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Topics - greedisgood

BBW Related Stories / Fantasies / Claire part II
November 02, 2005, 11:56:50 AM
It had been 7 months since the incident with James Thompson.  Claire was coming to the end of her first year of A-Levels.  Her appetite remained enormous, at times impossibly so.  Like on Christmas day when she'd eaten a huge turkey dinner piled high on the plate with all the trimmings, filled up her plate again, and again and again!  Her mother had cooked a massive bird even though it was to be just Claire and her parents for dinner, and whilst she and Claire's father had eaten large dinners themselves it was Claire who was responsible for demolishing three quarters of the turkey by refilling her monstrous dinner plate no fewer than 5 times!  Four and a half hours after starting in Claire was still sat at the dining table, having added to her dinner with several plates of mince pies, working on her third entire Xmas pudding when there was a barely perceptible 'crack'.  Moments later the solid pine dining room chair that she had been spilling over the sides of for the last four hours suddenly gave up the struggle and collapsed under her.  Claire lay on her back giggling to herself as her mother rushed to check she was ok.  Claire retired to her room to lay down rather embarrased, holding her groaning overstuffed belly, but only after she finished the Xmas pudding she was gorging her way through!

However occasions like this were the exception not the rule.  And even though she still ate considerably more than everybody else she knew her rate of gain had slowed.  This was partly due to claire's dedication to her studies which she still hoped would help her to exlpore the world.  Whilst Claire had not forgotten about how turned on she had been when squashing that bully, she had managed to put it to the back of her mind.  She still saw Thompson from time to time around school and when she did she always got a little wet as she thought back to it.  He had never told anyone what had happened and Claire didn't mind.  She would however tease Thompson, winking at him when walking by him.  He in turn gave Claire a very wide berth!

So it was that Claire began the summer break, having gained top marks in all her chosen subjects, looking for a part-time job for some extra cash over the summer.  Her parents, even with their successful farm, were struggling to keep up with the rate at which Claire outgrew her clothes!  Consequently Claire had already been working Saturday mornings in the local travel agents where, typically for Claire, she was popular and good at the job.  Claire now weighed 398lbs.  She knew because her mother had bought a special scale years before when she was even bigger than Claire was now.  Claire realised though that one saturday morning a week barely paid for a pair of socks on her massive frame.  While she had more time off she would try to earn some more money.  This meant secretarial work at a small business supplies firm four days a week.  She had been interviewed and employed by Ann, a pleasant, bubbly 40 something who was probably about 250lbs as well as being quite short.  Claire suspected that Ann's size definately worked in her favour when she was trying to get the job.  Ann however, had a junior partner.  Brett was a mid-thirties, greasy, arrogant slob.  He was married with kids but openly flaunted a stick-thin 21yr old barbie doll who he was having an affair with.  Brett ridiculed Claire any chance he got.  Not in front of Ann though.

A month into the summer break Claire's plan of earning more money to cover the cost of outgrowing her clothes was not working quite as she had hoped.  Claire didn't have any studies to distract her from over-indulging and was eating more at home again.  Coupled with this was Ann's well-meaning encouragement.  Ann always brought lots of fattening goodies into work with her, for herself not for Claire but she was the sort of person that had to share...................
"try some of this gateaux Claire its fabulous..................."
"have some of my cookies I have too many............."
Claire being Claire, she didn't need much encouragement.  So from gaining 30lbs in 7 months Claire suddenly gained 18lbs in a month!!  At 416lbs Claire was running out of clothes!  Her black stretch pants were stretched to the limit.

