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Messages - BCBeccabae

So as some of you may know, I'm absolutely obsessed with Steven Universe. I think it's such a beautiful, heartwarming, and important show. One of my fav characters in it Rose Quartz - who is essentially a big, pink haired mom who just wants the best for everyone.

She is giant in pretty much every way you can think of..and that really resonates with me. :p So it's only natural that I would want to dress up as her casually. This set is going as planned..posing with my adorable lion plush, eating delicious donuts, but it comes to a halt.

I may or may not have broken part of the bed with how giant I am! It definitely took me off guard and I didn't get to finish my set off as planned, but I'm sure you guys will appreciate it nonetheless (especially since I show you how I broke it in the second video!). Just trying to be cute and fat..accidentally breaking the furniture. Such is life as an SSBBW. ;)


Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,

Other places to find me -
So you may have noticed that I'm kinda fat all over. I've grown from chubby lil' babe to full grown fatty. Even in my smaller days - my legs and arms have always been pretty big. Now that I'm the largest I've ever been - well, they sure did follow suit.

For this set I decided to focus on these big ol limbs. Showing off my impressive arm hang and all of the dimples and rolls that accompany my legs. I imagine that laying on either would be quite the treat..they sure are incredibly pillowy.

In the video, I put it all on display for you. Lotioning up my limbs all the while jiggling, wiggling, and caressing them from various angles.

I also have a Twitter account now!  Better late than never..:p You can see it here:

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Hello, hello! Ya know.. magic and mystical creatures are cool and everything, but some of us just have some primal urges. This Hufflepuff's sweet spot is her sweet tooth!

Whether that food is from the Muggle or magical world.. I love it all. I guess that's kind of obvious though, isn't it? I may do quiiiiite a bit of snacking during my studies. After all, how else could I have gotten so wonderfully fat?

In the video I talk all about my sweet tooth, a fantasy I have revolving around a certain spell, and I also show you just how fat I look perched up in the 'invisible' chair.


Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Woo - a new measurement set! It's been quite awhile since I've done one of these and I always love seeing how much I've grown in different ways. This time obviously focusing on how much I've grown in inches!

Boy, was I in for a surprise. I thought I was fat back in the day.. but little did I know. :p This even further solidifies the fact that I've grown from chubby BBW to full blown SSBBW. I am getting huuuugee.

In the video I talk about my newly added inches and I also thought it'd be fun to talk about how I stack up compared to the average woman's measurements. Very interesting findings, I have to say. ;) I also show off my abundance of fat for you, of course!

To get my fully updated list of numbers, check out this set!

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,

Ps I'm also going to be updating my member's only blog with some before/after images from my videos.  So if that's something you're interested in, look out for that too!
My second installment to my 'exercise' series!

My first set focused primarily on me stretching and while I do that as a warm up in this one, I explore my more dreaded exercise routines as well. After stretches, I proceed to jog in place and then attempt to do push ups as well as sit ups. If you'd like a good idea of how truly out of shape I am, I highly recommend this video. I get out of breath from the get go and current weight milestone is really taking it's toll in various ways. :p


Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
What's better than a fat girl attempting to stuff herself into too tight clothing? I can't think of much, so I decided to revisit the theme for you all. ;)

This time around I'm trying on a variety of guy clothes that are just so incredibly tiny on me. Nothing covers my belly, some things won't fit over my arms, my massive legs are too much for any of the pants..just man, I'm so fat! In the video you get to watch me get all of out of breath trying to fit into these various clothing articles. To say I struggled would be a seriiiious understatement! Come watch?


Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Happy Easter, cuties! Of course it wouldn't be Easter for me if I didn't dress up like a fat bunny this year. I stuff myself into this cute little leotard and start posing just for you.

I have to say, this outfit has gotten a lot tighter on me over the years. If you compare how I fit in it to when I did my very first set with it'll notice some changes. Maybe I'll do a special blog update for compares? :p

The video is the real treat of this set. When I played it back after filming I had one of those, 'good god, I'm huge!' moments. The best part? It features me hopping and bouncing around so that you get to see all of this lovely fat in action while I quickly run out of breath. ;)

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Hey lovelies! Here recently it's been quite chilly and I thought I would take the opportunity to make a sexy, cozy set for your viewing pleasure.

