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Messages - theghost

if u would like to give me some ideas about what ashley should do, pls i.m me at vodkanvinegar, THNX
BBW Related Stories / Fantasies / Ashleyp2 (continued)
December 06, 2004, 05:26:13 PM
Ashley's home team was stacking up points almost as fast as she was eating her snacks. Fifteen minutes had clearly gotten the message off to the misfortunate cash register. If the sweat wasn't foul enough he found the smell horryfing. She was jumping up and down, slowly sliding him further and further up her ass. Every time she would sit down, her jello like ass would spread the flimsy panties, or cash register man, to its max, making him in techinical terms stretch too. The seams were startin to tear from all the activity, and by this time he was willing to pass out cus it was too much for him. This wasn;t the only peice of clothing taking a beating, after all her food, the once tight straining jersey had a rip, a big rip exposing her soft belly. Jiggling to and fro, bouncing up and down, unbeknown to her.

Some jealous  fans, to the losing team, picked out the most helpless and in their minds easiest to pick on fan, of the team demolishing theirs. Of course Ashley was their first pick, for awhile they snickered to themselves but alchohal got them to yell aloud, screaming viscously "well lookie at der team fans jimbo, dey cant even dress up rite" "how can such a pig eat so much" everyone in the general area heard the two fools, either lauphing with them or making fun of their stupidity and drunkness.(lol if thats a word)

AShley was completely red faced, embarressed so much, that this time she was going to use her power, not her power use her(thats what she thought about her power most of the time). Furious, she told her power to get them baq, it would but not know, not while they were all in the open no, later on, when they went somwhere not in public.

Minutes went by and the issue calmed down as her team came back with 3 more touchdowns, o the pain her panties (cashregister man) were feeling with every movement and jump. Well it was time for a famed t.v break, so everyone got up to refill on beer or take a leek, from their beer intake ( O wat a cycle) So ashley, still feeling a little sad decided to get some stress food, to calm her down.

Jimbo, the idiot who made fun of ashley earlier, found himself in a thick yellow substance. With him he found one of his friends, another misdoer against ashley, but not his main accomplice. After awhile they noticed they WERE in a nacho cheese container, sorta of stuck from the thick consistency of the cheese they couldnt move. How could this of happened, they were bewildered. Suddenly the thing they were in started to shake and bouce around for awhile to it stopped for a quiet moment. Horryfied to find their doom, the lid opened and light shown through along with two proky fingers.

Ashley loved nachos, except they made her have nasty nasty gas, but it was a football game, no one would be able to tell, B.O was a familiar smell in the stands. She ate one by one, dipping it in cheese, the two men were horryfied. It was like russian roulette waiting for the time they would be scooped and aten by this huge mammoth of a women (rmbr they were really really small now) Ashley finally scooped up jimbos friend, he was slowly moving clser to her lips. Sweating and screaming he struggled to get loose. Then he saw the cavernous wet mouth of hers. He knew there was no more hope so he prayed his last time to God.  The breath was a horrible smell of beer and grease. Seconds felt like hours as he was slowly engulfed into darkness. She noticed after a couple more a little man in her nacho cheese, then remebering her wish agaisnt the two evil men. So she lowered her head making a triple chin and saying straight to jimbo, "i hope u taste good". He was shocked then she took the cheese container and just poured it down her throught, o did she love this feeling, a feeling of power and some self dignity. (dont think im a cannibal, or have sexual fetishes to cannibalisms, its just a fantasy story)

She left the game and found something new, her jersery had a mouth.......
And she farted all the way home right into the poor panties (yes hes still alive)

------Ashley p3 comin soon, reply tell me wat u think, thnx u guys 4 reading my stories it means alot, PEACE!!! till next time-----

BBW Related Stories / Fantasies / Re: ashleyp2
December 06, 2004, 04:22:57 PM
thnx, if i didnt have skool i would go much faster but o well
BBW Related Stories / Fantasies / ashleyp2
December 05, 2004, 08:24:19 PM
This time our wonderful naive bbw was at a football game, wearin a a jersey way too small, jumping up and down cheering for her team, ripping the seams of the already tight jersey. Her large breasts leaving permanent impressions in the ruined clothing. By the time half time came, her belly was hanging out of the ripped sweaty jersey. It was half time and boi was she hungry from all that cheering. So she got from her chair and squeezed thru the aisle. This was trouble since she was sweaty hungry and a large women. When she finally got to the food stand she was ravenous, dying for food, buying a quart of beer 3 hot dogs, 2 hamburgers, a ice cream bar, popcorn, and cotton candy. This she thought would hold her over till the next quarter. The guy handling the cash register had the nerve to ask her how her clothing were able to hold her. She smirked, not caring because she wanted the food, and get baq to her seat, but her powers never forgot. When the very ignorent and rude cash register man left for a bathroom break he found just as he opened the bathroom stall it gt all dark.After a couple of minutes he realized along with ashley, she was used to things changin into ppl or the other way around, he had turned into a pair of panties. Riding up ashleys crotch, with his nose stuck up her ass, he was too soon find out wat clothes feel like on a big girl. (more to come, sry ill finish 2morrow)
BBW Related Stories / Fantasies / Re: ashleyp1
December 04, 2004, 04:45:43 PM
alot, but this is just the first to the saga, she can basically turn people into things that will seek revenge on them, the punishment suits the crime in her case.....very mysterious but squashing will come soon....
BBW Related Stories / Fantasies / ashleyp1
December 03, 2004, 08:27:31 PM
(this is my first story, its not too vulgar but very odd, hope you enjoii)

Ashley was a medium height woman who weighed newehere from 380 to 420, she was a big girl to most of the crowd. But she had an akward power, that couldn;t be denied. A person who angered her would be punished, an eye for an eye.

She was at the bar sitting in a booth drinking alot of beer and finishing off some pizzas and large baskets of wings, two very rude gentleman waltz over to her and have the stupidity to make a comment about how she can eat so much. Now ashleys power is most of the time not controlled by her. It does things for her without her knowing. SO she discards these nasty comments and continues eating. A few minutes later the two men find themselves in a akward place, on a cheese pizza, they look up to see they have been shrunked to barely an inch in size. Ashley is like any good eater she doesnt pay attention to whats shes doin when she eats so she doesnt even know that the two guys are sitting on her meal. Slowly but surely like Russian roulette the peices start narrowing down in quantity, as she consumes at a high rate. The men get anxious and start to scream but with her chewing and the sounds of a bar ther disformed voices dont make it past eachother. oNE SLICE is left, they are sitting on it not able to move cus the sticky cheese melted them to the pizza. wiggiling they try to escape, but to no use they are picked up by ashley. She slowly eats the pizza one bit at a time. They are panicing now, hoping and praying this is a dream. But Ashleys hungry stomach could not stand eating little peiaces, she had gotten a hunger wave. She had a compulsion to eat everything she could as fast as possible. finally she tooked a giant chomp getting the two men and the delicious pizza into her hungry mouth, she quickly swallowed, and the men had been given the ultimate punishment. They said she ate toomuch so their punishment was to be eaten, (its just a rouph draft pls tell me wat u think, ther will be more on ashley)