That Thursday night Claire was alone in the office just before 5pm about to close up when Brett walked in with barbie (her name was actually Christie).  Unfortunately for Claire they walked in as she stuffed the last of the box of 6 large chocolate eclairs into her mouth not wanting to leave any.
"Oh my god just look at that PIG!" Brett bellowed as if to a crowd.
Claire felt herself getting red in the face.
"Ewwww.  You're gross" barbie/Christie wined.
"And you have the IQ of vegetable" Claire shot back.  But she was still embarrased to have been caught like that.
"I think you'd better waddle off home now jumbo, burn off some of the BILLION calories you've probably stuffed into your fat face today!  We'll lock up"  Brett winked at Claire waving his keys at her.  Brett often came back here after work with his little brainless tart.  It made Claire sick to think about his poor wife and kids.  She didn't know them.  They could all be like him but it still made her sick.
Claire was walking by them on her way out.
"Look at her wobbling, I bet she weighs like a TON or something" Barbie said to Brett deliberately loudly so that Claire could hear.
"Yeah I can't believe that other fat bitch Ann picked her.  I think she did it just to gross me out!"
Claire closed the door on the way out.  She was upset which pissed her off.  She was above that sort of rubbish but it still got to her at times.  Now was one of those times.  But as Claire waddled off to catch her bus home (it was only a quarter of a mile to the small lane that led to her parents farm but she increasingly hated walking anywhere) she decided that Brett and his stupid tart had gone too far.  Brett had locked the door behind her but Claire had her own keys.  Claire also knew exactly where they'd be.  In the back store room.  There was and old matress laid out on the carpeted floor and large rosewood desk.  Claire hadn't gone very far up the high street and she was overcome with an excitement she hadn't felt since Thompson.  This made her hungry even though she'd been eating all day long.  Next to the office on the high street were two businesses which Claire knew very well.  One was a chinese take-away and the other a pizza bar.  Claire had been finding herself calling into one or the other most nights after work to grab a snack for the short journey home even though she knew her mother would be preparing a huge dinner as usual.  But tonight she was gonna be late home.  And she was suddenly inexplicably ravenous!

Ten minutes later Claire was creeping into the office.  She could hear them making plenty of noise in the back room.  She closed the door quietly.  She had ordered a 16"pepperoni & extra cheese pizza, 2 half pounder bacon cheeseburgers and some cheesy fries from the pizza joint.  In the Chinese she liked the look of the 'set meal for 2' but decided it wasn't enough and went for the 'meal for 3' instead.  As she peered through the door to the back office she saw Brett on the matress, his eyes were closed and he was sweating as the bimbo girated and bobbed on his midriff.  Brett was only a little bigger than Thompson had been.  A little shorter at 5'9" and maybe a little heavier at 175lb but he was unfit.  His eyes remained closed as he puffed and panted and christie had her back to the door where Claire stood.  This was gonna be too easy.  Claire abandoned her food temporarily and crept up behind Christie.  In one rapid movement she placed her hands on her shoulders from behind and threw the skinny girl off Brett to the left.  Without stopping for breath she leapt forward kicking her huge legs up in front of her and came crashing down on Brett's chest.  The matress was old and the spring was all but gone.  Claire thought she heard a crack as she had landed.  Brett was in agony.  She was grinding down on his chest and enjoying watching him turn red but she couldn't stay there for long.  She heaved herself up and looked a Christie.  She was on her feet and looked as though she was about to run at Claire but had suddenly thought better of it and started to make for the door.  Claire moved too quickly.  She grabbed Christie's scrawny left arm as she made for the door and pulled her like a rag doll into her chest.  She quickly wrapped both huge arms around Christie's back and lifted her slightly off the floor.  Squeezing her as tightly as she could in a horrific bear hug.  Christie could barely get enough air to wheeze let alone scream.  Claire slowly backed her up against the wall until the last few feet when she ran into the wall squishing the skinny girl against the wall.  Claire stepped back and regained her breath but she didn't let Christie fall to the floor as she didn't want to have to bend down. 
"Now its time for the fun to begin" she thought. 
She dragged Christie over to the writhing body of Brett who was gradually recovering and threw her on top of him face down.  She trotted over to retrieve her food.  She was now unbelievably hungry.  She straddled Christie's back and flopped her aching 416lb frame onto them both.  Christie seemed to be barely concious and a mere squeek came out of her.  Beneath Christie, Brett groaned and gasped for air.  Claire reached for her cheesy fries and stuffed a huge handful into her face as she began to relax and apply more pressure.  The large bag was gone in seconds.  She had regained her breath now (she'd just had alot of exercise for a 400lb girl!) and she grabbed one of the burgers.  She winked at Brett who was turning purple at the bottom of the pile, opened her jaw impossibly wide and crammed more than half of the massive burger into her mouth, chewing slowly, seductively, throwing her head back and letting her hair flow freely and pressing down as hard as she could.  She leaned forward as she chewed, her massive belly forcing what little air was left in Christie and brett's lungs out.  She sat up straight, took another big bite of her burger then bounced slightly.  She noticed that she wasn't sitting much higher off the floor than where the matress would be if there was nothing on it.  And she had both of them beneath her!!

