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Messages - bbwbonnie

I know how much you LOVE my HUGE fat, growing body! You love all my squishy fat rolls & the heaviness of my enormous belly too. You are completely & utterly engulfed by FAT when you are with me. It must be so difficult going home to such a skinny gf after spending time with a big fatty like me! 
Don't worry though, I have a great plan. Let's make you skinny gf fat! I think we should make her SUPER fat too! Perhaps even fatter than me! So fat that I would look tiny beside her! Imagine how sexy that would be!

I'm such a GLUTTONOUS & greedy fat piggy. I'm completely & helplessly addicted to constantly stuffing my fat face! The delivery drivers (from the take out restaurants) all know me as they bring me so much food! I have been asked more than once if I am having a party! I guess they see all the food I order & assume that there's NO WAY all that could be for one person! I LOVE confessing that it's all for me too! The shock & disbelief on their faces just excites me so much!
After ordering a take out from my local restaurant, I stuffed it so fast & realised that I was still hungry! I just HAD to order even more food! The delivery driver couldn't believe I was once again ordering more, I could see him awkwardly eyeing up my ballooning belly, he didn't know where to look! I was in my tightest clothes & had everything hanging out, I felt so sexy & absolutely HUGE! I even got stuck in the doorway at one point!
If I was you GF we could play ALL day, everyday!
You would be pinned underneath all my fat, with my fat rolls spilling over onto you. Feeling the weight of my belly as you struggled beneath me. Grabbing, jiggling & squeezing all my rolls as I moaned in pleasure. 
I'm so fat now you can barely reach your hands around me. Wouldn't it be so much more fun if you made me even fatter too? A bigger Bonnie as your GF, one who could flatten you even more!

Stuffing myself into old clothes that are too small for me, I became breathless instantly while I struggled to contain all my fat rolls in the material! I could barely pull the shorts up my thick thighs & had NO chance of buttoning them up! I had to breathe in to button the shirt up too & my HUGE belly was straining against the buttons!
Heaving myself onto the sofa, I proceeded to stuff pizzas & chocolate pastries. I was moaning in pure ecstasy, completely aroused from the food binge & also from seeing all my fat jiggle like a wave. I felt so HUGE & sexy!
It wasn't long before my belly burst out of my shirt, again & AGAIN! 
Stripping down, I crawled onto the bed & jiggled all my fat while I stuffed more food on all fours. After my feast I was breathlessly stuffed & deliriously happy & VERY horny too! I desperately NEEDED a feeder to appear & tie me up & feed me some more....
I have been really spoiled with lots of chocolates & cakes over the Easter holidays! I think the effects are really starting to show on my body too! More of my belly flows onto the bed when I am on all fours & my feeder can barely get his arms around me. I am so wide now! 
I love feeling his hands all over me, grabbing & jiggling all my fat. I find it so arousing & love how into he is too! 
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!!

My feeder shoved cream cakes into my mouth as he jiggled my HUGE belly. I love feeling his hands grabbing & exploring all my new rolls & folds. He knows exactly what to do & say to turn me on!
I adore how absolutely HUGE I look in this video, don't you think I am much FATTER this Easter? ;)
As you can see, I'm the type of fat bunny who NEVER shares any Easter eggs! I eat all mine & steal others too! I wish you all a wonderful Easter!

My belly is so massive that I can easily hide things in my rolls & make them disappear completely! Even multiple things too! I was shocked that I could hide a remote control under my hanging gut while standing up & even walk while it was hidden under all my fat too!
Never thought I would get so huge that I would be able to do that! I couldn't help but try to hide some fattening treats in my rolls too & then eat them afterwards!

You know how much I love it when you feed me! When you rub my huge belly & stuff me with food, I become so aroused!
As my feeder shoved donuts into my mouth I moaned in pleasure. I could feel my belly beginning to swell & tighten as I consumed more & more food. I told him how utterly HUGE I wanted him to make me, as he jiggled & grabbed all my fat. I really want to be his 500lb piggy!

