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Three hours into my shift at work, my life drastically changed for the better. I'd been working at the quaint Italian restaurant for six or seven months at that point, as a waiter. It wasn't the best paying job, but I usually got plenty of free food, and had a good working environment.  For my list of complaints, the job wasn't too high up. Could have been better, of course. And that evening, it was.

I walked out of the kitchen with my hands full with a young couples dinner order, pretending not to be jealous of their night on the town, when I noticed a new table being seated in my section. I finished serving the young couple and left them to their meals, making my way to the two ladies taking their seats at the corner table. From across the floor, they looked big, up close, they were stunningly massive, with beautiful faces both holding wide smiles. The shorter woman, though no less wide, was dark skinned, with natural curled hair, wearing a red blouse that did little to conceal her large breasts, resting on a much larger belly. The curves of her rolls were fighting a silent battle against the blouse, as were the black stretch pants she wore underneath, which seemed painted onto her. The other friend was white, with long blonde hair.  Heavy, but not as big as her friend, wearing a more conservative dress that left her less exposed than her friend. Once I reached their table to take a drink order, I realized that the bigger woman was very uncomfortable seated on the bench that lined our walls, the table was digging into her belly, deeply, leaving much of her fat hanging over onto the table, and underneath. I was about to have them moved to a standard table with chairs, but seeing her white friend hanging off her hair by a few inches on either side, I realized that the bigger girl would be risking an embarrassing fall, if she attempted one of our chairs. I introduced myself to them, shielding my movement with my words, I took hold of the table's edge and pulled it back away from the wall four or five inches, freeing the larger girls belly from its fat squeezed torment. 

"Oh my God!, that's so much better. Thank you, handsome," she said, making me blush beat red. 

"Anything to serve you better," I said, trying to keep things professional despite a deep attraction stirring within for the fat beauty.

She seemed to like that a great deal, her smile widening as she locked eyes on mine. I realized that in the moment I had totally ignored her friend's drink order, and embarrassingly had to ask her to repeat it. The blond giggled to a thought I wasn't privy to, and kindly did just that. 

"And you, ma'am?" I asked the dark fat beauty.

"I'll have a dirty martini, dry, with extra olives. As many olives as I can get." It was obvious these weren't the ladies first drinks of the evening, but they were far from drunk. As it was, they seemed to be at that joyful state of tipsy, with a side of the giggles. When I promised to hunt down all the olives in the place, they both laughed openly. It took everything I had not to stare at the dark skinned woman's belly, and how it spread out before her. Even after moving the table, her jutting fat still brushed against the table, as it hung over and between her thighs under a very thin, stretched blouse. I thought, "She must weigh 400 pounds." Little did I know.

I excused myself to fill their order, hearing their chatter begin and slowly fade as I walked to the bar. I'll admit, I made the big girl's drink a little stronger than the usual. Couldn't be helped. 

When I returned with their drinks, and their menus, I finally got a proper introduction to them. The blonde, thick woman's name was Lisa, her Staten Island accent a little more noticeable on second listen. The black woman's name was Mary, her accent being a little vaguer, but still decidedly New York. They thanked me for their drinks, but stopped me as I turned to leave them to read the menus. 

"Oh sugar, we don't even need to look," Lisa said. "I'll have an order of the homemade garlic knots, and calamari to start with. For an entree I'd like the chicken marsala with thin spaghetti. Oh!, and could you bring us a bottle of red, please?"

"Of course, and good choice. And for you," nodding my head to Mary, who was flipping through the menu without really reading. I had a feeling she had her mind made up well before she ever sat down. If I'm being honest, I was anticipating what this huge black goddesses order would be. Somehow, I wasn't expecting to hear the word "salad." 

"To start, I'd like the single sicilian pizza, with sausage and extra cheese, and two orders of garlic knots. Then the large antipasto," I interrupted her to inform her that the large antipasto was for a serving of four people. She grinned and said, "I know," enlisting further giggling from her friend. Once again, my cheeks were flush red, and I begged myself that my rapidly growing erection wouldn't make itself visible. The fat mama continued, "And for entrees I'd like the spaghetti with meatballs and the linguine alfredo." 

I scribbled the massive order onto my pad, trying to keep the pen steady as my mind raced with the thought that Mary had just ordered enough food for eight people. In my time as a waiter, I'd often served bigger women, and usually found them to purposely order light, as to not call attention to their size. Yet, here was Mary, with a shocking amount of self-ownership and confidence, perfectly content with displaying her obviously gluttonous desires. I dared an, "Anything else?" 

