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Messages - bbwbonnie

I worked so hard in the past to be skinny. Gym everyday, watching what I ate but that wasn't something you seemed to like. I honestly couldn't believe it when you left me for a HUGE fatty! I couldn't believe how you could like a girl that big! I was shocked! 
A couple of years later & I am now at least double the size since you last saw me! I bet your couldn't believe your eyes when you saw your once skinny ex gf waddling down the street with all her fat rolls jiggling.  My glorious fat body is my revenge to you & a sheer delight to me too! If I had known sooner it was this enjoyable to give into gluttony & become a FAT pig, I would have done it years ago!
Fatty visits the Doctor

I very rarely go to see my doctor these days. I am generally too busy stuffing my face & lazing about on my sofa to even care about my health! As a fat person I am well aware of the risks of obesity, but I have no control when it comes to gorging on lots of fattening foods. I am truly addicted! However, something shocking happened to me & I HAD to go to the doctors. 
During my visit my doctor told me something absolutely astounding! I was amazed & very shocked!

Feed your FAT Cow

Feed me, stuff me. Make me absolutely breathless. I want to be heavily panting as you shove more & more cream cakes into my mouth. I want to be begging you to stop & begging to you continue. My belly will be HUGE, completely swollen & bloated. Like I was in this clip! 
After 12 cream cakes, I felt like I could barely stand! Struggling to my feet, I waddled over to my feeder to sit on his lap. I heard him groan as my full weight descended on top of him. 
He was no longer visible when I sat down & his arms couldn't even reach around my HUGE gut!

I'm always far too busy to meet my friends as I'm constantly just gorging myself senseless on lots of fattening junk food! So this time at the hotel was no different! I lay on the bed surrounded by junk food wrappers, rubbing my stuffed belly & panting heavily. My friend couldn't believe it when he saw me laying there!

I want you to double my weight this Valentine! I want you to feed me until I feel ready to burst! My belly will be massively swollen. I will look like I have swallowed a  beach ball & be so breathless that I will be unable to stand, let alone walk! You will feed me so much until I will be left immobile! 
I will be your immobile fat piggy by next Valentine. A piggy just lazing about waiting for you to stuff her even more with lots of fattening treats. So will you be my Valentine?

This Valentine my feeder decided to fatten me up with over 10K of weight gain shake, with lots of cream too! As he grabbed the funnel, my eyes lit up at the sight of it. It has been such a long time since I was funnel fed! I began to rub & jiggle my belly while he prepared my shake. I was getting so hungry & eager for my fattening feeding! I needed food in me right away so told him to pass me a donut to devour while waiting.  
As I began to drink from the funnel I chugged as quickly as I could, without stopping. My feeder was relentlessly pouring in the 2 litres of weight-gain shake. It was very exciting! When I had finished I was so bloated & round! I felt like I could barely stand!

I'm such a fat BLOB these days! Look how round I am! My skirt is so much tighter as is my top too! My back fat rolls are squishing together more. I can really feel all my FAT crushing together as I walk! My belly is also spilling further down my thighs towards my knees. I really am becoming such a fat BLOB.
I try to laze about as much as possible & stuff as much fattening foods as I can get my greedy hands on too. I really want to transform into the biggest & roundest BLOB! Can you imagine how HOT that would be?
Bonnie the BLOB.
I was so excited to wear my new jeans in the summer, I made sure to buy a size bigger than I usually do, so was certain they would fit! However, as soon as I put them on I noticed they were a bit too loose! Not an occurrence that I am accustomed to, it felt a little strange but also VERY exciting too! It gave me a clear goal: outgrow my jeans for the winter! 
I completely forgot about these jeans until I came across them a few weeks ago. I thought it would be SUPER hot to see if I had reached that goal. I honestly was so excited & couldn't believe the difference! It was quite a struggle to get them on & to get the buttons done up too!
Maybe I should try them on again in the summer!