A year later & look how I have grown! You can really see the difference in the video a year before & the one a year later!
My belly is MASSIVE now! It's so much bigger than it was a year ago. It hangs more, sagging to my thick thighs & is a lot heavier now! I really feel it on my lower back when I stand & walk. My hips are wider, thighs thicker & I have now started to develop another chin! 
I feel like a sexy fat ball & cannot wait to see what growth another year brings!

After a HUGE stuffing I was relaxing on the sofa, rubbing my stuffed belly, when my feeder bursts into the room & demands to know what I'm doing! He begins to fat shame me into getting on the exercise bike. I think he secretly just wanted to see me struggle while I attempted to exercise! I couldn't believe that I had already outgrown my gym shorts! They are so tight & were digging into my fat making it spill over the waistband. 
After a few minutes on the bike I was panting for breath as my feeder told me what an unfit pig I was! Standing side by side, we compared how much fatter I was to him too.

Body Contrast: 3 times the size of my bf

I cannot believe how much bigger I am than my feeder! Look how HUGE I am compared to him. I must be at least 3 times his size! 
My arm looks as wide as his body from the side & my leg is bigger than his waist too! When he stands behind me I am so wide that he completely disappears too! You can only see his hands struggling to reach around my massive belly to grab & jiggle all my fat. This body contrast video really puts into perspective just how FAT I am!

Fatten me up to 800lbs

We both know I am completely addicted to stuffing my fat face & gaining weight. I really have no control & sometimes that even scares me! Just knowing that I do have sexual fantasies of becoming immobile & even though I feel that these will never be my reality, who knows? Maybe I will meet my perfect feeder & he will fatten me up to 800lbs! I will be completely helpless & dependent on him, FATTER than ever & still always growing.

I went to the doctors as it was time for my check up, but as soon as my doctor saw me we didn't even discuss the reason for me booking the appointment. He had other things on his mind, my weight & gain being the most concerning issue at present! He told me more shocking news & facts as I sat, squeezed into the chair, my fat rolls escaping over the sides. I was beginning to seriously outgrow that chair, I might even break it one day!
I'm sure my doctor would really be shocked & aghast then!
Can you imagine dating a fatty like me?
I would be constantly eating all your food, outgrowing my clothes & growing fatter by the day!
It's such an exciting thought! You would be able to grow me so much fatter & have my huge belly all to yourself to jiggle & rub as much as you wanted!

With my hands cuffed on the bed my feeder proceeded to rub, jiggle & slap my belly as he shoved cream cakes into my mouth. This was meant to be a form of punishment but I confess, I was thoroughly enjoying it!
Laying on the bed, I moaned with pleasure as more & more cakes were shoved into my mouth. I was barely chewing! I Felt like I wanted to eat more & more!
I wanted him to stuff me until my fat was bursting through my dress & I was breathlessly panting, but still begging for more!
It been a while since I spoke about my gains & showed off my growing body! Stripping out of my tight jeans & top, I jiggled my HUGE belly. I cannot believe how low if hangs down now! It feels so heavy, I can really feel the extra weight of it on my lower back!
I bet you never thought I would grow this HUGE, did you? This feedee is hopelessly addicted to stuffing, completely out of control & is only going to continue to get bigger & BIGGER!
I am such a junk-food junky! Absolutely addicted to greasy & fattening foods! I just cannot get enough of them!
There's something incredibly arousing about overeating large amounts of unhealthy foods! Just knowing what a greedy & gluttonous pig I am, having no control when it comes to my diet. Giving into my urges completely & not holding back, just lazing about everyday & becoming fatter & FATTER.
It's the sexiest thing ever!!