I start off in my comfiest sweater, my skin tight jeans, ankle booties..posing in the freshly fallen snow for you. I figure it's time to heat things up, so we step inside and I step out of my clothes. Stripping off everything one at a time, giving you quite the show in the meantime. Don't you just love how big and soft my belly has gotten lately? It surely does help in keeping me warm. :p

In the video, I take the time to show you each part of my ever abundant body..stripping down to nothing so you can see me in all my glory. It may be cold outside, but I think it's quite toasty in here!


Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Diets and I go pretty far back. When I was a kid and a preteen...I thought they were going to solve all of my problems. It wasn't until I finally broke up with dieting that I realized how absolutely amazing it is to give into all of your tummy's desires and eat whatever the hell you want, when you want.

I figured I would test out another diet book just to see what new stuff they have going on lately. Low and's page after page of telling me what not to eat and ya know what, that just made me want to eat it even more! So I got some of my favorite 'fat girl' foods and pulled together this set.

Diets are no longer a part of my life, but twinkies and milkshakes are forever.


Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Happy early Valentine's Day, lovely! I hope you are having a fantastic day whether you're celebrating or not.

This set was made with you in mind. I dress up in my prettiest wine colored lace lingerie. adorn my cute little feet with some sexy white heels, and paint my lips red - all for you. Don't you just love the contrast of my scarlet outfit/lips against my pale skin and blonde hair? How my huge tummy hangs over my lap so much, how soft my arms are, how my thighs are the best makeshift pillows?

I decided to pick up some cute V-day cards and write one out for you. All that's missing is some chocolate (okay, lots of chocolate), something to sip on, and lots of cuddling. I'm all ready - are you?

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
I've been meaning to do a homage to this older cowgirl set since it seemed to be quite popular. What I didn't realize is that since I waited this long..I wouldn't even be able to get the shorts that I wore on again.

Nope! As much as I struggled and pulled, these bad boys would not go over my huge thighs. That's not the only thing that's grown since back in the day - check out how much more my tummy hangs now. To be honest.. I think I may have just grown all over. No complaints here! ;)


Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
It might be hard to believe that food isn't my only love, but hey.. I do have some other passions/interests. :p Comic books/graphic novels happen to be one of those things! Beautiful art, fun adventures, badass heroines.. all things that excite me greatly.

For this set I decided to share my love for this particular outlet. I love how my belly hangs out of my SU shirt and how adorable my fat legs look in these knee highs (which are admittedly supposed to be thigh highs :p). If you're into cute, huge nerds - I got ya covered!


Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
You don't think I got this fat without some serious effort put in, right? And by serious effort.. I mean spending many lazy days on the couch, pigging out, watching my favorite shows.

I usually like to do this while being as comfy as possible...which means sweats and a teeny tank (or usually, just a shirt and undies). Everything I put on nowadays seem to be skin tight, however. Are sweatpants supposed to be this restricting? Eh, I suppose anything would be if it had to go over this belly and these thighs. As I'm getting super comfy on the couch, I of course need some snacks to go along with my lounging. Popcorn, pop, and some chips and cheese? Yes, please!

Yep, it sure is hard work being this huge. :P


Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Bringing in the New Year is a tradition for many and this year.. I wanted to share that with you! I'd say my most recent weigh in was definitely means for celebrating and welcoming in the next year for bigger and better things!

Resolutions? Well, I'd say just to keep enjoying life in the way I have and see where it takes me (and my body ;p). Thank you for making this year fantastic and here's to 2016 being even greater!

Happy New Years! Be safe!

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Merry Christmas, everyone! It might just be me, but this warm weather has made it a little harder to get into the Xmas spirit. Hopefully I can rectify that to some extent with this cute holiday set!

This is far from the first time I've worn this elf costume, but it tends to be a favorite and I love wearing it.. so here we are! Despite having worn it before, it seems to fit a little.. differently in some spots, so I thought I would include some comparison photos for good measure. ;)

This year I decided to also treat myself to some milk & cookies, seeing as I think I may like them even more than Santa himself. I would say I'd share with the big guy, but hey...we all know that's probably not gonna happen. Saint Nic may be fat, but I do think I have the most insatiable belly of em all! Whether you've been naughty or nice this year - here's a little treat for you to keep you warm.<3

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,

Hi again!  Just posting some more fun updates here!