Squeezed into my tight shirt, which was bursting at the seams with my fat bulging at the buttons. I began to chug over 2 litres of cream. I could really feel my belly beginning to swell & tighten as I drank more & more. Rubbing my fat belly I greedily reached for my donuts, cream just wasn't enough for this FAT pig, I needed MORE! Shoving them in as quickly as I could I barely chewed, just kept inhaling them all while chugging my cream. Once finished I became extremely breathless & my belly was MASSIVE! 
Stripping out my my clothes I proudly showed off my stuffed gut & flabby jiggles too! After my MASSIVE stuffing I felt so turned on, so I decided to play with myself while I spoke about how utterly HUGE I want YOU to make me!
I'm so lazy, I really am! It's beginning to get a little ridiculous! Knocking some fattening treats on the floor, I felt too lazy to pick them all up so decided to flop my fat arse down on the floor & stuff everything that had fallen. Leaning against the wall I rubbed & jiggled my belly as I moaned in pleasure while I stuffed more & MORE.
It wasn't long until I realised that I was now so stuffed that it was going to be a real struggle to heave my fat arse up from the floor. My friend tried to help me & chastised me for eating so much while sitting on the floor. He reached out & tried to get my up, but was really struggling with me too! I really am such a heavy pig!

I love it when you run your hands all over my body, grabbing & squeezing my rolls. I adore talking about how much bigger I am, hearing your shocked voice as you tell me how much I have grown. It's something that truly arouses me, I just cannot get enough of it! Seeing you jiggle my fat & watching your eyes light up as everything jiggles & wobbles. My entire body is just consumed by fat!
A complete blubbery mess & we both love it!

After struggling into my tiny bikini I greedily grabbed hold of a huge chocolate cake. I had been feeling so ravenous & extremely horny too! I just couldn't wait to get it all inside of me! I wanted to stuff like a fat pig, on all fours. Stripping down I placed it on the bed & ate it as quickly as I could, using only my mouth. I was moaning in ecstasy & could feel myself becoming very excited too.
I jiggled all my fat & felt the weight of my hanging gut flopped out on the bed. I was VERY wet & EXTREMELY turned on, shame I didn't have a feeder with me to take control & feed me.

I'm always promising my friends that I will meet them or go out with them. Yet so many times I give into temptation & gorge myself on ridiculous amounts of junk food. So much so that I feel as though I cannot even stand because I have become so stuffed! I begin to breath heavily & can feel myself getting more & more turned on.
So this time at the hotel was no different! I lay on the bed surrounded by junk food wrappers, rubbing my stuffed belly & panting heavily. My friend couldn't believe it when he saw me laying there! Looks like it's another night in for me!

Merry Christmas Everyone! I wanted to make a video about my time spent with a friend I hadn't seen for almost 2 years! Due to covid restrictions one of my friends was stuck in another country for a long time & couldn't get back. I was super excited to see him as it had been such a long time! I was expecting that he might notice that I had gained some weight, he is one of my friends who always comments on it! But I wasn't expecting to thoroughly enjoy his shock at must as I did! Such a turn on!

I recently went to the cinema & as my last trip was a tight squeeze, I was expecting an even tighter one! 
Yet NOTHING prepared me for how difficult it was to fit my fat arse into the seat! I guess it would make sense considering how much I have been stuffing recently. I really do not stop & takeout is constant for me. I'm too lazy to even cook for myself sometimes!! I really have let myself go to the point of no return. Life is never going to be 'normal' for me again. I'm too fat for that & we all know I'm only going to get much FATTER too!

I was laying in bed & was thinking, what would I LOVE for this Christmas. I honestly couldn't think of a single thing but to be the FATTEST girl! I would LOVE to be a super super fatty! They thought of it turns me on so much! Can you imagine a Bonnie bigger than anyone you have ever seen! It's an arousing thought!!