Twenty minutes later Claire had polished off all the food. 
She had been bouncing, grinding and forcing herself down all the while.  Brett's eyes had gone.  He had passed out.  She got up and pulled Christie off him.  Amazingly she seemed to be still awake.  Just barely but still.  There was more fun to be had here.  She tossed her on her back on the carpet.  No matress for support.
"So Christie, do I weigh 'like a ton or something'?"  Claire said as she leaned over the battered girl.
"I made an extra special effort for you.  I am SUCH a PIG!" she said scarcastically mocking Christie's earlier jibes.
"If I didn't weigh a ton before I bet I do now.  Lets test shall we.  I have an idea.  I don't have a scales here but I think you could be one of those great talking scales"
With that Claire slipped off her comfortable flat shoes.  Christie might have been barely concious but she suddenly registered what was about to happen.  Her eyes were wide with fear but it was too late to escape.  Claire placed her right foot on Christie's delicate flat stomach and lifted the other leaning all her weight onto her right foot.  Christie suddenly writhed in agony and Claire had to lean against the nearby wall for support.   She then placed her left foot down on Christie's pert little breasts.
"So how much do I weigh scale?"
Christie had tears streaming from her eyes and felt like her chest was gonna collapse.  She was totally incapable of saying anything.  Reluctantly, claire stepped down and surveyed the damage. 
"Looks like I broke the scales..............................again!" she giggled to herself.
She walked out the door and started to think about what her mother had prepared for dinner.  She was STILL hungry!
BBW Related Stories / Fantasies / Claire
September 18, 2005, 10:48:39 AM
Claire had always been a big girl.  Her mother had told her that she had been 15lbs at birth and had a voratious appetite as a baby.  But as she was always quite tall she wasn't overly fat as a child.  Just big.  Big enough not to have to worry about being bullied in junior school.  By the age of 14 in high school Claire was 5'11" and weighed 220lbs but she was happy.  She had always been big so it didn't bother her.  And she was popular in school.  Quick-witted and always joking, she was comfortable with who she was.  A pretty, confident, happy teenage girl with long dark hair and soft olive skin.

Claire's parents had both been big.  Her father was a farmer.  Tall and strong.  He had always been around 230lbs of muscle.  Her mother's weight had fluctuated.  She could remember her much bigger and smaller than she currently was.  At the moment she had around 290lbs packed onto her 5'5" frame.  Her mother had once told her that shortly after giving birth to Claire she had reached almost 400lbs and had grudginly realised that she was just too big to cope with her chores and being a mum so she'd had to diet.  She was just 22 at the time.

Claire was an only child but she had lots of friends.  Her parents doted on her, being an only child and she was spoilt.  Meals in Claire's household were always big.  And Claire learnt early that leaving food on the plate was a definate no-no.  This was not a problem for Claire though.  She'd always had a big appetite from a small child and she loved to eat.  She loved the feeling of being stuffed to the limit and also quickly learnt that asking for seconds at mealtimes, far from eliciting negatives from her parents, seemed in fact to please them no end!  When she was younger Claire had been amazed at how much her Father, and in particular her mother could eat.  She seemed to have the capacity to consume a huge dinner complete with at least 2 helpings of desert, clear the table, wash up the dishes, then flop down onto the couch and proceed to munch on cakes, boxes of chocolates and snacks all evening without hesitation until she went to bed!  This was when she wasn't dieting of course, when Claire noticed that she was always miserable.