Little Lacy Lingerie is one of my favorite sets I've done.  I absolutely love the way this black number fits on my body and how I hang out all over.  I love the contrast between my pale, soft skin, the black lace, and my ginger hair.  Not to mention - great ass shots. ;)

Wet Tee Tease is especially fun!  I take water balloons and play with them/pop them all over myself.  Resulting in, you guessed it, a veeeery wet tee.  I love how the water cascades down my body and highlights my glorious tummy.

You could say this is a little bit of a part two to my last update, only with a different set of donuts. ;)
Krispy Kremes just always seem to melt in my mouth so well, and fill my tummy oh so perfectly.
After my little mid afternoon snack, I relax and give my beautiful soft belly the rubbing, kneading, and gentle jiggling it deserves. :3

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
A not so rare sight to see...
me being totally fat and lazy in very little clothing :p
Well, if you're around me that is. Clothes don't exactly contain my mass all that well, so most the time I just opt to not wear em'.
Plus, it just makes it that much easier to play with all my soft chubs whenever I please. ;)

Enjoy! (:
Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Onesies always seem to accentuate every roll, so I figured it'd be appropriate to slip one on for this festive event. :p In or out of it, there's no way to hide these curves. 
Extra bountiful and extra joyous is exactly what this Becca-Buddha is. How couldn't I be when I have all of these wonderful little snacks to myself?
They were so delicious I couldn't help but to keep popping them into my eager mouth over and over, and lucky there were so many to go around. ;) 

Needless to say, I'm having a wonderful (stuffed) holiday so far, and I hope this set manages to make yours a little bit merrier. :3 Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays, everyone!<3

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
You might consider yourself a fat lover, right? Well I would call myself quite the admirer of my own. :p I may not speak of it much out in the open, but you can definitely see just how much I can't take my eyes off myself once I find a big mirror to take all of myself in, at.

The view of my overflowing beautiful tummy from the front, to my thick thighs from the side, around to my fat ass in the back. There's no way to hide any of it here, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

There's just so much to see, to feel, to take in.. ;)
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Who would've known that in just a years time I would be having such a love affair with cheesecake?
Yep, believe it or not I was only just introduced to this succulent treat a little while before this time last year.
I was skeptical, but was surprised in the best way. From how it's so filling, but you can't just help eat another bite. Or how it so effortlessly melts in my mouth and slides down my throat to make belly extra happy. Don't even get me started on the taste. :p
So come watch me properly indulge in it in this extra large, extra sexy set.
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Hellllooo there (:
60+ pictures of me posing and stripping out of this lovely bodysuit and indulging on some of my favorite little sweets just added to my blog!  So soft, so creamy, so succulent.

Find all of this along with tons of other sexy pictures and content @
And don't forget to check out just how many inches and pounds I am while you're over in my new measurement  & weigh in set! ;)

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Just around this time last year I figured out just how many inches were packed into my abundance of pudge, and I'm happy to say that it's that time again! I certainly didn't figure I was any smaller, but I was pretty impressed by what the measuring tape actually read this time around.  The video gives you different views of my chubb-ier body and fills you in on my new and improved number! ;)

oh! and I recently updated my blog with a few more before/after pictures, so be sure to check that out ;)

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
There's few things that I (and tummy) savor more than chocolate milkshakes. So I got into my oh-so inviting babydoll that just kept wanting to fall off and roll up my big belly, and decided to indulge.  My favorite are extra thick and exceptionally creamy, which is just how I made em. Lots of whipcream, abundance of ice cream, and just the right amount of milk.  I was incredibly satisfied during/after, and I must admit that I think I look pretty adorable flaunting off my well kept curves and rolls throughout.
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

ps: Happy Halloween everyone! Hope it was wonderful ;)

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
I've come to the realization that there isn't much that can completely contain and hide my belly as far as attire is concerned.Well, this bustier is no exception. I have a hunch this isn't how this tiny top was meant to be adorned, but I have to admit... I kinda like the way my tummy flows completely and softly out the bottom. ;]
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

enjoy! ;)
Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Loves,
herrooo (:
Seeing as I'm particularly fond of October, I figured I would (hopefully) make it a little more enjoyable for you guys as well by having a C4S sale!
Meaning that the vast majority of all my clips are $1-3 off for a limited time.