My friends had been begging me for ages to go to an amusement park with them &  I always let them down because I'm usually too stuffed to move! Yet on this occasion I decided to say yes! I figured if anything I could devour as much take outs & treats on offer there! 
I actually was a little excited to go in the end too! We were all so hyped for it & it really didn't occur to me that I might not fit on any rides! I should have known though, as it has happened in the past when I was smaller! I hope you enjoy listening to my fat embarrassing moments at the park as much as I enjoyed experiencing it!
FAT Shamed by my Bfs Family

I was going to have dinner at my bfs family home & hadn't even considered the extra weight I had gained recently. I honestly didn't imagine that it would be that noticeable! How wrong was I! The reactions of the family were simply priceless, to say they were shocked & aghast is an under statement! My bf also had something to say about the show I put on while at dinner, I must admit I made quite a pig of myself! I really didn't hold back! My greed & gluttonous desires really took over!!

Laying on the bed I jiggled my HUGE belly as my feeder fed me cakes. Moaning in ecstasy I devoured them as quickly as I could, while he grabbed & wobbled all my fat. I felt so sexy & massively fat next to him, it was such a BIG turn on!
When I had finished I lay on the bed breathlessly panting. I had previously had a fattening take away & after being fed those cakes, I really was feeling seriously swollen & very bloated! I was so horny too & kept trying to reach my pussy to make myself cum, but as my belly had grown too big after stuffing, it proved impossible to do! I desperately needed some help...

Can you believe that I am fatter than some sumo wrestlers? I eat way more than they do typically in a day day too!  
Sumo wrestlers do eat so healthy though & you know I am only addicted to junk food & it's pretty much all I consume too! I loved talking about my diet, laziness & showing you how I would struggle if I exercised like a sumo. I think the only similarities we share are that we are both fat!

Happy Halloween everyone!🎃🎃
I was already pretty stuffed when I decided to get my friend to feed me some more food. After struggling into my tight dress, I crawled onto the bed as it creaked beneath me. My friend began feeding me some cakes one after another while I moaned in ecstasy, I was thoroughly enjoying myself!
I soon had to change positions though as I am far too heavy these days to stay on all fours for long! Looking back I cannot believe that a once easy task is now incredibly difficult for a HUGE fatty like me!

My family have been worrying about my weight-gain for a while now & as they constantly complain to me about it, I agreed to meet up with a personal trainer to see if I can try to get a little bit fitter! After some initial shock & fat shaming, he commands me to get on the cross trainer so he can judge my current fitness level. With the trainer desperately creaking beneath my weight, I begin to slowly move my legs. I can feel & hear my belly slapping against my thighs as I move. I begin to breathlessly pant after a few seconds too, I cannot believe how unfit I am! As my PT turns away I seize my chance & quickly dig into my pockets for my cookie stash! This fatty needs energy to continue moving! He catches me & then everything changes!!!

I had been stuffing my face ALL day! I was squeezed into my clothes that were far too small for me, with my HUGE swollen gut hanging out. I felt so sexy, greedy & gluttonous! I felt like I just had to eat more! 
I let my feeder friend grab, jiggle & play with my ballooning belly, while I told him how much I wanted him to fatten me up! Grabbing a box of donuts he proceeded to shove them into my mouth relentlessly! I began to breathe heavier & heavier. I really was panting breathlessly! I do not know how I managed to keep standing, I felt like I was going to pass out! I was so ridiculously stuffed but wanting MORE!!

I hadn't stopped stuffing all day! I had McDonalds, pizzas, crisps, cookies, chocolate, donuts...I just had no control! I couldn't stop myself! Sitting on the sofa with my HUGE gut hanging out, I grabbed more donuts & devoured them as quickly as I could. My belly felt a bit painful from all the bloating, but I didn't care! I HAD to be as gluttonous as possible! As I continued to stuff my feeder appeared & seemed excited to see me gorging on lots of junk food, surrounded by empty wrappers. As he sat down beside me, he began to play with my ballooning belly as I moaned in ecstasy!