Sailor Moon has grown far too fat to be a super hero! Maybe she's under a weight-gain curse! She just cannot stop stuffing! Constantly gorging on fattening foods, with no interest in fighting crime any longer. Even her costume is beginning to become too small! She was even caught stuffing all the food from the fridge! Raiding it & eating lots of cream cakes! She will burst out of her costume if she doesn't stop this gluttonous behaviour!

To celebrate this Christmas I decided to show off to my feeder. 
Show him how HUGE he has made me! How much bigger my fat rolls are & how my belly hangs even lower. Grabbing my fat I jiggled & slapped it as I told him that I wanted him to make me even bigger! 
As I sat on his lap, I lay against him while he played with my belly. Squeezing my fat he began to tell me how much fatter he planned to make me, while I told him how utterly massive I was going to become for him! It was so arousing!


After stuffing 24 chocolate cream cakes my belly was sticky from all the mess!
I decided to waddle my fat arse to the shower & wash my blubbery body! Allowing the hot water to spray over my fat rolls, I soaped myself up & grabbed & jiggled my fat. Stripping down so I was completely naked, I moaned breathlessly while I rubbed my HUGE stuffed gut! 
Look at the size of me now! I take up so much space in the shower!

I was so stuffed after bingeing on lots of junk food ALL day! My belly was absolutely HUGE I was struggling to walk & panting breathlessly too. I felt so heavy & bloated! Stripping down I waddled over to the bed to lay down & rub my swollen belly. As I lay there thinking of all the food I had consumed, I felt myself getting aroused but found I could reach to pleasure myself as my belly had grown too big!! 
I struggled to reach for some time before asking my feeder to grab & jiggle my belly.  He couldn't believe how much fatter I had become & filmed me at all different angles so I could proudly show off my gain!

I recently had one of the weirdest but most arousing dreams! 
I was the FATTEST thief in the land & my gang of feeders stole from the rich to feed me! I lazed about ALL day, getting fatter & fatter while I waited impatiently for more food to stuff into my mouth. 
Day by day I kept growing & growing, until I completely burst out of my clothes & became stuck in my chair too! In the end I resembled a HUGE blob. Just a ball of fat, still waiting & wanting to be fed even more!

Don't you wish that you were as fat as me? You want your belly to be as enormous as mine, don't you?
I bet you would grow even bigger than me if you could! You love being a FAT & greedy piggy just like me!
If you want to give into gluttony fully & grow absolutely HUGE, you should watch this video & hear all my gaining tips on how to be a massive fatty like me!

I couldn't wait to stuff my fattening feast- a 20 inch pizza, 24 cream cakes & crisps! I wanted to bloat my belly out with lots of junk food!
Greedily I shoved more & more into my mouth, faster & faster. I seriously felt like I had no control! I was moaning in pure ecstasy while I rubbed & jiggled my ballooning belly. I could feel myself becoming extremely aroused as my belly began to tighten & swell from all the food. Standing up I proudly showed off my HUGE gut & plopped it on the table while I stuffed more cream cakes.
After I had finished my feast I felt incredibly breathless & it was IMPOSSIBLE to button up my jeans!

I love nothing more than to bloat my belly out! I love to look at the before & after effects. To see how HUGE it has become & also to feel how tight & swollen it is, it's something that arouses me so much!
I sat in the chair & tried to chug the beer as fast as I could! As I glided my hands over my hard gut a burp burst out. As I rubbed it more, I burped more. I was so gassy & bloated! As I stood up I felt the sweet pain of the bloat & struggled to breathe as I burped some more. It felt so good- I couldn't help but chug more &  more! I wanted to be more bloated than ever before!

I absolutely LOVE to shock people with my gluttonous ways! To see the disbelief & surprise on the faces of those who see my stuffing my face like a greedy pig, is one of the sexiest things to me. It arouses me so much to feel utterly humiliated, to hear whispers of others, to be fat shamed. So of course when I went to visit some family, I just couldn't resist making an absolute pif of myself! They really were so shocked!
Since gaining more weight there are so many new things that I struggle to do, some are simply impossible! Crazy to think my weight gain makes tasks that were once easy (ones that most people do effortlessly) incredibly hard or impossible!
I love knowing my struggles are caused by my own uncontrollable gluttony! Just knowing that my struggles will only increase, the more I gain too! Really arouses me!

