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Topics - bigcutiebrooke

Hi there! How cute is this little Super hero girl? OK, not so little! Miss Wonder Whale to the rescue hehe.

If you can't see how big and juicy I have become, there is  no saving you lol. I have grown and grown and I am proud of myself! Rolls and cellulite and double chin and all. I am showing it proudly.

Thanks for all of your great feedback!

Hi there! I decided to go to this pretty castle and be a princess! I got to have lunch and snacks too of course. What a dream to be a pampered princess. So much fun doing this set. My gains really show here. You won't want to miss this one!

Well hello there! This has to be the most fun I have ever had eating on camera. I eat more than ever and I have some friends heckling and challenging me. I more than managed to surprise them with my appetite for fast food and surpassed their expectations I believe! Come watch me pig out and listen to my friends tease me. I actually really liked having them taunting me. Shhh... Don't tell them hehe!

Hello there!

Check out this update! I think you will like as much as I do! I can't get over how fat my little face has gotten hehe. I can see it more than ever in this update and I hope you can too. It makes me so excited when I know others can see it. Please tell me how fat I have gotten! I need to hear it!

This set combines two awesome things... Compares (which are quite telling) and a SUPER tight outfit that I just happened to have grown out of. OUCH! This one was a struggle to get on and off!

Hi there!

WOW! You can really see my cellulite in these white spandex! It is more prominent than ever since I have grown so much! I just love how soft and chunky I look in this update. You can tell I am fatter than ever and loving it. Watch me show off outside, eating ice creams and getting naked hehe... I can't wait for you to tell me how big I have gotten and get me more snacks!


Wow! Looking at this set, I could really see how much I have grown. I am very proud of this fat body and I know you love it too! How exciting is it when you truly see the results of all that yummy food on your body? Extra exciting! It just makes me want to eat more and see more pounds added to this body. I can't get over my gut and my thighs. I am getting pretty massive now aren't I?



Find me at and check out our free blog at
Hello there! Anyone care for a lumberjack special? OR should I say lumber"jill" hehe.... I love love loved this set! It was so much fun to play farmer. I could imagine being out on a real farm rolling around in the mud with my piglets hehe... I hope you enjoy seeing this fat little farmer show off!

Yummy yummy, watch me fill my tummy! I love sharing my naughty eating habits and showing you exactly how I like my bacon cooked! Pay attention because I am spoiled and I like what I like when it comes to my bacon!

Man, am I getting fat or what!!! Loving it!

Hello there! I am a couple of days late for the holiday here but, I figure we can extend it a little with this patriotic update!

I love this festive little bikini but, it is getting a little bit too small to wear in public. I don't want to waste a sexy lilttle bikini like this so, why not share with you? I think it fits better than ever but, we all know what might happen on the beach in this one! No.... I am not worried about all the stares, I am worried about losing this top in the waves haha!

Hope you enjoy as much as I enjoy showing off!

Well hello there! This is a fun set! I am out and about in public flirting and showing off for you! How many opportuinties do I have to get caught here hehe.... Quite a few you will see if you check out this update. Don't forget to check my members only blog too. I just love flirting and you will see some flirty new pics in my blog too!

Hello there! Enjoying this sensual update? I love romance and this theme is definitely right on point for that! Lacy dress plus a lacy body suit underneath equals sheer sensuality and romance. Come pour me a glass of wine, play some soft music and romance me :) I promise I will love it!

Hi guys~

Come watch as I commit yet another act of pure gluttony! I won't tell you just how many I eat but, I do stuff my fat face with pure butter laced with lobster hehe... Nothing tastes better to me than butter, unless of course you dunk some delish lobsters into it. The warm, melted butter dripping down my chin drives me crazy... Hopefully it has the same effect on you!!!

Hi guys! In this set you will see me after one of the biggest meals of my life! I had to get into the hot tub to take some of the weight off of my very full, heavy belly! I hope you like!!!
Hi Guys!

