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Messages - Buffie

I am a fan of Lane Bryant more often than not but sometimes they get it wrong. Especially when it comes to my boobs. So when life hands you lemons, I say toss them out and go find some cantaloupes. And if you pop a few stitches, well, then use that cliché about breaking eggs or something...  I never remember how it goes.
Mmm, eggs.  Eggs sound good.  Over crab cakes.  With Hollandaise sauce.  And a side of cheese grits and grilled asparagus.  Wait, what?  We were talking about clothes, right?
So yeah, Lane Bryant is on occasion a Lame Giant when they make plus size clothes that don't stretch!?  Derp!
This is one of the final installments in my original Seattle Series, shot by the fabulously talented and beautiful BBW Gwen of Hot Light Studios. Hope you dig it!
Overly-Snug Hugs,
~Buffie - Check me out at Big Cuties - Click here for the Big Cuties blog

Please join The Big Cuties Fan Page here:
Quote from: david98028 on March 24, 2011, 11:01:53 AM
you look awesome!  you look quite sexy in stripes. :)

Thanks David.  I appreciate the props.  =)
Do These Stripes Make Me Look Fat?
The correct answer is YES!

I'm a mean, green, stripy machine baby!  I've had this shirt for ages and never really had anywhere to wear it until I went to the Jersey Bash.  I thought it was the perfect time of the year to share them with you for St. Fatty... err Patty's Day!  ~_^

Full Time Fluff!
~Buffie - Check me out at Big Cuties - Click here for the Big Cuties blog

Please join The Big Cuties Fan Page here:
Uhm, Jackie... there's a uhh...  I don't know how to tell you this but...  there's a spider on your bum.

Yummm.. lots of treats for Buffie!! Share? Nooooo.... Step away from my goodies! This chubby needs all these calories to maintain her girly figure. If there is anything left after I'm stuffed, I'll consider sharing... but I wouldn't bet on it. <wink wink>
Love, Luck and Candy,
~ Buffie - Check me out at Big Cuties - Click here for the Big Cuties blog

Please join The Big Cuties Fan Page here:
Quote from: BigCutieMeg on February 09, 2011, 08:40:53 PM
I wanna come to this party of hotties!!! xoxo Sexy set!!!

I'll bring cupcakes and booze!   ;D
Quote from: Big Cutie QT Pie on February 08, 2011, 09:53:10 PM
Awww! I missed the party!!!

Sexy Hot Mamas!!

OMG we would have had such a blast with you there!  Next time, it's a date, girlie!  :D

Quote from: david98028 on February 09, 2011, 09:53:03 AM
oh my god.. you to are quite sexy. :)  I love yoru great tan and awesome curves.

Thanks so much David.  =)
My favorite thing about the Jersey Bash?  Meeting BigCutie Demi!  And yes, what they say is hard to believe but absolutely true - she IS even hotter in person.  Here we are in another episode of my Jersey Journal, doing what girls do, hanging out and having girl talk in this exclusive set only available here at my site.

If you want MORE then you are in luck, because you can see even more exclusive shots on Demi's page at

You'll even catch my near-death experience with a jello shot in the video.  But rest assured, I survived and made a full recovery.

Party On Peeps!
~Buffie - Check me out at Big Cuties - Click here for the Big Cuties blog

Please join The Big Cuties Fan Page here:

This is a new installment from the Seattle Series shot by the gorgeous Gwen Dolan at Hot Light Studios.

She took care to capture my curves with her Cannon. =) I think she did an excellent job. What is it about a fat chick taking pictures of another fat chick that makes the fat look more faboo than usual? Secret fat photo voodoo maybe?

I suspect her talent as a lens-woman has a lot to do with it. Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to check out a behind-the-scenes video of us BOTH in action.