I am such an unfit, fat pig! I really do struggle at times with the most simple tasks! Since gaining even more weight, I have noticed that I am waddling slower & stairs feel almost impossible at times too!
I decided I had to make an exercise video to show you all how unfit & out of shape I really am! I bet most of you could easily do the exercises I did in this video, I'm sure you think I am such a FAT lazy pig. You would be right, I really am! I'm only going to get more unfit the fatter I grow too! ;)

I wanted to be a FAT devil again this Halloween, so was very excited to squeeze into my new dress. I couldn't believe what a struggle it was to get my fat arse into! I struggled desperately trying to pull the dress down over my flabby arms & tits, but I just couldn't do it! I had to call my friend & get him to help me & even he struggled with it too! I could see the seams were really straining against the bugle of my HUGE belly! I knew that it was very possible that I could burst out of the dress eventually!
A month later I decided to squeeze back into the dress & again I needed help! To my surprise I noticed that in the struggle of tugging the dress down, I had tore it in many places. There were rips all over my belly!
A month later I really did burst out of my dress!

Laying on the bed I greedily stuffed the fast food I had just bought. I felt so stuffed from previously overeating, but felt like I couldn't control myself. Even though my belly was so swollen & painful from all the food I had consumed, I just HAD to eat even more!!
I rubbed & jiggled my HUGE belly as I moaned in ecstasy. I really did resemble a FAT blob as I lay there on the bed. Suddenly my bf returned home & caught me stuffing! I had promised I would try to eat more healthily & wouldn't eat any junk foods. He was so shocked at my gluttony & immediately began to fat shame me. It wasn't long until I was so aroused from the fat humiliation!
As a way to punish me for my greediness, he decided to force feed me. I felt as though I was about to burst, but he still proceeded to shove endless cream cakes into my mouth as he roughly jiggled & slapped my belly.
Wouldn't you LOVE to feed & fatten me?
I would be your very own piggy willing to grow fatter & fatter just for you. The more you fed me the more I would beg you too. I would be completely addicted to the feeding & gaining & you would be completely addicted to me. Both of us so desperate & excited to engage in Feederism together.
I just want to be your big, fat round blob.

Measurements comparison: 2019-2020

I made a comparison video in 2019 & completely forgot about it until I decided to make another one in 2020. They as I noticed that my measurements had changed slightly, I thought it would be extremely HOT to post a comparison video. To show off my gains to all of you. Don't you just LOVE a fatter & happier Bonnie?

Daddy's Gainer Girl

I have been getting fatter & fatter. Lounging about endlessly stuffing my face full of food, being a complete & utter greedy pig! Just how my daddy loves me to be! He wants me to be absolutely HUGE so has taken complete control over my stuffing & gaining. He has been tying me up & force feeding me. Weighing me weekly & commanding that I stuff beyond my limits. I love being helpless to his demands. Whatever my daddy says goes.

Check out my gain! Look how much bigger I am these days! Can you see how much lower my belly hangs? How my arms jiggle more & how much thicker my thighs are too! Of course, we cannot forget (as it's very apparent now) my MASSIVE double chin! My neck is fast disappearing, my cheeks are becoming bigger & fatter too. My whole face is becoming engulfed in fat! I absolutely love it!

I have never filmed something like this before, so was extremely excited to do so. Butt drops & trampling are thoroughly enjoyable for me. Seeing the person beneath me struggling under my immense weight & hearing them gasping for breath, arouses me for much!
It makes me feel absolutely HUGE & powerful too! Like a massive fat goddess abusing the person underneath! I jumped as high as I could & slammed down on top of my volunteer, each time I could hear the air exhale from his lungs & hear his discomfort too!