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Messages - bluemag

Yes it's a lovely bottom - esp the underneath: cute shape, cute fatty rolls. MMMM!!!
- bluemag xxxxxx
You look soooo cute like that, Jacqueline, and I so love those sweet thighs with their cute fatty creases and sweet dimples at the backs esp behind your knees.  Tell me, were you REALLY a naughty little schoolgirl in those slightly younger days? Did you ever get a good spanking on that lovely soft fleshy bottom (or maybe I could give you a nice one - affectionately of course - right now) ???

- bluemag xxxxxx
The wonderful hang of your lovely triple belly, sweet backfat, thighs and bottom - you are just too beautiful for words!!
And I just looooove the way you go on adding to the loveliness of it all.  :-* :-* :-*

- bluemag xxxxxx
Did you have LOTS to eat for your birthday, sweetie? ... and fill that cute neglige so tight that you nearly split it? I hope so!!

- bluemag xxxxxx
That adorable stomach and tummy - it's so very cute. You must go on feeding it always, sweetie!!

- bluemag xxxxxx
Really loooove the beautiful backfat, the sweet folds and layers and the adorable way it all hangs. Love the beautiful bottom fat cheeks too - in my dreams [sigh!] to play with it all!!

- bluemag xxxxxx
Yes, Reenaye is truly a beautiful goddess. She could be my 'Aphrodite by moonlight' anytime [sigh!].

- bluemag  :-* :-* :-*
Beautiful Adeline, you are looking lovelier and lovelier each new day ....

- bluemag xxxxxx
Quote from: redhottie on May 07, 2013, 12:13:46 PM
Quote from: bluemag on May 01, 2013, 03:07:36 PM
Looove the cute underarm fat and back of those sweet thighs and legs, esp those cute soft places just below your bottom cheeks. Very cute how it hangs.  :-* :-* :-*
- bluemag  xxxxxx
good of you to notice all the little things that make this a hot pic.

Redhottie, I ALWAYS notice such things with great care and admiration, esp when it comes to some of your very beautiful models, as you may have noticed?  It is part of being a lifelong and passionate FA and, to me, it is to enjoy such beautiful ladies as true works of art (I am also an artist, btw - though it is not my livelihood).
All I lack, of course, is one such lovely lady with whom to share the rest of my life ... no luck there, alas, despite many false hopes and disappointments over the last four years.

Oh well, guess I'll just go on enjoying and wishful thinking .. at least, thank Heaven for sites like this where a true FA can find images of such true loveliness. Thank you all you ladies who post here.   :-* :-*

- blumeag
All that darling tummy fat and the cuddle-able shape it makes is ecstasy alone.  But the loveliness of those outer thigh folds and their beautiful hang is just pure Paradise on top of that!!

- bluemag xxxxxx
VERY  pretty view of your lovely belly fat, Zsalynn.  I so looove the way the sides bulge out and 'ooze' around your hips, and the cute cute folds under them in the outsides of your thighs.  You're a true 'Rubenesque' work of art!!
-  bluemag xxxxxx
.... YOU MEAN 'Nine hundred pounds of true beauty' !!
- bluemag xxxxxx
How cute you look! Esp adore those cute little fatty dimples and wrinkles under your tummy - so beautiful!
- bluemag xxxxxx
Already a very pretty tummy round and tummy hang.
- bluemag xxxxxx
It's a very beautiful view of a very very lovely tummy of a very very very beautiful lady!!
- bluemag xxxxxx
Lovelier than a May morning (well, it is the first of May)!

- bluemag xxxxxx
Looove the cute underarm fat and back of those sweet thighs and legs, esp those cute soft places just below your bottom cheeks. Very cute how it hangs.  :-* :-* :-*
- bluemag  xxxxxx
It's a VERY pretty shape, sweetheart and I just looooove the way it hangs out (just like a beautiful fat girl should). You're gorgeous!

- bluemag xxxxxx
Wish I could be the one to massage all that lovely jelly.  It'd be wonderful to lick, nibble, fondle with my lips all that beautiful jelly!! MMMMMM!!!

- bluemag xxxxxx
Thank you for sharing, sweetie. I especially love those cute stomach (i.e. upper belly) rolls and their adorable fatty creases and dimples. MMMMM!!!.

- bluemag xxxxxx
Remember, sweetie - in this community, FAT is ALWAYS a compliment!!
(PS: I'd love to know what's in your daily food bag!!)

- bluemag xxxxxx
Quote from: zsalynn on April 22, 2013, 08:38:38 AM
Why thank you.  I forget sometimes just how far that ass sticks out behind me sometimes... Glad you like the "back shelf"

Quote from: bluemag on April 17, 2013, 08:29:36 AM
That's a VERY pretty view of your wonderful supersize bottom and cute back fat, Zsalynn. MMMMM!!!