Meow Meow!
~Buffie - Check me out at Big Cuties - Click here for the Big Cuties blog

Some bikes are too low. Some bikes are too tall.
When you're cruising with fluff, your bike can't be small.
I tried one too tiny, the tire went flat.
I tried one much larger and better than that.
The next one I tried had strength, width and height.
And I finally knew - This bike is just right!
Becca, I think you do sexy in an amazing way!  <3  Thank you for the kind words.  *muah*

Thanks also to David, likem and flash.  You guys are always so awesome.  I appreciate it!   :-*
Thank you!   :-*
So I have this purse... it's a MAGIC purse... a FUN bag, see? You'll never believe what I found inside it. Mary Poppins and her carpet satchel have got nothing on me!

Other handbag essentials include Germ-X, a brush, hair clips, my cell phone, a small 9mm, Tide Pen, emergency chocolate, my pink leopard glitter wallet and car keys. 

I wonder if Paris Hilton's dog ever poos in her purse? On that note, have a super day!

Fun Bag Kisses, ~Buffie and
Thank you all  =)  I appreciate the sweet notes.
Ever try to reach your toes? I did the other day. Didn't quite make it. But since I was already on the floor... I thought "wow, good time for some new pictures!" LoL (Ohkay, the truth was, I couldn't get up without assistance.)

Something I particularly like about these pics is the weird lighting. Sort of has a funky 1970s cult movie vibe, yes? Imagine me as a guest at Z-Man's party in "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls"...

If you were a guest at a famous party... whose would it be?

All my hugs n snuggles,
Thanks TJ.   :-*
Salutations my sugars!

Here I am, still sharing good times from the Seattle Series. This one features one of my favorite shirts with a stylized version of a calavera de azúcar on it. I've never personally eaten a sugar skull before, but my mum made sugar easter eggs once. They looked cool and they smelled like candy but ... Damn, if there is such a thing as too sweet, they definitely qualified. My dentist probably did a cartwheel when I bit into that thing. Are sugar skulls really meant to be eaten? I kind of think the easter eggs were not. It was just cool to be able to say they were made out of sugar, I guess. Frankly, I think of something is meant to be edible, it should at least have the decency to taste good.

Hot Pink Hugs,

Stay up to date on all the Big Cuties here:

Super big thanks to Gwen Dolan at Hot Light Studios for the superb photography.
Thank you all for the kind words.  *kiss kiss kiss*

I confess - my tan is VersaSpa aka spray on.  =)
Greetings friends!
Here's an offering from what I will call my "Seattle Series" which is a group of photos taken by my BFF BBW Gwen at Hot Light Studios. I'm sure you're all familiar with this lovely lady. Did you know she's also a fabulously talented photographer? Well, she IS!

This outfit was a super fun find. When I first saw it on the hanger I liked the color and when I took a closer look, I realized it had KITTY SPOTS! My special guest star is Gwen's kitty named Kryten. Hope you enjoy these and more to come in the next installments of the Seattle Series.

Kitty Kisses, ~Buffie

Loving the awesome photographic compositional flair? Gwen Dolan at Hot Light Studios can make it happen for you. Visit

Keep up with the Big Cuties on our blog!
Quote from: LoquaciousFA on March 03, 2010, 06:43:26 PM
We love them too :)

Quote from: TJgalon on March 03, 2010, 11:51:27 PM
I think I have to heart them now my self :D

Thank you both.  =)  I ~heart y'all too.  <3
Awesome font, Flash!  =)  Thank you for the message!   :-*
Why hello there!
I don't know who the first person was to ~heart~ something. Maybe it was the "I ~heart~ NY" t-shirts? Not sure. I tried to look it up on Wiki but just found pages about the organ that pumps blood (huh huh huh, she said organ... heh heh heh, she said pumps) and that band from the 70's with the hot fat chick singer.

Doesn't matter. I'm just glad someone came up with the idea because I like to ~heart~ stuff. I especially ~heart~ my TaTas! The cool thing is, when I bought this shirt, part of the proceeds went toward finding a cure for breast cancer. So if you ~heart~ boobs, breast cancer research is a cause worthy of your time and money.