Videos ranging from me attempting to do situps, eating a ton of brownies, stuffing myself into stockings & other tight clothing, talking about how I got to be such a fatty, what turns me on, shaving, a full body tour, and much much more.
Find all my clips at

Happy October! ;)
Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,

Main Site:
Email Me:
Just like I like ;)
In this bonus blog set I display said activities and give you up close views and angles of how my beautiful fat body looks before, during, and after.
The 5+ minute video gives you an up close and personal view of what it'd be like to do such things to me.

My blog also features tons of other bonus pictures, videos, before (comparison pics), eating diaries, and general/personal stuffs about me. (:
Find this and much, much more only @

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,

ps: the sexy video bonus I spoke of before will be up in just a few days, so look out for that as well. ;3
of tights, that is. ;)

The first pair barely inched up her fat little thighs, proving to be entirely difficult to wrap over her bulging belly.
The second pair, a little more forgiving to her abundant figure.
Lastly, the third pair, which seemed to glide over her body with relative ease and mold around it, not tugging too tight anywhere.

Find out which pair you think fits just right only @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,

ps: check back in a couple days for a special bonus update ;3
See through lace against creamy overflowing curves, making for quite the beautiful contrast.
Highlighting the roundness and hang of my belly just perfectly, all the while putting my thighs for days on display.
Topping it all off with my big soft, beautifully dimpled ass...(:

See it all for yourself @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,

September 09, 2011, 06:52:07 PM
Another battle against an inanimate object and my abundance of heavy body parts.
Squeezed between my fat thighs, squished and squashed under my wide ass, having my soft belly plop on top of them. When they were especially uncooperative, I showed them the wrath of my full body weight via feet.
By now, I'm sure you know who wins these kind of battles. ;)

Come watch me show em' who's boss @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,

Remember when I said my body tends to grow in the degree of upward?
This year seems to be no exception. ;)
Eating whatever I want, whenever I want, on top of having a keen fondness for being quite lazy..seems to yield some pretty exciting results.

Since it's been just a little over a year, I figured it'd be appropriate to show off said change by revisiting my very first set- Fatty Vanity!  Only this year with some added pudge, and softness all around.
Now, I'm really curious as to where it will head this winter. ;)

Come see my very first compare only @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

Enjoy! ;)
Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,

ps; be sure to keep watch for a comparison of a different variety, which should be coming soon. :p

Write me!:
If only UPS had a big enough box to ship me in :p (though I'm not sure if I'd even fit the weight limit then..)

Showing up at your doorstep in a tiny shirt & cutoff tiny jean shorts that barely hold my wide ass.  I'll just say that not much would be contained. ;)
The video features me trying on several different tight shirts, to see just how they fit my oversized body. Needless to say, my big belly sure does get in the way. ;p Paired with my huge arms, it was quite a struggle to get in and out of some of them.

Come watch me @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,

My Clips4Sale:
E-mail Me!:
Well, that was a mouthful :p
This week my Clips4Sale has been updated with 5 brand new videos!

Beccabae's Bath: This is a little 'natural' sexy video of me doing part of my every day routine. Watch me shave and gently wash my soft body in a semi-voyeur type way. If only I could actually reach my back :p

Watch Me: A follow up to my bath video, this is a voyeur view of me finishing getting ready. Inspired by the idea of you watching me from bed as I put on my deodorant, lotion up, and squeeze into my outfit for the day.

Perfect Positioning:I love being on all fours, so I give you a little show of what it's like to see me in such from the side, the front, and the back. I got a little too into it and 'accidentally' slapped my ass a few times in between showing off and grabbing. Add in a little bit of belly and big thighs, and you get this little number.

Situps Attempt: A more accurate title for this would probably be 'Attempt (And Definite Fail)'. I talk about how long it's been since I've done situps, and then try and do a few. Seeing as my big belly gets in the way every time, I'm sure you can see how it turned out. I also took it upon myself to try a couple push ups, which was even more 'fun'. If you like watching a fatty struggle and breathe heavily, then this is for you.

'Oops Oh My': Watch me sway my wide hips and fat ass back and forth in this tight little black skirt. I teasingly inch it up and then down, until my thick thighs, hanging belly, and big ass are all perfectly exposed.