I'm a feeder & I'm going to make you HUGE

I have noticed recently that you have put on a little bit of weight. I can see your clothes are beginning to get tighter, your buttons on your shirt are bursting! You look like you now have a bit of a belly on you too! I see you constantly greedily stuffing your face, you seem to care about little else these days! I find it so incredibly sexy! It has awakened the feeder inside me & now I am determined to make you HUGE. There will be no returning for you. You will be triple my size & more!

Addicted to GLUTTONY because of you

Look what you have done to my body. I am absolutely HUGE now, completely weighed down & destroyed by FAT. 
We both know that's all because of you too. I used to be active, skinny & healthy. Now look at me, a panting, breathless unfit PIG! I'm a mindless eating machine. I only care about gorging on fattening foods. It's the only thing that holds any interest for me these days, so I couldn't wait to get my greedy hands on a MASSIVE take out! 
A Pizza, 4 sides & 2 deserts! I was struggling to move & stand after my HUGE feast & I felt so aroused too! Being a massive fatty just turns me on so much!

I hadn't stopped stuffing all day! I had McDonalds, pizzas, crisps, cookies, chocolate, donuts...I just had no control! I couldn't stop myself! Sitting on the sofa with my HUGE gut hanging out, I grabbed more donuts & devoured them as quickly as I could. My belly felt a bit painful from all the bloating, but I didn't care! I HAD to be as gluttonous as possible! As I continued to stuff my feeder appeared & seemed excited to see me gorging on lots of junk food, surrounded by empty wrappers. As he sat down beside me, he began to play with my ballooning belly as I moaned in ecstasy!

I think my room mate is secretly trying to fatten me up! I see the way they look at me when I walk by, gazing at all my fat rolls & jiggles as I pass them. Their eyes seem to light up at the sight of it! I have found myself gaining weight more & more recently, it's like I just have no control! I am trying to buy healthy foods but my room mate has this delicious never-ending supply of mouth watering junk! I just simply cannot resist it! I am gorging constantly on it & completely emptying the fridge daily! There's just no hope for me now I'm going to get HUGE & I think it's all part of my room mates plan!!
As I grow fatter I find myself becoming even more lazy! These days I don't want to do anything! Even a couple of steps is too much for this fatty! I just want to laze about & stuff my face ALL day! Luckily I have my feeder with me & he attends to my every need. Allowing me to be the sedentary piggy I have ALWAYS wanted to be. I'm so lazy that I don't even want to make the slightest effort to reach over to grab the remote control!! 
I feel like I have been practicing for immobility recently & I'm loving it!!
Oh how I LOVE my fat growing body! I love my rolls, folds & how squishy & soft everything is too. The way my belly hangs over my fupa & the weight of it on my back & legs. It all arouses me so much! I have never felt as confident as I do now! The bigger I get, the more amazing I feel! I'm just a massive fat ball! A blob of fat. One that is constantly horny & turned on by her own fat body! We all know that will only increase as I become bigger too!

After I had struggled into my very tight cheerleading costume, I thought it would be hot if I attempted to do some exercises. I know how much you all LOVE to see just how unfit I am! However, jogging on the spot on the 3rd floor of an old building, when you are super fat, isn't the best idea!!
I cannot believe what happened during this video & how humiliated & embarrassed I felt! It turned me on so much! I know all of you will think it's super HOT & sexy too!
I love it when you play with my fat! It turns me on so much to see my huge belly jiggle underneath your hands! To see you grab it, digging your fingers into my rolls. It's just all so sexy! I know you adore it too! You like it when I pick my massive belly up & then slap it against your chest. The weight of it knocks the air out of you, but you just cannot get enough! You're addicted to my fat body! As I am!

