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Austin Tx??

Started by ChickletsBBW, September 22, 2005, 07:35:45 PM

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Hey Guys.. or girls..

I'm looking for some new places to take a few pic sets.
I'd REALLY like to find someone that has a pool in their yard that's at least semi-private
I really want some pics in a hottub too (preferably one outside) but a jacuzzi tub is cool too
I also need a guinea pig so to speak.. lol someone that wouldn't mind being in some pics with me (I can blurr your face if you prefer) just doing some different things however NO sex will be involved.  You can wear what you want and of course i usually wear skimpy stuff lol
Or.. if you're willing to take some pics of me.  I'd really like a camera person in Austin that would be willing to take some pics of me from time to time w/ my cam for my site. FYI I don't pay for a camerperson.. i simply cannot afford to. Sorry.

I'm sure you guys are tired of seeing my boring house lol
It's hard to find places out in public that i can take my clothes off and be comfortable and not go to jail lol

If you're interested EMAIL me at
Sometimes I have a cameraperson in town and they may be able to take pics if you don't want to. But.. if I can't get my camera person here.. I would need you to take pics.. just some heads up.
My camera would be used, I'd show you how, it's easy.  However.. if my camera person can make it, you can use your cam for pics for yourself (and ONLY for yourself.. that's the catch).

Please only email me if you're serious.
Smile, it's the first thing people like about you :)


hi there me im big 6"4' 400* i love being big dont ask me y i love big ladys there more fun to be with i love the outdoors traveling movies  dinners just going out and haveing a good time and i hope you like what i like to do

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I would love for you to come to sw ga for some pics and fun !!!! Robby in sw ga.
Looking for ssbbw for me



Chicklet, if you ever come to New York look me up. I am an avid photographer, I have my own darkroom and I do color as well as black and white.  I even do some digital but it's just not the same quality as traditional photography.


Chicklets there is a model in Texas that goes by the name of Katrina bombshell, she is a supersized bombshell. I have kept in contact with her for a while now and she hasn't been modeling due to not having a photographer, if you were able to contact her and get her a photographer, you would have yourself one extremely hot partner for some updates.