I hope you like this tiny little referee outfit? It was a shirt I had from an old Halloween costume and I cut it to make it a little sexy Ref outfit! What do you think?

Hey there,

How often is it that you get to see a fat girl all dolled up and sitting on the toilet? If you look hard, you can even see the toilet hiding behind my ever thickening legs! Hehe. They sure don't make toilets like they used to though and I know because I've broken my share of toilet seats! Hehe! More on that later—maybe if you're nice and ask me about it I'll share some stories of bathroom breakage with you! But for now, I hope you enjoy a set I enjoyed doing for you that will show you what we fatties look like in the little girl's room, even though there's nothing little about me anymore! Only a big cutie knows she has too look her best in the loo just in case a photographer shows up and wants to snap some pictures!

So, do you remember this dress I wore a while back? It looks much different on me now don't you think? I would love to hear how fat you think I got now! I couldn't believe it till I saw the pics side by side. Can you believe it???

Hey guys!

Now the secret is out! Come see just how fat I have gotten after several Holiday pig outs! Of course, I did plenty of my own pigging out as well! I hope you like and thanks so much for all of the encouragement!


Hi there!

Well, it's after the holidays and I have officially put on more weight than I ever thought possible! I don't have anything that fits me properly anymore so, at least here I can show off knowing that you will find it just perfect!

I hope you love my tight, tight, jeans!!!

Hi there! I hope you enjoy this set as much as I enjoyed the shoot! I got to eat some yummy treats after already having stuffed my face! I was so full that my belly felt hard! It was crazy but, I loved it! Just wait for my weigh in! I bet you can guess how much I weigh now!!!

Happy Holidays everyone!!!

Hi Guys!

I wanted to share some pics of me after traveling. I think you might get a kick out of this set! Have you ever had a baggage tag that said HEAVY? Well, guess what? My little bag is so packed with big girl clothes that it had to be labelled. I asked the attendant to put one on me too lol but they didn't know how to handle that!

Good thing for seatbelt extenders! I bought my own because I knew I would have outgrown the one on the flight!

Hey there :) I bet you will find this video update quite intriguing! I know you will want to know about the naughty stuff I eat and I am pretty sure that from the preview, you can't tell just how naughty it gets! Come see and tell me if I deserve a spanking for being such a naughty, fat, gluttonous piggy girl!

I am pretty sure you can tell it's a bit naughty by the drink I wash it down with mmm.... Bad piggy or good piggy? Either way, I really enjoyed!!!

Hi guys! Come see me polish off some lobsters and lobster rolls! Lobster is my favorite so you will see me happier than ever! Besides, I couldn't get enough of this little yellow bikini that really accentuates my belly hang! I just couldnt keep it over my belly roll but, isn't that the fun part???


Hi everyone!

If you saw part 1 you have to see part 2! Don't miss all of my fat parts up close and personal!!! I absolutely loved showing off and I can tell you the experience sure made me realize that I am even fatter than I thought!

Hi there! Come see this double video update! You won't believe your eyes! I love showing off all of my fat parts and it is definitely a real reality check when I am having each part written out, one by one! You will see me discuss all of the different fat parts on a fatty like me! I love showing them to you! I also discuss all the different types of fat and show you bit by bit exactly where each of my fat parts are and what types of fat they are!
Would you like to help me explore my fat? How about add some new fat places I can come up with names for? Hmm... Sounds like a challenge! Any takers???

Hi there!

I am so excited about this set! I hope you will enjoy seeing how I have grown! I dug out my bikini from one of my very first sets and WOW! You can really see the results of all of my stuffing! What do you think? Am I fatter, jucier, jigglier? Full of more sins? You can see all of the cellulite created by my many naughty indulging habits! I hope you will love to see this one! It is so much smaller now isn't it? Or did I grow??? Do you think I am bold to wear such a tiny bikini on Miami beach? What would you think if you saw my blubber bulging and bouncing all over the beach, spilling out of the fabric that struggled to hold me in? I saw more than a few people that were in shock that I thought I was hot enough to wear it and play in the sand and the water while having my picture taken!