- bluemag xxxxxx

Wish I could be right behind it, to sink into it (with my face, lips, tongue, fingertips) and .....
(I'll leave the rest to your imagination!!)

- bluemag xxxxxx
That's a VERY pretty view of your wonderful supersize bottom and cute back fat, Zsalynn. MMMMM!!!

- bluemag xxxxxx
Two truly beautiful women.  But the one on my left (Reenaye) is the angel of my dreams.  I'm in love with her!!!

- bluemag
Lovely view of Penny's beautiful belly fat.  Loooove the cute stretch marks!

- bluemag xxxxxx
Beautiful girl, Adeline! You've made a very impressive, and VERY sexy start!!

- bluemag xxxxxx
A truly beautiful new view of one of my all-time favourites!

- bluemag
I'd MUCH rather make your wonderful soft sweet tummy my soft comfy pillow, Reenaye ... with my head in your lap (where I can kiss all that lovely flesh!) ... oh, and how looooooovely you look with your adorable back fat and bottom so bulging out of all your undies; you DARLING!!! 

- bluemag  xxxxxx
You could be my 'beach bunny' anytime, sweetie. I live right by the sea (in UK), less than five minutes from the beach.

- bluemag xxxxxx
Very pretty lady, Adeline - long may you go on being adored by true and loyal FAs like us!

- bluemag xxxxxx
Quote from: Reenaye Starr on April 16, 2013, 09:33:36 PM
Quote from: bluemag on April 12, 2013, 05:07:53 PM
The more you gain, the lovelier you grow!!

- bluemag

Thank you babe. I love getting bigger, fluffier and sexier.

Aw, sweetie! Will you be my (fantasy) 'naughty schoolgirl', Reenaye - and let me (lovingly) spank your cute, cute soft fat bottom? - I would punish you for NOT eating up all your food!!! [Aaaah! Sweet dreams!!]

- bluemag xxxxxx

Very very pretty bottom and thigh fat. You are a lovely flower indeed!
Love the cute way your pretty stomach and tummy hang  - so sweet!

- bluemag
You have a very kissable (and fondle-able) stomach and tummy bulge. MMMMMM!!!
The more you gain, the lovelier you grow!!

- bluemag
You're a beautiful sculpture in fat (please take that as a great compliment, won't you!)
- bluemag
Do you REALLY like to be spanked, sweetie? As well as being a lifelong FA, I also have a spanking fetish.  Oh joyous day (at least in my dreams .... ???)!!! To spank such an adorable big soft bottom (lovingly, of course!) and watch all that sweet sweet jelly fat wobble beneath my hand and turn cute cutest pink (and other pretty colours too perhaps ??? ) ... OH HEAVEN!!! You made my day (in my dreams .... [sigh!]) .... :-* :-* :-* :-* [these are the kisses I would put on it afterwards!!]

- bluemag
I can see two 'oceans': one in the background (really a pool), the other the lovely ocean of a beautiful beautiful stomach and tummy (with its oh so cute little fatty waves and 'ripples'): and I know which of the two I would rather plunge into!

- bluemag
Keep on feeding it lovely, won't you?

- bluemag
I love the darling back fat rolls and the cute little stretch marks, and those adorable little fatty dimples in your lovely bottom. Keep it up you beautiful, won't you?
- bluemag
7 YEARS of growing ever more beautiful, sweetie.  I looove your weight gain.  Don't stop!
Looove your 'uncontainable curves' dear, you know that. Love your sweet sweet bottom and the cutest bottom crack I ever saw on any BBW. Love your darling backfat and the way it rolls so soft and lovely down to your bottom like a still sweet ocean (till you jiggle it!). Love the backs of your pretty arms, with those cute little fatty dimples behind your elbows. Love your soft pale skin, your face, your smile and your gentle heart. 

- Your ever and adoring fan, bluemag xxxxxx
Be MY beautiful fat piggy, Ivy (in my dreams .... )
- bluemag xxxxxx
LOOOOOVE the pretty backfat folds and bottom crack  :-*

- bluemag xxxxxx
You have a body to die for! Esp love those big soft thighs, legs, bottom cheeks, hips and the cute side bulges. MMMMMM!!!!

- bluemag xxxxxx
VERY pretty. Just my kinda lady!

- bluemag xxxxxx
It's a lovely view close-up: to show in close detail all those wonderful wavelets in the exquisite ocean of her tummy fat.

- bluemag xxxxxx