Don't forget about all my other exclusive videos, which include but are definitely not limited to; how I came to be fat, a body tour, baby oil rubdown, trying on tight clothes, belly play, and sexy indulgence.
To see the full previews for each, head on over to

Enjoy! (:
Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,

For tons of content check out my main site;
Email Me;
'Barely there' perfectly describes the outcome after putting on this XL cami/thong set over my big body.
As alluring as 'pearl' white looks against ivory skin, the fact that my cami still can't cover my belly hang or wide hips when pulled all the way down, is most enticing.
Or maybe the way my thighs and ass completely pour out of the poor little thong that had no chance against them.
And might I add, I'm pretty fun to roll around with. ;)

Need further proof? Come see for yourself @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

Enjoyyyy (:
Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,

Other exclusive fatty videos:
Misty is back, and she's fat.
Or so I made her. Personally, I would have a hard time choosing any kind of Pokemon for battle, as I'd be too busy choosing any kind of food I could get my chubby little hands on.
I mean, those red suspenders were destined to actually serve a purpose, and now they definitely are. ;)
In my little Misty fantasy, my big thighs spill out of my skimpy jean shorts, my bulging belly is held up by those infamous red suspenders, my wide ass makes wonderful appearances, and it's quite the site.
I don't know what is the best part, but I know that I certainly let my Misty-self go.

Come see the new&improved version only @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,

Other exclusive fatty videos:
Bet you didn't think that a big empty closet could bring on the thoughts that it does with me.
This is one of my absolute favorite places in the house, where I constantly find myself naked and admiring myself in the full length mirror adorned on the wall.
Nothing to hide my abundance of curves, just my big naked body and this bare closet.

Take a peek at my little Secret Escape @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

Be sure to check out my personal blog, as it's had quite the few updates as of late. ;) 'Before' pictures of me, a belly rubbing video, what I've been putting into said belly, and tons of sexy pictures.

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,

Hey loves
This set is a little bit old and I'm happy it's finally up :D
I believe this is the first time I'd ever worn stockings, and didn't even think about how they probably wouldn't want to stay up my fat little thighs.
Red lipstick, petticoat, 5 inch heels, flower in my hair..feeling pretty alluring. Even more so when I'm left with just the accessories on.

Come see @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

Make sure to check out my blog too, which has tons of exclusive webcam/cell/preview pictures, and I just updated it with 'before' pictures of me as well :3
Want more videos? Find em @
Annnnd check out my new Facebook page for all my updates/pictures/etc! @

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Natural lighting, a tight blue nightie, and unexpecting onlookers made for this set to be quite the experience.
My ass tends to be monopolizing this one, as I figured it may be a teeny bit less 'offensive' then my big belly or breasts (which make plenty of guest appearances, as well) :p
As I'm sure you've noticed, I'm not very shy, but I have a feeling a few or more people may have gotten a sight that was more than they bargained for. :3

Come see everything they saw & more @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

Follow me on Tumblr @
and make sure to check out my Clips4Sale for other exclusive videos from me @

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
I completely adore big, beautiful jacuzzi tubs.
The way the water flows on, around, and against every curve of my soft body.
One of the things I find particularly interesting is that when I turn on the jets, my body jiggles and vibrates from my thighs, to my belly, all the way to my upper arms.
I'd say it's quite the sensual experience. :p

For more exclusive videos of me be sure to check out my Clips4Sale @
Annnnnd, follow me on tumblr @

Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Come in? (: I'll make sure to greet you properly.
Fat of various kinds spilling out everywhere, that is.
Babydolls will never be a match for this belly.
Don't forget to check out all of other beautiful Bigcuties @

I also just updated my blog with 3 separate updates. One being various cam pictures, one of me out/about outside, and a few sneak previews. Be sure to check it out. ;)

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Well, this is a rare sight. :p
Usually this exercise equipment is very neglected even though it resides just meters away in my garage, but I figured it would be interesting to put them to use.

The punching bag really is no problem for me. I'm pretty limber for a fat girl, and I must admit that seeing just how high my fat thighs and legs can get off the ground is pretty entertaining for me. :3
However, I can't say that the elliptical and I became very close friends during this. I've never been a fan, but I figured I would see just how much of it I could stand. Needless to say, that video isn't very long. :p
I noticed one good thing the elliptical did offer was jiggling my body like not much else can. Once I really got going on it, I was more aware of just how big my belly and thick thighs are, then I am the majority of the time.
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @
See other exclusive clips/videos of mine @

Oh! And I just updated my blog with 50+ webcam pictures, so be sure to take a peek at that if you fancy. (:

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Sooo, as a follow up to my Cottontail set, I figured I'd show you guys what it's like getting into the bunnysuit.
It's comprised of my pink fishnet stockings, the skintight bodysuit, and bunny ears.
Fishnet and stockings have never exactly gotten along with my thighs, and I think my belly and ass definitely give the bodysuit a run for it's money in stretch.
Although I obviously fit into everything, I still think the process is a little bit entertaining. :p

Come watch me squeeze in @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
I'm sure you know where this is going. ; ]
I got my very own basket with eggs, which were full of chocolate eggs, with an even bigger surprise at the bottom.
This chubby little bunny only had one thing on her mind. Well, maybe two. ;]
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

Make sure to look out for a little bonus update I have that goes along with this one. ;]

Happy Easter!<3
Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Hellllo :)
I just uploaded 5 new videos to my clips4sale!

How I Came to be Fat..Chat
The title of this is pretty self explanatory. Along with sharing how I got so tubby, I give some embarrassing stories, a little insight on my views of gaining/feederism/etc, and some general fat talk.

Boyfriend Flannels
Which aren't actually from boyfriends. :p I adore flannels, but my tummy makes it semi hard to actually button them up properly. Watch me snugly fit into, and strip out of three of my favorites. ;]

Eats a Popsicle
I would more so call this licking/sucking a popsicle, but, ya know. : p I devoured it slow and sensually, with proper technique.

the 30x32 Jeans
I took it upon myself to try on men's 30x32 jeans. Needless to say, this attempt was a little pathetic. ;p

Focus on Feets
Due to popular demand, I figured I'd show off my cute little feets and toes. :)
Toe wiggling, stretching, just showing em' off.

See the full preview GIFS and other fat filled videos @
Oh, and don't forget to check out my main site @ for lots of content ;]

Don't forget to e-mail me any suggestions/recommendations/feedback you have, I'm always up to hear from you :]

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Hey guys :)
This set certainly does have a lot of peekaboo to it, just not exactly of the G-rated variety. :p
I noticed as soon as I put this see-through teddie on that it could hardly contain my abundance of curves, and it looked like my belly wanted to have it's very own game of peekaboo on either side of it.
My tummy, love handles, ass, and chubby back VS a one size teddie.
Hmm.. I wonder who wins. ;]

Come find out for yourself only @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcutie's updates @

Enjoyyy :]
Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
What fat girl doesn't love Hostess? I know I certainly am no exception to that rule. ;]
Twinkies and chocolate cream filled cupcakes make my eager taste buds and oh-so-chubby tummy very, very happy.
With each soft, sugary cake filled bite, my belly grows entirely and completely satisfied and full.
Which makes great for belly rubs, of course. :p

Come see for yourself only @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcutie's @

Enjoyyy :)
Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Naked, natural, and between the sheets? Sounds like a good time to me. ;]
No roll, curve, bulge, or pound of my soft, pale chubby little body is concealed in this.

Come see what it'd be like to keep me up only @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcutie's updates @

ps! make sure to check out my member's only blog. I just updated it with some cute pictures of me in tights, and not much else. ;]

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
The title of this set pretty much describes it perfectly, except maybe the 'little' part. ;]
This is a true natural state for me. :p
Just as much as being out, I love staying in at home and being lazy.
Movies, the internets, books, and plenty of foods? What more could a chubby 'little' girl desire? Maybe some cuddles, but I'm pretty good at loving my body myself. :3

Come take a peek only @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties updates @

Enjoy :)
Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
Seeing as Domino's delivers as late as midnight, we're basically the best of friends in intervals.
What can I say? My taste buds and tummy find it really hard to resist their yummy alfredo and decadent lava cakes. Soooo, they don't. ;] I decided to order two 'servings' this time, because one just wasn't cutting it.
Belly definitely wasn't short of happy afterwards. :3

Come watch me fill and give tummy loves only @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcutie's updates @

Ooh, and keep an eye out for my regular update which should be up in 5 or 6 days. ;]

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,
The inspiration for this set is a little less than G-Rated.
Stairs have always just held so much appeal to me in certain aspects. ;]
I'm sure the view from down there is an interesting one. So many different angles and views of my wide ass, thick thighs, round belly. I think the title of this set gives a very accurate definition of how I'd prefer things to play out. :3

Come follow every inch of me @
Don't forget to check out all of the other beautiful Bigcuties @

Enjoyyy! ;]
Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,