Now at the age of 14 though, Claire could regularly outstrip both her parents when it came to eating.  She ate alot in school and when with her friends and never really tried to hide it but she always held back a little.  Claire was afraid that her tolerant friends, that were already amazed at what she could put away during a school lunch hour or a saturday afternoon trip to the cinema, would change their opinions from amazed to disgusted if they knew how much she consumed at home where she now ate almost constantly from the time she arrived home from school til going to bed.  Just like she had seen her mother do at times when she was younger, only on a larger scale!  Add to that the HUGE breakfast she would have before leaving for school and it was easy to see why Claire would be concerned about what her friends would think.  Claire used to joke when she was with them about how she was hungry AGAIN!  Little did they no!  From a young age Claire had associated dieting with seeing her mother unhappy and had vowed never to inflict such pain on herself.

Things had begun to change in Claire's life though.  Her body was developing as with most girls at that age.  Being a big girl, she had been one of the first in her year to have noticable breasts.  Something Claire herself was very happy about.  She started to wonder about boys for the first time.  But as her body changed it was her appetite that was about to catch up with her big time.  Over the next few years Claire's height, which until now had been shooting up each year, didn't change.  And it appeared that her appetite only continued to grow.  By her 16th birthday Claire had reached 356lbs.  Gaining 130lbs in 2 years, whilst remaining at 5'11" had transformed Claire from big through fat to very fat indeed.  Claire ate huge amounts constantly while at home, even surprising her mother, and found it increasingly hard to resist even a little in front of her friends.  Her parents it seemed would never tell her to eat less and she remained popular in school with a group of close friends.  They seemed to accept that she was happy at her size (although they never asked her about her weight) and even stuck up for her with others at school who weren't so kind about her ever expanding body.

Claire herself was not overly disappointed, or indeed worried about her appetite and consequently enormous body.  Her close friends had stuck by her and she remained confident and happy.  There was one thing that disappointed her however.  The fact that boys all seemed to be repulsed by her fat.  Her only boyfriend to date had lasted 2 weeks during which he ridiculed her and told her she had to lose weight.  Claire dumped him.  She wasn't taking that off some nobody!  But she was lonely.  She had internet access on her home computer which her father had got for her to do her schoolwork, and found out about sites dedicated to big girls and guys who appreciate them.  she loved nothing more than to retreat into this world and chat to teenage guys who loved their girls BIG.  Unfortunately all these sites, and the guys on them, seemed to be in the US.  Growing up in a country town in the UK had been a wonderful childhood and she loved her friends and family dearly but she was increasingly longing for the chance to travel to the US where it seemed to her that girls of her size were more readily accepted.

It was not long after this that Claire was to experience something that would change her life.  She had done well in her GCSEs and had stayed on in school to do A-levels in Business studies and languages.  She was hoping to get a job in  the travel industry and get the chance to travel herself.  Claire was late for class.  She hurried (as much as a 363lb girl can hurry!)  down the corridor munching a donut (her fourth) when she heard a 'Ooof' coming from the boys cloakroom area.  She detoured slightly to take a look.  She found a small boy lying on the floor, obviously in pain, with a bigger boy standing over him.  That boy she recognised as James Thompson.  He was in the year below Claire and was a skin-headed thug known for bullying younger kids. 
"Get away from him Thompson" she said.
"Fuck off you fat pig, i'm busy" he replied.
That was to be the biggest mistake Thompson had ever made.  Although Thompson was maybe 6'1" she guessed him to be only around 170lbs with a wiry frame.  Claire ran at him, closing the gap to him in seconds.  He swung a fist at her as she approached but she swatted it aside as she ran into him.  As Thompson was standing next to the wall he had nowhere to go when her massive belly hit him.  There was another 'Ooof' sound as Thompson was splatted against the wall by Claire's 363lbs of flesh.  Her whole body was shaken from the impact and it seemed as though nothing had been between her and the wall when she hit.  After a second or two Claire stepped back exhausted from her short run.  Thompson collapsed to the floor at her feet, face down barely moving.  Claire was feeling strangely excited as she surveyed the damage she'd done.