I am leaving for vacation this morning so, I may not be able to reply till I get back next week but, I would really love to see what your thoughts are!!!

Thanks for all the great encouragement!

Also, chedk out the bonus pic!

Don't forget, I recently did a weigh in too! SO if you have not seen that, you have to check it out hehe... So many fun things to come! I am really embracing my fat!

Hi everyone! Hope you are enjoying the long weekend as much as I have been! I have been stuffing my fat face since Friday night lol. I am never going to fit in this monokini again! My lard was already bulging out left and right and everywhere in between! Just imagine now!!!

I hope you love it!

This is a pretty unique update! It all had to do with being in a wedding and I could not fit into my dress! I have you listen in on my very frustrating phone call with the bridal shop. You won't believe what this place had the nerve to say to me!!!

I know it is kind of a different type of update and I really wasn't prepared to do a set or anything (hence the terrible hair and makeup). It was just a lazy day at home and you can see how fat I am. I am actually glad I decided to record this conversation so you can see what it is truly like to be a FAT girl!!!

Also, YES you saw it right! My weigh in update! You have been asking and I have not been able to get to Heather's house to do my weigh in video so, I apologize that the quality isn't the best but, it at least shows what you have done to me! By telling me how much you love my fat, you have encouraged me to do this to myself.

Let me know what you think!

Hey there! Do you remember my first secretary set? Well, you will recognize it but, it looks a little different now that the jacket is struggling to hold in all of my bulges! Forget the pants! I can't even pull them up over my huge knees!

I hope you like seeing me show off my largeness! It doesn't fit at all the way it should now does it??? Do you like it better now?

Hi there! This is just a bonus update to satisfy some of my friends out there who love balloon popping! You will see me in some skimpy shorts (which the button popped off of) bouncing and popping balloons! I hope you like it!

The title says it all! Please let me know what you think of my  new inches! I am so proud to show it off.


Hi there! Don't you just love this skin tight dress on me? I got it from my sexy friend ScareletteCyn a few months back when we got together. I just loved it! Then, when I put it on again, it was even tighter! My fat rolls were so stuffed in that I had to keep pulling it down but, guess what??? The fat won! It rode right up my belly and eventually I just tossed it aside and showed off my belly and my fat bum! I love these panties too....


********Don't forget to keep your eyes peeled for my next set titled "More More More" I think you have been waiting for this!!!!!*********
Hi there!

This is a set you don't want to miss! Especially because in the video, I describe my growing body and feel my fat and love every inch! The pics were fun as I was just being lazy like a good little fat girl should! I was in bed in my too tight jammies relaxing and reading. Of course I started feeling hungry so, I just had to check out all of my rolls and give them some attention! Won't you come help me out? I need a belly rub!
Also, if you didn't already know, I have a members only blog where I describe some of my naughty, deceptive and indulgent eating habits! If you have been wondering how I got so fat, the blog will give you all the answers you need!
Hey there! Two super cute fatties in cutoffs eating cupcakes? Who wouldn't like that??? Well, come see Britt and I make a mess just so that I can get a lick in here or there! You will even see my KISS tongue!

I love how round and soft her belly is! I also love how she grabs onto mine and even teases me a little while feeding me. Don't you wish you could play too? If you want to see us stuffing each others faces, you have to watch these videos! We each have our own exclusive video plus one video that is just for our own site. Oh and you can't forget that we each have 100 exclusive pics!

My heavy belly even got spread out on the counter hehe... I like giving it a rest. Maybe next time you will hold it up for me?

Don't forget to check out Britt's site for her exclusive pics and video as well!