"Thats all for now, sweetie, but don't forget to keep that dessert menu close by," she answered. At this point, my blushing must have been clear as day to her, and she didn't seem to mind adding any fuel to the fire. I took my leave to put their orders in, once again leaving a trail of giggles behind me. I excused myself to the restroom, and through cold water on my face. Thank god it was a quiet night, I couldn't imagine trying to juggle a packed house along with the hungry bombshell. There were plenty of larger women I'd found myself attracted to over the years, but none as big, or overtly flirtatious as Mary was. How I'd make it through the remainder of their meal without blurting out something horribly embarrassing, or worse yet casting a showed over the table with my erection, I did not know. It was a terrible pressure, to perform under such astoundingly sexual conditions. I walked out of the restroom and back to the kitchen to check on their appetizers, desperately trying to concoct an appropriate way to ask Mary out. I didn't see a ring on her finger, unlike Lisa, who was flashing a large rock on her left hand. 

To be continued...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Awsome you have a great talent to stories, i really wanna know wht will happen next! :o

Nice start fuel. Great to see you posting again  :)

FUEL!  a new story after so long?!  SWEET!

thanks dude,

LOL I find myself checking every day for the next installment  ;)

When is the next part due cant wait to see the rest of it

I made myself available to my other remaining table, happily finding them ready for their check. After settling with them, that left one remaining table in my section, that I could focus my complete attention on. The big, curvaceous pair of Mary and Lisa. Once their starting appitizers were ready (which alone could have been a meal for four) I rolled the various plates to their table on the serving cart. We usually don't pull out the cart unless dealing with a large party, the fact that it was needed for just the start of these fat goddesses' meal was no small thrill for me. Come across the room, Mary's beautiful round face caught mine, and we shared a smile at her knowledge that the food was coming. I could tell this big mama was hungry, and going to put on a good show for me. Once again, the inner turmoil I was dealing with, not to get caught with a massive erection, was overwhelming. 

"Mmm, that looks so good!" Lisa said, rubbing her hands together with glee. Mary kept her eyes on me as I laid out the plates before her, and I could have sworn I just saw her lick her lips there. 

"Thank you handsome," Mary said. "Now don't go getting lost on us, I'm going to want my entree soon," she beamed with a wink. 

"Wouldn't dream of it ladies. Enjoy, and I'll be around. You're actually my last table for the night." I said.

"Really? Well in that case, why don't you sit down with us?" Mary asked.

My manager had already left for the evening, and there was literally nothing left for me to do but abide these corpulent women and their appetites. "I really shouldn't," the words barely masked behind obvious excitement.

"Nonsense, here," Mary lifted herself up and moved over along the bench that ran across the back wall. At the time I didn't think anything of the fact that instead of moving left, toward the wall, she scooted right, opening a small wedge of seating between her and the wall. 

"What's your name, sweetie?" Lisa asked, as I maneuvered past her chair and table toward Mary's left.

"John, John Richards," as I sat down in the narrow opening next to the elephantine chocolate queen. She must have been leaning toward her opposite side when I first sat down, as after a minute or so of them beginning their meal, I could feel more and more of Lisa's soft fat side pressing into me. My elbow sunk into a pillowy roll of fat, and the blush filled my face.

With both hands, Mary was pulling off a slice of her "personal" pizza, and I could feel her belly and body ripple with fat from the motion. We made small talk as they ate, and I learned that Lisa worked as a manager at Lane Byrant in the mall, Mary ran her own local flower delivery business. I tried to learn as much as I could about Mary, hoping to hear a trace of her love life, whether she was single or not. It wasn't that smooth of a conversation however, between each word another mouthful of pizza as consumed. Garlic knots, pasta, enough carbs to for a year. It had to be apparent, no doubt by a goofy smile I couldn't contain, how much I was enjoying sitting with the girls as they stuffed themselves. Beyond the simple attraction to their bodies, there was another level of sensual satisfaction knowing I was the one serving these two massive women their fattening meals. Perhaps in some small way adding to their plumpness. 

Eventually, the table was left in wreckage. Empty plates piled high, my doing, as they eat through each one, I also made sure to keep a constant stream of food in front of them, from the cart to table. By this point, Mary was leaning so much on me, even the side of her belly and thigh was engulfing my left side. It was an uneasy thrill trying to squeeze out between her and the wall to remove the plates from the table. After loading the cart up with their feast's debris, I left the girls looking happy and giddy as I made off to get their entrees. 

