s the pain. How do you think your skinny little chest will stand up to my tum?"
When all movement and sound had ceased from underneath me, I got slowly to my feet with out taking my eyes off Hopkins. I walked up to the corridor and had to push to make my tummy fit into it. By now he was shaking with fear, he backed slowly up the corridor followed by me. He stopped when he backed into the door and so did I, about two feet short of him. I got down on my knees, I was still taller than him, and started to shuffle along on my knees. He put his hands against my tummy in a hopeless attempt to stop me.
I stopped moving and spoke to him.
"Terry you donââ,¬â,,¢t honestly think you can stop me with those twig like arms do you? Come here."
I got my arms in front of me and offered him a hug, with some coaxing and cajoling, he stepped into my arms. I gave him a long, soft, hug, burying his head in my bosom and pressing him into the soft part of my tummy.
"See, fat isnââ,¬â,,¢t all bad is it?"
I felt him shake his head between my breasts.
"Remember that chair that broke last month when I sat on it, you found it particularly funny at the time. The way it snapped and collapsed in on it self. Thatââ,¬â,,¢s how your body is going to look when I squash you."
My boobs muffled his screams and my grip was too firm to let him struggle. I gently lowered him onto his back and went on all fours over him. As I started to apply the slightest pressure, I felt his body give. Squashing this easy was no fun at all. I got back onto my knees and pulled him to his feet, he backed up against the door struggling to get his breath. I moved forward, he put his hands against my tummy, I carried on moving forward. His arms popped out sideways, having made no difference to my progress. I pressed my body against him, then into him. He had been taunting me since I arrived at school, now the worm was getting his just desserts. I spoke softly to him.
"Feel how your ribs bent in under the pressure then, I told you it hurt didnââ,¬â,,¢t I. Just a little further... there, can you hear them all popping, if I wanted I could break them all at the same time. Now take a deep breath, thatââ,¬â,,¢s it. Have you had a poo to day, no, well, a little bit of squash and... there youââ,¬â,,¢ve had one now and a wee wee as well. Stop crying and take some big deep breaths. Now this one is really going to hurt. Yes I know Iââ,¬â,,¢ve been hurting you all along but this time Iââ,¬â,,¢m going to really squash you and physically damage something. Well first Iââ,¬â,,¢m going to break some of your ribs, then Iââ,¬â,,¢m going to rupture some of your internal organs. I could do it all at once, but Iââ,¬â,,¢m going to do nice and slowly, one at a time. Because I enjoy it more that way. Right, are you ready, no of course not, but I am. Lots of tummy like this and... ooh that was a loud one wasnââ,¬â,,¢t it, I think the door is magnifying the sound. It was your left floating rib breaking. Yes, it looked painful. Donââ,¬â,,¢t be silly, Iââ,¬â,,¢m not even nearly finished yet, lots of squashing still to do. See, when I squash you now... it isnââ,¬â,,¢t that much more painful is it. Iââ,¬â,,¢m going to use my tummy to break your right floating rib now, so some more deep breaths. Of course it hurts you, Iââ,¬â,,¢m squashing you and that is what squashing is all about. Some nice big deep breaths and some nice big tummy and... there. It wasnââ,¬â,,¢t as loud this time was it. Really, it didnââ,¬â,,¢t look as painful. Now when I squash... can you hear that grating noise, thatââ,¬â,,¢s your ribs. Feel those two lumps there, thatââ,¬â,,¢s your ribs being pushed out of the way. Now when I squash you they wont hurt anymore... Well, they were protecting your insides, now my tummy can pop your internal organs. Just a little tummy... and I can feel all your bits moving around and flattening out, can you feel that? Ribs not hurting? See, I told you. Now some nice, slow, tummy... mmm, some interesting pops and squeaks there. Take some deep breaths and here we go again... oh lots of noises that time. Yes it is a nose bleed, you have blood coming out of your mouth as well. No, not finished yet. Usually there is something that makes a noise like a tyre going down, Iââ,¬â,,¢ll try again... well lots of strange sounds, but not the one Iââ,¬â,,¢m after. Once more... ah there it is. Yes, it sounded painful. I think youââ,¬â,,¢ve been squashed enough, but Iââ,¬â,,¢ll give you a little more tummy, just to be on the safe side..."
I was still having an orgasm when I stood and watched his broken body fold up and sag to the floor. I turned round and saw Falcon behind me. He leapt forward, threw his arms around my neck and kissed me full on the mouth. He hadnââ,¬â,,¢t been as unconscious as I thought he was and had witnessed everything. The last bell was due to go and we didnââ,¬â,,¢t have time for anything more. I dragged Hopkins body into the store room and pushed over one of the equipment lockers. It was full of cricketing gear, was very heavy and made a fearful crash. I managed to lift it up a few inches whilst Falcon pushed Hopkins body underneath it, then lowered it gently down on him. I took a key off the key ring, gave the rest back to Falcon and made my way out of the back door of the store room.
(Hopkins and the other two were out of bounds and got into serious trouble. It was assumed Hopkins was climbing on the locker when it fell and crushed him, causing two broken ribs and several internal injuries that required extensive surgery. Falcon had teachers leave to be there and escaped punishment. Nobody mentioned my presence there. It turned out that Hopkins and his cronies had been cleaning an air vent that would allow them to see into the girls changing rooms. The corridor, which served no real purpose, was bricked up at the store room end. Since I had a key, I had a long, narrow corridor, with only one exit, which proved to be great fun. Apparently, I also had a boyfriend, which also proved to be great fun).