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Messages - sammie702

yes, i did... and she liked it! ;D

come and check us both out!
who do u think won?

come visit me on


U CAN ALSO IM ME ON yahoo. sammeeb702
always love to chat with friends and fans
they fired me, said i was on my cell phone too much and that i ate a pork chop. they also said that i knewe who was doing drugs and refused to relase that info.
Well this is a treat, and its true... they say its not because of this reason but its funny how they keep reentering the fact that its not because of the website.

lemme tell u what happen...

i get a call Monday night, I'm trying to do a shoot, and its my supervisor. she says that i need to be in the office at 3pm Tuesday to talk with hr.
no real valid reason, but that there was a complaint and they need to conferee with me.

so i call hr and try to find out whats up.. everyone is so frig gen vague.

so i go yesterday , and I'm sitting there listing to Huey, Duey and dumb ass.
and the first thing that is mentioned is .. do u have a website?
i said yes, no reason to lie. obviously they know.  then it was ... how would some one be able to look at the website...  k u work for cooperate and don't know shit about tag words. u must just play pogo on urs, and read email. so i broke it down, goggle black, sock, feet and white. with out the safe search on and you will get a lot of things, goggle bbw, ssbbw or red headed bbw and low and be hold my fat ass appears.

then it was why would this employee be so out raged that your on a site.
well can u work diligently if you had a hot coworker that makes checks in a day that you don't make in a week. and that maybe there significant cant do what i do, and he saw that? or look like i do? i dunno ask him.or her. and then ask what they where doing when they conquered up this crap. i gave coo-dos for that one.

but its not because of the site, understand what u do after 5 is yours... i said i hope it isn't because of the site, and raised an eyebrow.

then it was did u eat any of the clients food? what the fuck. i can afford to eat anywhere i want. why would i eat a clients food, especially when the manager has put my food personally in the fridge.

then it was do u exploit ur clients? do u know what exploit is?
exploit how, by using the water, the toilet paper and the soap to wash my hands?  and exploit by using there electric, there phones... omg am i in trouble for using their glassware?

then it was have you seen anyone eating or doing the same?
if i had time to tell u that, then what is the client lacking? cause obviously I'm not focused on their needs. what was the employee doing that called themselves snitching at the time doing?

then it was do u favor certain clients to bathe? all ass gets dirty, and all ass gets washed. the only one i am hesitant to bathe is the one that attract me, but, i still do it.. with more staff support.

then it was do u want or are seeking a relationship with a fellow employee?
Cointreau to those who know me... you need to be able to have 4X's my condo payment to date me.and that's got to be in the bank. I'm not being umm a gold digger, but. i do have a coach bag fetish.what the fuck i look like dating some one i work with. not gonna happen. i can be your friend and u make the same pay as me, we cant have more than what we both bring in. I'm trying to up grade.not you upgrading from me and what i have. the cable guy is where I'm staying.

then it was do u have any coworkers phone numbers?
yes i do i was given those numbers to contact by the employees themselves in cause of question or concern for the paperwork or clients.

and then there was the don't call any of the employees, don't call the work site. don't call anyone pertaining to this matter, contact hr, and program coordinator if u have questions.

then it was also mentioned is there anything in the job that you are not able to do. and i said yes because of my height and my size, i cannot drive the company vehicle, but... i can ride in the back with the individuals comfortably, and can carry in groceries, and things of that matter.

i would like feed back on this.. what does it sound like to u?

bathroom sex..

bathroom sex takes skill, especially if u have a small one like mine. u would not believe what the cable guy likes to do to me in the bathroom. actually this is his story now.

the cable guy loves my ass, and don't blame him actually. going up and down the stairs will pump a flatty to a fatty in no time. i was washing my face in the bathroom and he came up behind me and asked me to bend over the toilet. have you ever sat on someones face from the toilet seat?

lemme tell you how i did it.
you straddle the toilet and kinda squat, knees apart and lower your ass down but have it poked out. then you kinda ease back on to  his face like laying on  the seat, cover down of coarse. then you connect lips to lippz. talk about some serious pussy licking there. omg! omg! omg!
he held on to my hips and pushed me down on to his face. this shit was mad crazy, as I'm hugging the toilet tank.. then he sticks a finger into the pussy hole and starts to finger me, as i grind his face and finger i get wetter, and hotter. so by now he is stroking his cock and slurping pussy.

he sat up and said bend over.

now I'm a big bitch, i think i told u that.
i have no problem riding a cock, especially his. how many big woman my size though can touch there toes. I know i can! and he knows it. from behind he says i have a key hole. so he sticks his dick in while we are in this bathroom, kinda like the airline size, bathroom and we start to fuck. this was the first time that when he came, he pulled me into him and shot hella wads deep in to me.

now if that's not some serious bathroom sex... hold on.
i actually can take his fist, i fuck water bottles for crist sake. he fist ed me in the bathroom, after he came in me...the entire hand. pussy was full of him and his semen and damn it, i asked for more. just like good food, i love love love good cock.
i got to lick his fingers clean.

there will be more to this story...

check out my blogs ....
here I am again...waiting 4 u ...dont you wish u could just be that pillow?