As I was awaiting their order, I noticed a phone ringing. It was Lisa's, and after a moment it seemed she was dealing with a bit of an issue on the other end of the phone. When I returned to their table with the main course(s) Lisa was in mid-apology to Mary.

"Ugh, just so annoying. No no, I'll be fine. Let me just go pick this jerk up, once again. Oh! John, sweetie, I've got to run, can you bag up my meal?"

"Sure, that's no problem, let me..." 

Before I could finish, Lisa's other request: "And be sure to keep my girl Mary here company, will you?"

"Oh shush," Mary said, looking mock-shy.

"I'd be my pleasure. Don't you worry, now let me go get this bagged up for you." I couldn't believe my luck. Sweet as Lisa was, it was Mary I was ultimately interested in getting to know more. And now I'd have her complete, beautiful, gluttonous attention. And to think, I was beginning to tire of this job...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

I watched Mary devour one meatball in a single bite, and just about fell in love before the plate was empty. She was talking about the day to day of her flower business, I was doing my best to stay attentive to the conversation and not openly stare as she rubbed the ocean of fat she called a belly in between bites. Her confidence in her size, and image was tremendously impressive, and it rubbed off. As I was placing the last remaining plate of pasta in front of Mary, one of the waitresses, a skinny dirty blonde; who never seemed to understand why I didn't acknowledge her advances on me, gave us a dirty look while making her way out the front door. 

"What are you looking at, twiggy?" Mary exclaimed. My eyes widened, and I had to cover a laugh as the rude girl's mouth dropped open, she followed her indignity out the door. 

"Guess she wasn't expecting that," Mary said with a giggle.

"Not one bit," I responded through a grin.   

"So, John, how long have you been attracted to fat women?"

The question took me aback, I wasn't expecting that kind of directness. I'm sure my face was once again blushing bright red as I answered: "For as long as I can recall. I've never been one for the skinny girls. That obvious, huh?"

"You're so cute when you blush. Yes, it's hard not to notice, when you keep sneaking peeks at my belly. What do you think of it? Of me, honestly now." 

"I think you're easily the sexiest woman who's ever walked through the front door here, and I'm shocked I was able to wait on you without tripping over my own feet or tongue." I neglected to add, that it was almost impossible not to stare at her belly, protruding through her thin blouse as it were. When I first sat down across from her, I also realized that her belly alone was much wider than the table, a massive curve of round soft female flesh resting on her thighs on either side.

"You do know how to charm a girl, that's for sure," she said, her left hand now laying over mine on the table. For the tenth time that night I reminded myself of just what an amazing turn this evening's shift had taken. "When do you get off," she asked, her full lips turning to a coy smile. I made a show of looking at my watch, and matched her smile with my own. "I got off ten minutes ago."

I cleared the table of her now empty plates, astonished that she was able to pick each one clean. I changed from my uniform in the back, to my more usual jeans and t-shirt, and met her in front of the restaurant after she finished paying the tab. Standing next to her, I felt almost dwarfed by her size,  I may have been a couple inches shorter than I, but she was at least three times as wide. We shared another few words, she only lived a few blocks away but wanted to cab it anyway.

"I wouldn't expect you to walk all that after such a meal anyway," I said understandingly. 

I hailed us a cab, though I had to help Mary get into the backseat. Once again, she didn't show any shame at the tight squeeze, if anything, she seemed to be playing it up a little, especially as I leaned in against her to help her get her last leg in the door. My arm rubbed against the lower portion of her belly, so easily sinking into her vast softness. Afterward I made my way to the other door, and just managed to shut it behind me, Mary took up just about the entire back seat, and once again I was squashed against her and a hard place. It was beginning to be a new favorite habit. She gave the cabbie the address, and we were off. She asked me some more about myself, along with general small talk. By the time we rounded the corner to her apartment, I was leaning in for a kiss. She let more of her weight squeeze me against the door as our lips met, passion exchanging to and from. When we parted, her eyes shone like magic, and I couldn't wait to see what else the night held for the huge woman and myself.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Mary and I made our way past the double doors to her apartment building, exchanging giddy glances and smiles. I followed her to the elevators, trying my best to take in each and every one of the numerous ripples and jiggles her soft flesh made with each step. The rolls of fat that ran up her side, under her arm, each bounced and quivered with her waddle, small explosions of flab that left me weak in the knees. In the elevator, she pushed the "5" button with a polished nail, and leaned against me along the elevator wall. She was facing the doors, her massive bottom and back rolls once again putting pressure on me, as Mary peaked over her shoulder and smiled at my red-faced delight. I tried my best to wrap my arms around her, my hands separated by an ocean of fat, fingers sinking between her rolls and belly.


