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o O i wish this could happen to me one day

Started by ssbbwadmierlover, November 23, 2009, 07:25:24 PM

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a dream i wish that happen me
Dagens humør: avslappet
Kategori: Romantikk og forhold
I saw you from far away there you waddled down the roaed.You must have like 600 pound or something like that,the whole body of yours giggled when you did take a step.I thinked you was beatiful clearly one of the most sexiest and prettyest woman i had ever seen.I was on my way to work but i desided to follow you and towatch your beatiful body giggle from your walking/waddling,and maybe i was so lucky to get to talk to you somehow and ask if we should take a cop of cofee together or something.From time to time you had to stop and take breaks,you couldnt walk to far without them,that wasnt strange since you must have been the fattest woman i had ever seen.But i love fat womans and i have loved them since i was 12 years old and began to like girls and to see them just not as playmates but maybe girlfriends.And before that i had always been best friend with the fattest girl in class.So what was this it was forbidden to like fat girls and to admit it to others i couldnt,i was to afraid to be picked on by mine friends,and besides i did think something was wrong with me,since like pamela anderson was like the sexiest woman on earth.So i was like 17 years old before i got my first girlfriend,and yes she was fat and beatiful about 350 pounds.So from that day i admitted to myself that i would probarly never be together with a thin girl,and i was proud and happy about liking fat womans and didnt care of what other pp thinked.suddently you lost your wallet on the roaed you tried to pick it up but you couldnt reach it because of your big beatiful belly.I thinked o my god i hurry myself to you and helped you get it,thanks you sayed and you was somehow embraised and you flushed and sayed well like you se i have alot of pounds to carry and i have difficult to get things on the ground because of it.well my name is daniel and you connie,,what a beatiful name i sayed and now i blushed he hethen i said would you pretty go on a date with me to night or do something together just you and me? and you say yes i was so happy mine luckyest day in my whole life.the rest you can imagen GREETINGS from ssbbwadmierlover daniel from norway
regards from ssbbwadmierlover daniel from norway