Also, don't forget my latest blog on my members only site. It is called drive through deception. I think you will get a kick out of my naughty ways!
In this set, I had already had lunch but, I am such a greedy piggy that I got more to eat on my way to the shoot! It would have been a shame to waste all that stuffing my fat face and not show it off to you wouldn't it??? Well, I love showing off my eating and how it makes me so much sexier and sooo much fatter! You can really see all of my dimples!
Did you notice how stressed the poor little buttons are? I am sure you did hehe!
Stay tunded for a part two (sooner than normal because I know you can't wait). The next part is the video of me filling my gut with all that yummy, greasy food! I can't stop eating!!!
Blog Link: (to see what all the sexy Big Cutie girls are up to!)
Hey there! I was getting ready to go out to a funky night club. I decided to put on these pink leggings that were One size fits all hahahaha! What was I thinking??? I have gone beyond that now haven't I? I just loved the outfit so much though that I had to do a set in it. After all, all the struggling to buckle the belt, get into the too tight skirt and pull up these leggings was a lot of work! I might as well show it off and show you how fat I have gotten! Look how the tights dig into my thighs and show off my cellulite! Oh wow how the belt digs in and gives me this double belly! I love it! My photographer was pretty impressed also by all the back fat that the tight belt and skirt created! Rolls, rolls and more rolls! Also, check out the tights and how they are stretched so thin! They are not panty hose, they are tights but on me, they are see through lol. Plus, I couldn't even pull them all the way up! Come see me show off. You will LOVE this set and you won't believe your eyes!

See what all the sexy Big Cuties are up to on the Big Cuties Blog at :

Hi there! I love having you watch me as I get ready for a night out of dancing! What do you think of my hair up this way? It really shows off how full my face is these days doesn't it? This dress seems to hide my belly but, out of it, you can really see my stretch marks and how massive my belly has gotten! Come check me out, this set is definitely for my belly lovers and panty stretching lovers! Hope to hear from you very, very soon!

Site Link:
Blog Link:
Come check out my store if you haven't!
Finally! A super fat weigh in video and a comparison set! I am sure you will love this double surprise showing how I have progressed! Plus, you will enjoy reading about me and what people are saying about how I am growing! I think you definitely need to check out my set and my  weigh in results! Very, very impressive and I don't care what anyone says, I look good being a fat lady!
Soon I will be posting an update with a video of me trying on and struggling to get into some very tight old clothes. I can barely take it. It is soo exhausting!
Thanks for encouraging me! I love showing off for you!
I hope you like this new set! I am really showing how much I have blossomed lately in this one! This corsett that I bought was supposed to fit just right and it barely fit at all! I had to keep the laces very loose as you will see from the back! IT was SOOO tight but, don't you love how my belly pours out the bottom and my chest spills over the top? I can really see and feel a big change these days:happy:.

I hope you enjoy it!
Hey there! Watch me polish off this yummy baconator in no time! Of course, I have to unbutton to make some room seeing as I had already eaten my lunch at work! I love sneaking away and eating in parking lots so that everyone can't see me pigging out. I know it is hard to believe but not everyone thinks I need to be eating more fattening foods! What is wrong with them? At least I can share it with you and know it is appreciated! Hope you enjoy as much as I did!!!
I hope you will like my blog updates! Let me know what you think!!!
Hey guys! I just wanted to share this little patriotic set! Nothing little about me in it though hehe. I know that makes you happy! Makes me happy too! Also, check out the video where I am almost ripping my little shirt! Hope you like and hope you had a happy Fourth!
Hey there! I have a feeling you will love seeing me spill out of this little number! I don't think it was designed for such a big fat voluptuous woman as myself but, in my opinion that makes it all the better! Watch each strap stretch and stretch... See how many rolls you can find busting through each strap! They try so hard to hold in my fat but, who do you think wins, the little fabric or my big soft rolls? I think it's no contest! I always win! Poor little red number hehe...

Don't forget to check out my blog! I am doing more of that lately! Also, check out my pic and a great new album for fat girls at I am totally excited about this album and you should be too! Don't miss it!
Oooh, and in my store I stuff cupcakes in my face, cookies, and wear my old tight clothes! You have to check those videos out! I love showing my new bulges!