After a brief recovery she bent down and turned Thompson over so that he was face up.  He groaned.  He looked as though he'd been hit by a bus.  "I suppose he has" Claire thought to herself smiling.  By now the younger boy was on his feet and smiling.  Claire turned to him.  "Time for you to get to class my friend, I think i'm gonna have to teach Mr Thompson here a lesson he'll never forget!"  The boys eyes bugged out as he thought of the possibilities, then he ran out and off to class.  Claire positioned herself so that she had one foot either side of Thompson, directly above his chest.  Thompson still had his eyes closed.  If they were open he would have tried to move from this vulnerable position.  But Claire couldn't see all of his face because her belly stretched out too far in front of her.  She felt powerful.  She'd squashed this guy against the wall for no more than a few seconds and had hurt him so badly that he couldn't move.  She squatted down a little then kicked her legs out.  OOoooph.  Claire thought she heard a crack as her 363lbs settled on Thompson's chest and stomach.  She pressed down onto his chest.  This felt great.  Thompson was going red in the face as he struggled to breathe.  His eyes were certainly open now!  Claire smiled at him.
"how do I feel?"  she was rocking back and forth, squeezing all the air out of his lungs.  He was completely imprisoned beneath her and she was loving it!!  It felt so powerful.  Almost erotic. 
"Get offfff"  Thompson managed to wheeze.  It was almost too quiet to hear.  Claire lifted herself slightly (no mean effort for a girl of her size sat on the floor) and moved back a touch, pounding her 363lbs down on his unprotected stomach.  She felt as though her ass had hit the floor THROUGH Thompson.  She could feel parts of him moving around, forced out of place, internal organs?
"What?  I can't hear you?" she said.  Thompson had turned an even deeper red in the face and looked as though he was gonna be sick.  His eyes were leaking tears.  She leaned forward so that her face was closer to his.  Her huge belly forcing the last of the air out of his compressed body.  He looked on the verge of passing out.
"Listen to me little man" she whispered,
"If I EVER catch you bullying people again you are gonna be sooo crushed that you'll wish you'd never been born!  Now say sorry."
She leaned even closer to his face knowing that this would make it even more difficult for him to say anything as her enormous belly crushed his chest.
"Sooor"  He trailed off.  Just couldn't get enough air in to complete the word.  This made Claire smile.  Thompson's eyes were now streaming and rapidly glazing over.  She couldn't believe what she had reduced him to.  She felt sooo good.  Sooo dominant.  She had no idea that she would feel this way.  She had never thought about it before.  Unfortunately Thompson looked as though he was finished.  She lifted herself off him and stood up.  Thompson wheezed a very faint "sorry".
"OK then.  Just remember what I said."  She walked out, making sure to place her right foot squarely on his stomach as she walked over him, leaning all her weight onto her right leg and pressing down as she took the very slow step.  Thompson's face contorted to display agony.

The next day Claire heard the news that someone had beaten up James Thompson badly.
"cracked two ribs!" her friend jenny was saying.
"they say he won't admit who did it, not that anyone would probably care.  He sure had it coming!" Jenny continued.  Claire smiled.
That night, after finishing her dinner of an enormous steak, mashed potatoes and gravy AND a whole tray of Lasagne, followed by half a double chocolate cheesecake, she picked up the remaining half, a tub of ice-cream, 3 larges packs of oreos and a box of crispy creme donuts, headed for her room and thought again of how wonderful she had felt.  She couldn't help playing with herself as she thought of squashing, crushing and flattening Thompson beneath her.  The fact that she could inflict pain with just her weight was turning her on.  How could that be?  It was down right strange.  Claire started to feel a little ashamed of how she felt.  Then she began to wonder if there were guys out there who would like to be squashed?  She dismissed the idea as ridiculous and absent-mindedly stuffed a chocolate cream donut into her mouth whole.

More to follow........................

More to follow.......................