Speaking of worthy stuff, I'm so glad you find my photos worthy of your time and money. It is so very appreciated. This is another installment from the Seattle Series, photographed by the beautiful and talented BBW Gwen at Hot Light Studios. (

I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to share these pics with you. I hope you ~heart~ them as much as I ~heart~ you!

Sizzlin' Smooches, ~Buffie
Quote from: flash61 on January 25, 2010, 09:53:38 PM
Sweet B   :o been some time alway's nice to see you  8)

Thanks flash!  Nice to see you, too.  =)  Things have been crazy for me lately but I've got a ton of new stuff on the way.

Quote from: david98028 on January 25, 2010, 12:01:10 PM
I hope you enjoyed Seattle besides doing the photo shoot. :)

I did.  It was such a blast.  I got to see my friends BBW Gwen and BBW Olivia and my other friend Dee Vious, you'll see photos of her soon at Plump Dolls.

We ate VooDoo Doughnuts and cupcakes from Cupcake Jones and I have amazing coffee.  Zomg, I could have OD'd on coffee...
I spent some time in Seattle with the IncomPEARable BBW Gwen and she shot these photos for me at her Hot Light Studio.  It was such a blast.  There will be more to come.

Thanks for the message, David.

Hola mi amigos! Here's another set from the Seattle Series. It's me! In pink! With boobs! YAY! =)

I'm barely in pink though. When I bought this top, I thought it would be just a little more stretchy than it really was. The boobs almost didn't fit. But we had a meeting, talked it over and came to a compromise. The boobs agreed to mush themselves into the top and the top agreed not to burst for at least a few photos. Everyone is happy!

Luscious hugs and jiggles, ~Buffie

*Much Thanks To Hot Light Studios For Taking These Images - They Rule!*
You all just got played... Because I can't play. Why I own a piano, long story. But I have it and I can't even play Chopsticks. Story of my life, eh?

Some day maybe Miss Candye Kane can teach me to play like she does... with her boobs! That would rock.

Until then, please enjoy being played by Buffie!

Muah! XOXO Buffie

Here's something you fellows may not know about the ladeeeees.

We never get rid of our favorite clothes. It doesn't matter how old, it doesn't matter if our boobs are 7 cups sizes (yes SEVEN) bigger than when we bought the dress. It doesn't matter how hopelessly out of style.

Shirts and skirts of days past for us are like your fish stories or photos of the nice wheels you've had in your life or your bowling trophies. They're our treasures. Little wonderful gems we like to admire and cherish...

Now that I've explained it in a way you should all be able to understand, I have one thing to ask...

Will you quit harshing us over needing more closet space than you already? Geez. Just deal with it.

For one thing, we have purses. You don't. We need a place to keep said purses because just like you don't want to wear your brown belt with your black shoes, we don't want to carry our giant to-go-work purse with a giltter party dress. Purses require a shocking amount of closet space. I mean, you see mine in the pictures here.

Want to know something you didn't see? That's about HALF my total purse collection. You see how much closet space just those purses occupy.

So ponder no more why your girl should get the big closet. She NEEDS it.

Case - and closet - closed!

Big Boobyful Kisses,
Thanks you guys.  This place rawks.  If I'm bummed or irritated or in a funk of any sort, I come here and just soak up all the good vibes.  Thanks bunches and bunches!  I appreciate it.

Long hours of careful research go into my ramblings here, so I hope you're paying close attention!

I would have 10 more useable hours in my day if I didn't have to spend so much time thinking about my boobs. Where are they; what are they doing; between my boobs and my bra, who is currently winning; is my undershirt showing? It's a full-time job chasing these dogs around the yard, I tell you what!

So next time you think about me and wonder what I'm doing... I'm boob wrangling.

Yeeeee Hawwwww!