I have a lot of exciting stuff coming out! I can't wait till me weigh in is posted! I am dying for you to see it but, of course, good things come to those who wait, and waiting for me has been very good lol. More to love, squish, play with, etc. xoxoxo

Hi there! I hope you like seeing me strip down to NOTHING! I love showing off how my body has grown and gotten more and more sexy! In this set you will see how I like to dress every day! I love going out with out panties... You will see that too! I hope you enjoy me seducing you with my strip tease!

Also, I have been updating my blog more these days with lots of behind the scenes pics and info about me! I hope you will check that out and keep in touch there as well!

Don't forget to see what all the Big Cuties are up to on the Big Cuties blog!

Of course there is always my store you can visit if you have not yet! Soon to be a new video in there so keep your eyes on it!

See you soon!
Hey everyone! Just a little sneak video of me chowing. I didn't plan this video, I was on my way home from Wendy's with a bunch of my favorite foods and decided that when I got home I would do a random video. A few glitches here and there but, I thought you would like it anyhow! I am so greedy that I had to eat some of it in the car on my way home but, I definitely ate every bite and unfortunately the camera shut off during and I had no idea so you missed all the belly rubs etc! This is the trouble with doing your own video lol. Although, Very soon, you will be seeing an amazing weigh in video that proves all the fattening goodies are going right to my gut!
Hope you like!
Keep up with all the Big Cuties on our Big Cuties Blog!

Do you like dirty girls? Well, then, how about dirty fat girls? Check this set out as I show off all of my sexy fat for you! This set was taken right after my last one where Talia and I were getting each other ready for our photo shoots! I hope you like seeing me "rolling" around Talias nice soft bed! The bed may be soft but, not quite as soft as my big belly and thighs! Come see, you know you want to!
Also, keep your eyes peeled as I just did a weigh in video! That will be posting sometime in the near future along with a new video for my store where I eat a WHOLE bunch of doughnuts and show how I have outgrown my clothes! Also, How I have outgrown things from last summer even! Keep watching me ! I love showing off every new inch for you!
Hey guys! Come see me with my special, sexy, fat friend Talia as we help each other get ready for our photo shoots! I think you will like this set for sure. Watch us lotion up our fat bodies and get dressed and put on makeup etc! A real behind the scenes shoot of what we do when we are together... Yup, our favorite thing to do is get close and get naked!
Come watch us in this tight little space... We just couldn't help but be close in here as there was barely enough room for our fat bodies in there! Come see, you won't be dissapointed and then, check out the rest of the pics on Talias site!  Also, check out what all the Big Cuties are up to on our Big Cuties blog and last but not least, if you have not checked out my store yet then you have not seen me stuffing my face and stuffing into my clothes quite enough.... My store has 2 really great videos and more to come
Keep in touch and let me know what you think!
Hi guys! How often do you go out dancing and see a sexy bbw dressed like this??? I say not often enough and I think you will agree... Of course after dancing I had to replace the calories hehe... I hope you enjoy watching me snack away while wearing my tight vinyl pants! Oooh, and check out my video walking around in my heels and thong ... Look at all the jiggle and all those new ripples! I am sexier than ever! I hope you think so too!
Don't forget to check out my store and don't forget to check out the new Big Cuties blog at
Hi there! You peeping Tom! You were watching me sleep weren't you? Just look at me in these super tight undies that are barely covering and ready to rip! I wore these in my first set ever called Busting out... Now, they actually hurt lol.
Well, I woke up because my belly was growling hehe... I caught you watching me ... I guess you can see how massive my belly is these days and my thighs just keep on growing too... Hope you enjoy watching me wake up and play with my fat for you... Do you like seeing me rolling around dreaming of a nice big breakfast in bed... This is definitely the fattest I have EVER been! You know you need to check this out!
Don't forget to check out the Big Cuties blog to see all the sexy updates there as well!
You can also check out my store to see me expanding out of my clothes and eating lots and lots of cupcakes and goodies!
See you soon!
The skinny girl mocks
as You Check out this chunky fox
She's so pretty in just her socks
And showing her long red locks
The men, they come in flocks
so the skinny girl mocks...