Weight-gain Plans

What do you think, how big should I grow? I have some fat goals in my mind & some plans on how I am going to get there too. I absolutely LOVE to talk about my weightgain goals & predictions. It's something that not only thoroughly excites me, but arouses me so much too! I just cannot help it. I'm utterly & hopelessly addicted to FAT & growing gluttonously!

Fatty Punishes roommate for fat shaming

My room mate is always so judgmental about my weight. As a fitness fanatic, he absolutely hates it when he sees me greedily stuffing my face like a FAT pig. He even tried to hide me away from his friends & family too. I have a sneaking suspicion that he might actually be ashamed to have me around! 
The other day I found an array of fattening foods piled up in the kitchen & I just couldn't resist. I HAD to give into my gluttonous desires! Before I knew it I was reaching for the treats & excitedly shoving them all in. Suddenly my room mate appeared & caught me in the act! He was very angry as I had devoured all his party food & was further outraged by my tiny, tight outfit. He demanded that I go & hide away in my room so no one saw what a mess I was! 
I decided he needed to be punished for fat shaming me! So the next morning, when he was sleeping on the sofa, I saw my opportunity to get my revenge! I crept up on him & pounced! Squashing & jumping on him, leaving him utterly breathless beneath my weight!

One of the things I love the most about my growing body is when I feel I am embarrassed or humiliated because of it. To shock others around me, to see the look of disbelief on their faces as they see me waddle on by.
So when I was in the shop, piling my trolley high like a gluttonous & greedy piggy, you can imagine the type of looks & stares I received!! The trip aroused me so much, I cannot wait to do it once again & maybe next time get even more food!

I thought it would make a VERY sexy video if I attempted to struggle into my friend clothes. He is so much smaller than me so I knew it was going to be a REAL struggle! After yanking & pulling for a few minutes, I soon realised that I had NO chance of putting the clothes on without some help!
I asked my friend to help me but even he couldn't get the shorts all the way up my arse! My fat hips & belly were spilling out over the waistband & the t-shirt was stretched so thin it was no see-through!
I would LOVE to waddle into the gym looking like this!!

I was feeling like such a greedy & gluttonous piggy! I felt like stuffing myself until I could not move! I wanted to be as messy & slobbish as possible, just shove it all in as quickly as possible! Devouring everything with no control! I placed all the trifles out infront of me & began to scoop it out with my fingers. This piggy is too greedy & impatient to use any spoons!
It wasn't long before I was covered in the cream & chocolate! Although of course, most of it was inside my bulging belly! I used my hands to scrap & lick it off myself, fatty couldn't have any going to waste!
After I had finished I struggled to stand & stood panting heavily-I could barely talk!! After all I have just consumed 2 litres of trifle & almost 5,000 calories in under 10 minutes!!!

I want you to run your hands all over my fat body & squeeze my fat rolls while you bury your face in my MASSIVE belly. Feel how soft it is & sink your fingers into all my fat! I want you to worship me like a fat queen & feed me until I am utterly breathless & feel as though I cannot take another bite. Even then, I want you to shove more into my mouth to make me breathlessly stuffed! The more you worship me the FATTER I will become!

After a MASSIVE fattening food shop, I was feeling so hungry & horny! I couldn't wait to climb on top of my feeder & squash him while he fed me my donuts! I loved hearing him struggle to move & breathe beneath me. My weight completely rendered him helpless & made me feel so powerful & sexy!

FAT Submissive Piggy

Wouldn't you love a fatty like me? One you could feed constantly & fatten up. A piggy who mindlessly eats & cares for little else & submits completely to your desires. I would be your personal little fatty. A piggy who does exactly what you say!

