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Messages - mistressclaire

Sexy BBW girl Molly weighed about 150 pounds several years ago, and she has been on a mission to get up to about 350 pounds. She has been consistently gaining for the past few years and is currently at 269 pounds. In this video she eats 4 plates of really fattening foods so she can get herself over the 270 pound mark. She stuffs all 4 full plates of food into her belly, not leaving one single crumb behind. She unbuttons her pants and lets her HUGE belly hang out after she finishes eating. She is so stuffed and her enormous belly looks so sexy!

Short preview here:

Full length video here:


Hey guys! I wanted to give you my weight gain update!!! I have not been very careful about my eating habits lately, and it is really catching up with me! At the beginning of the summer I was 118 pounds. Gradually, my clothes have been getting tighter and tighter on me, but to be honest, I am enjoying my new curves, and I have continued eating fast food and pizza and really whatever I want to eat every day, without caring about the weight that I am gaining as a result. Yesterday I was getting ready to go to a shoot, and I could not find ANYTHING that fit me, so I decided to get on the scale and measure my belly, and holy WOW I have really gained a lot of weight! I am not what most would consider "fat" yet, but I am certainly well on my way. I weigh almost 145 pounds now! That's about a 25 pound weight gain in just a few months time! I filmed a long video of me trying on all of my summer clothes, bikinis, jeans, well as me weighing and measuring myself. I spend a lot of time in the video grabbing at my fat, playing with and jiggling my butt and thighs which are now covered in cellulite, jiggling my big belly close up in front of the camera, grabbing my back fat and my muffin top, and showing off all my sexy chubby curves. (Totally naked). There is a short preview here:

And the full length video (48 minutes long!) is here:

Let me know what you guys think!!! I was honestly surprised I had gained THAT much, and I am curious how much more I will gain if I keep eating the way I have been.   ;)

Kimberly is already nice and chubby, but she has a goal of reaching 200 pounds this summer, and she wants to gain even more after that. She has gained about 15 pounds since her last overeating video (where her man force-fed her pizza to make her fatter), but she wants to keep gaining more and more and more weight until she becomes too fat to fit through a door. She totally pigs out on a huge heaping plate of greasy fried chicken, talking a lot while she's eating about how fat she wants to get, and how much more womanly she feels now that she is getting more curves and rolls in all the right places. Lots of close ups of her chewing the extra greasy meat, and tons of close-ups on her big fat belly as she stuffs it more and more full. It is so sexy to watch her big belly grow even larger the more fried chicken she stuffs into it, and you have a perfect view of it growing because she is wearing a bikini while she hogs out. She lets out lots of big loud belches while she is stuffing her face, and 3 different times she leans up onto one butt cheek, and rips big loud farts!!! She eats an incredible amount of fried chicken, to the point that she is so stuffed she can't possibly swallow another bite. Her stomach is SO large now, it is bulging way out and hanging over her bikini bottom, totally covering her bikini bottom. She stands up, and you get a view from her point of view, looking down at her huge chubby stuffed belly. It is sticking out even further than her big tits stick out, and she can't even see her toes anymore!!! She starts to get very excited, talking about how she is hoping she gained at least 5 pounds from this stuffing, and how she is getting closer and closer to her goal weight. She talks about how she wants her stomach to get even fatter, she wants her hips and her ass to have more and more fat on them, and she rubs her big fat stuffed belly with her hands, getting chicken grease all over her huge belly. It is so bulged out and chubby and sexy looking, you just want to reach out and grab it and rub it for her! She is starting to feel miserable as the huge amount of greasy fried chicken start trying to digest in her belly, but her excitement about gaining more weight outweighs her misery, and she knows it's all worth it. If she keeps eating like this, she might be able to get up to 300 pounds!!!

Short preview video here:

Full length video here:

I'm hoping to film Kimberly again next month so let me know if you have any requests for her! 
Big sexy BBW Beth is already well on her way to her short-term goal weight of 500 pounds, but she wants to keep gaining more and more weight for you because she knows how you like her all big and fat, and how you want her to gain more weight. She lays on the bed and pulls her shirt up to reveal her big fat stomach (she does not expose her breasts though). Just looking at her huge fat rolls gets you all excited, and she talks to you about how she needs to put on more weight, and how she needs you to feed her. She talks about how she wants to get so fat that she can't get out of bed, and you will have to grind up her food in a blender and feed her all of her fattening meals through a feeding tube. The entire time, she is squeezing big handfuls of her stomach fat, and pinching and jiggling the fat on her arms, saying how she wants to gain more and more weight. She lays on the bed with her huge bare belly fully exposed, and grabs the sides of her big fat belly with her hands, and starts jiggling her fat all over the place, and you can see her fat ripple like a big wave. She stands up and grabs onto her big belly and shakes it and jiggles it, giving you a nice show and teasing you with her super sexy fat belly. She is a shy girl, so she doesn't talk non-stop throughout the entire video...sometimes several minutes go by of just her playing with her big fat rolls and squeezing and jiggling all of her super fatty areas without saying a word, and then she will start talking about all the different kinds of fattening foods she wants you to feed her, and about how much more weight she wants to put on, and exactly where she wants to gain more fat.

Short preview video here:

Full length video here:

Jamie has a beautiful big plump belly, and she loves to play with it. She gets especially turned on when she fingers her very deep belly button. She rubs her fat stomach, and plunges her fingers deep into her belly button, moaning and getting really into it. Her big round chubby stomach is so sexy to look at, you can't help but pop a boner watching her play with it! Short preview here (also uploaded a short preview to the files section on this group):

And the full length video is here:

I have been out of touch with Jamie for a while but I am hoping to get together with her again soon and film her again, so email me at if you have any requests for her!    ;)