OK, so I had to try a little rhyming poem! Corny maybe but it goes with the theme lol...
Hope you like my fuzzy little socks and my super tight sports bra... I am sure you will enjoy seeing me out of that sports bra too though... It was sooo tight on my boobies! OMG I just had to take it off... Come inside and see my cute little video and watch me explore my curves for you!
Don't forget to check out Big Cuties new blog! Many updates there for you to see and enjoy! I am sure you will love it... You can find that at
Also, check out my video store for my sexy fat videos! I love to show off my fat for you and let you see how much I can stuff in my mouth and how much fat I can stuff in my old clothes!

Brooke   :kiss2:[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][/FONT]
Here it is!!! Part 2 of one of my favorite sets ever! I think this is definitely the naughtier part... Good things do come to those who wait now don't they?! Soon you will be seeing even more of me so keep your eyes peeled hehe...
Don't forget to check out my store too! 2 sexy videos showing off my rolls, my curves, my fat, my tight clothes etc. Hope you enjoy both the site and the store!
Woohoo it's up~ My favorite video ever! It is long, and super cute and I am super stuffed in my clothes and in my belly lol. Just watch me as a put a way a whole thing of cupcakes with tasty frosting. I love these things mmm and soda! Lots of calories for you to see me add to my big fat belly! I am loving gaining weight and hearing about how pleased you are to see me this way! Oooh... If you have followed me from the beginning you will see me wearing an outfit from one of my first sets... Can anyone remember it?
Well, I hope you check out my store for this video clip... Also, plenty of fun sexy stuff at my site!
Check out the store for this hot sexy, stuffed update!
Hi guys! Talia and I decided to get all dolled up for you in red! One of the sexiest colors in my opinion. Check out the red mesh, red lipstick and boutifull curves! Together we are a massive team hehe... I hope you enjoy as I just love spending time with her. Don't forget to check the other half of the pics out at her site ... Also, check out my blog for members only with random pics and random thoughts... My store has a great video of me in my too tight jeans if you havn't checked that out please do so at
Thanks for all of the support! Love hearing from you!
Candy and sandwiches... Oh my oh my! I hope you like this video update! I had to pig out on my lunch break. I had my little video camera in my purse so that I could show off for you. It doesn't show my body much or anything but you can see I sure can pack it away! Do you think I can eat a lot or what??? Come check it out on my site!
Also, I have an awesome video in my store check that out at...

Did you realize I have a blog now??? I have been posting all kinds of every day pics and pics from the past when I was MUCH smaller! Come see the drastic change in me!!! I want to hear what you think about it! Also, I will post pics of me with other models and some of my friends! I am very much into keeping touch with my members so please write to me! I LOVE hearing from you!
Hope you enjoy seeing me stuff my face!!!
Hey guys! I almost forgot about this set taken back at the Vegas bash! It is one of my favorites actually. I love the sexy tiny strappy panties stretching to hold in my bulging belly! You be the judge though... I can't imagine any guy not thinking a big girl in skimpy panties is sexy... Look what they are missing!
Anyhow, I forgot to take my video camera to the hotel with me so the video doesn't match but, I think you will like anyways! I am in my pj's in bed, relaxing after getting home from the bash. I am showing off my belly and thighs for you and playing with them and jiggling them... You tell me what you think! I am sure it will be a hit hehe...
Brooke (for longer, high quality videos that are not featured on my site)
P.S. Don't forget to check out my new store and my blog!!! I love hearing from members! I recently posted some pics of me on my blog when I was much skinnier! Check it out in my members only section!
Hey everyone! I hope you will love this new set! I am wearing my everyday clothes! Jeans and a tight shirt. Yes, this is how I dress normally on an every day basis. Also, you get to see what I wear underneath it all! I hope you enjoy as much as I enjoy showing off for you! Lots of belly and booty shots in this! Plus, two videos! Hope you like them! You can now view either a high resolution video or a smaller file. That makes it much easier for those of you with a slower connection and much better quality for the others! Hope you love and don't forget about my new video store! I know you will love that too! I am sure you will love seeing how I have outgrown my clothes and how I don't even care enough to stop eating! I just head right for more cookies hehe!
Also, I love sharing cel phone pics and answering and asking questions to my members in my new blog! Check it out for some super sexy, super everyday and super cute pics from my cel phone. So many new things to see! Hope you are enjoying and have a fabulous New Year! Just wait to see the new improved Brooke after all the yummy holiday treats!
Brooke   (my website)  (my store)
Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that my new Big Cuties store is now OPEN! YAY~! I have one video so far for you. If you are interested check it out here...
I am sure you will like seeing me squeeze into some tight jeans and then get some snacks anyways! I guess that is how I got so big lately... Just wait till after the new year! I am doing my best to eat as much as I can possibly eat till then! you will see a whole new girl!!!
Check out the update and don't forget to look for other Big Cuties stores! I know Ash has one of her very own now too!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!
and here is the main store...