Becoming Immobile 

I know, I know. I may have put on a little bit of weight, but I'm not that fat am I? There's so many a lot fatter than me! I'm not going to become a fat American house wife don't worry!
Even though I have become extremely lazy recently & given up the gym...but I will get back to it! I promise I won't get any fatter!!
I have to be honest though...I love to eat & sometimes do feel like I have no control. I give into my gluttonous desires again & AGAIN. It does worry me a little bit...if I continue like this who knows what will happen! My greed is insatiable!! I just have NO control! (Custom Video)

I haven't spoke about my feederism fantasies in such a long time!
As I have grown more & explored my fetish even further & fulfilled previous fantasies, I find that I now have new desires to fulfil!
I felt so aroused when I was talking about them, I could not stop grabbing & jiggling all my fat! I feel even more turned on when I see all my fat wobbling.
I feel like a HUGE blob! Just a mountain of fat & knowing that I am always going to be getting even fatter, is VERY exciting!

I am constantly stuffing & gorging on lots of fattening & greasy foods. It's non stop for me. I barely eat anything remotely healthy. I'm just focused on consuming as much junk food as I can. I have given in to my greedy & gluttonous desires completely! There is NO going back for me now!
As I stuffed my face full of cream cakes, I talked about my deepest & darkest Feederism desires.
I wonder if any of you will be shocked to hear what really makes this fatty super horny!

Face down, arse up & on all fours, I stuffed myself with cream cakes.
I had to keep re-adjusting my position as I am too heavy to hold my weight on my arms for long! They hurt so much if I stay in that position for more than a minute! I felt so sexy with my fat belly hanging out from my corset & resting on the bed. I really did feel like a greedy piggy!

I am feeling like I might be at my FATTEST these days. It's crazy to look back at my thin days & compare those to now! 
I was such an active & healthy person, but look at me now! How enormous I am! Slowed down, weighed down by my huge fat body! I bet you are all wondering how I feel at my heaviest! Mentally physically, my thoughts & feelings on my ever growing body! I cannot wait to tell you all!

One of my most favourite things is to be fed. I love it when a feeder shoves more & more food into my mouth! Especially if I am super stuffed & feel as though I cannot take another bite.
It arouses me so much when a feeder takes control & makes me eat every last bite. More & more & MORE. No mercy for this fatty, ignoring my begging pleas to stop. Grabbing my hair & pulling my head back to stuff even more into my mouth. It's one of the most sexiest things to me! I absolutely LOVE being dominated & fed!!!

After a HUGE meal I was feeling seriously STUFFED! My belly was ballooning & I found it difficult to waddle & could barely stand up! I felt so heavy & was panting breathlessly! It felt so good, but I could barely talk as I was focusing on breathing! 
I could really feel the weight of my belly on my lower back, it's so heavy & sometimes it even hurts if I stand or waddle for too long. I think if I keep stuffing so much food I will need to ride about in a scooter soon!
 Oh look what lockdown has done to my body! The jeans I bought for the summer barely fit me anymore! It's becoming such a struggle to squeeze into them! I cannot believe how much fatter I have become!
My belly feels so much heavier, I really feel the weight of it on my back when I stand for too long! It's really sagging down more & flopping on my thighs.
I feel myself wobbling & jiggling from the slightest movement too. It's so HOT! LOVING my lockdown gains!

After a HUGE stuffing I was feeling incredibly horny! As I rubbed my ballooning belly I became VERY excited, as I thought of all the fattening food I had consumed earlier. I knew that my recent gluttonous ways would definitely add more fat to my obese body & the thought aroused me IMMENSELY! 
Imagining how MASSIVE I am going to become in the future! I couldn't help but touch myself, I HAD to make myself climax! I Pleasured myself again & AGAIN as I tell you how HUGE I want to be & what I want you to do to me.

Imagine if I was your FAT girlfriend!
I wonder if you could even handle a super fatty like me?
Could you cope with all my weight on top of you, pinning you to the bed? You would be breathlessly panting beneath me while you fed me, all my fat spilling over onto your chest. I would just be lazing about all day everyday, devouring everything in sight & waiting for you to come home so your could stuff me even more!