Hey everyone! I know you will LOVE this set with one of my best friends Talia! We have become really close as you will see in a very short time period! I think she is so sexy and yes, we challenged each other to a pillow fight in the video... Who do you think will win? Come see all the sexy rolls bounce and jiggle!
I only have half of the pics so you need to check out Talia's site at to see the rest!
Also, big news! I have a new members only blog up where I post a blog and any random pics! If you want to check it out, become a member and stay in touch with me as often as you like! I love staying in touch with my members! Hope to hear from some of you here!
Hi everyone! This set is extremely special to me. I have become good friends with a special couple that started out as fans and he just happened to be a photographer! They were traveling to Vegas and asked if I would do a picture set wearing his Celtics jersey and of course, I asked him if he would shoot it! It was fun for both fo us. To be with an actual fan of mine (who has been a fan since day one) was a really cool experience for me. Like I was making his day. His girlfriend was also there for the shoot and she was great at helping me pose as I was a little bit nervous. They are two wonderful people and if anyone needs a great photographer contact me for info!
His words about the shoot were... "All I can say is that I was really nervous for two reasons. 1. you are incredibly beautiful, and 2. you were wearing some of my favorite colors. Talk about double trouble."
Very fun! Very cool to wear one of my fans jerseys too!
If you are looking for great pics contact him at...
Hope you like how well he showed off my growing body! I think you can really see how much I have been eating lately in this set! I told him exaclty what I wanted and he showed it off quite nicely! He was also the photographer for my Fire and Ice set!!! Hope you enjoy and love my sexy growing body!
Hi there..... Check out my fiery new hair! It makes the ice melt on my hot, fat body! Come see... Come see it melt! Then come watch me get on the scale for my first ever WEIGH IN and MEASURING videos! First time! You won't believe your eyes! Please tell me what you think and motivate me to do more like this!!!
Hey there... I wanted to show off my two favorite sexy girls! Look at these cuties! They sure are amazing... Wouldn't you like to see the video of us teasing each other? It is by far the sexiest I have done. Lots of belly grabbing, thigh and belly squeezing and jiggling... Lots of booty squishing and smacking going on... You be the judge and let me know if you don't think it is the sexiest by far!
Hope you like my sexy friends!
Hi there! I hope you like seeing me squeeze into these tiny shorts... In this set, I start out wearing only my chubby little birthday suit and end up squeezing into my tiny jammies! Have I gotten bigger or did they get smaller? What's happening to me???
Someone needs to buy new clothes I think lol.
Hope you like seeing me this way!
Hey there. You want to see me get naked in the desert? Make sure you check this out... I am sure you would love to see me having dessert in the desert! That would be the only way it could get better right? Well, I sure hope you enjoy these previews but to see the real good stuff, you have to check out the site!
Let me know what you think!