The doors open, and Mary takes me by my hand, and leads me from the elevator to her apartment door down the hall. Once inside, she quickly pushes me against the wall of her foyer, my stomach, chest and groin now totally engulfed between her magnificently vast belly. Trying to lift my arms against the weight as she leaned was near impossible, especially as her fat touched the wall on either side of my much smaller frame. Once again our lips met, deeper and with a more voracious passion than in the cab earlier. While we kissed, Mary bounced herself into me, even softly I felt the air rush from my lungs each time. Between her bounces and our kiss, I was quickly losing breath, and it was quite possibly the most erotic moment of my far.

Our embrace ended when she pulled back, releasing me from the grip of her belly and wall, heated now, I could tell she'd been wanting to do that for a while. I followers her through the foyer into the living room. It was modernity decorated, with an extra wide couch which seemed to be built on a metal frame. I noticed that all of her chairs, from the one at an idea desk to her kitchen, seemed specially made to withstand momentous weight. Not a surprise at all. I wondered how many she went through, the various wooden chairs shattering and splintering under her wide,  imponderably heavy body over the years.  

In front of her couch, was a large rectangular red block, which I first took as a coffee table. It wasn't till my leg brushed against it as she lead me to the couch that I realized it was one of those memory-foam benches. The placement seemed odd at first, but I didn't focus on it.

"Why don't you take a seat and make yourself comfortable. There's a small bar under the window there if you'd like to make us a couple of drinks. These pants have been digging in ever since dinner, and I must get out of them. I'll be right back, handsome," she said, her hand under my chin, leading me to a quick kiss against her moist lips once again. 

I took a seat against the couch, and watched the huge swaying ass rhythmically exit the room. After a few beats of my pounding heart, I found the will to get up and make a drink. I didn't know what she preferred, so I mixed a simple rum and coke for us both, with ice. Then, I retook my seat on the couch, trying my best to sip my drink without spilling it all over myself with anticipation rushing through my veins. I was taking in the rest of the spacious apartment's interior when I heard the unmissable sound of bare feet against the hard wood floor. Standing in the doorway to the bedroom, totally filling it by the way, was Mary. She had indeed gotten out of those pants, now wearing a sky-blue bra, overflowing with her stunningly large breasts, and a incredible pair of matching boy-shorts. Nearly all of this hugely fat woman was bare for my eyes, and I did my best to take in each roll, dimple, each curve of this goddess before me. Her large dark belly hung past the front of her shorts, you'd think she was nude if not for the skimpiest bit of blue peaking from under the side of her hanging belly, which nearly reached her knees. 

"You like?" Was all she said.

"My god, you're breathtaking," I stammered. 

"Just you wait..." 
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

I can't wait!! hehe grerat story!

Quote from: fuel1563 on June 21, 2012, 12:51:51 PM
"My god, you're breathtaking," I stammered. 


Can hardly wait for the next part...
;D :o ;D

 :o Holy crap! Welcome back Fuel! Oh boy I can't wait for the next chapter! Thank you very much for writing again! You are a master craftsman!

Mary made her way over to me, on the couch, with a slow pace, more like a waddle, which made her belly sway in rhythm. Her boy-shorts came just to the tip of her massive apron belly, which seemed to loosen itself as she moved; by the time she stood before me, the front of her blue shorts had ridden down, getting lose under the huge hanging belly. You could still see the slightest bit of blue from her sides, upper thigh, but aside that, she seemed completely nude from the waist down, an illusion brought by her folds of fat which spread out wide. When she got close enough, Mary brought her hands to my cheeks, gently running her fingers along the profile of my face, to my hair. At her touch, I closed my eyes and attempted to quiet my mind so that I could focus on the sensation of her soft touch. She spoke, and I listened to the words penetrate from the distance, her fingers tracing back down to the features of my face.

"You were so cute at the restaurant. As soon as you came to our table, I knew you liked big girls," a light giggle through passionate lips, "I told Lisa that 'he's mine!' as soon as you stepped away to put in our order. I saw how you kept your eyes dancing around, trying so hard not to stare..." As she spoke, I opened my eyes to the feeling of pressure, as she lightly pulled my head closer to the dark expanse of her perfect belly. Soon, it filled my entire vision, her hands pulling me so close that my nose just began to rub against her belly button. "I've been wanting to do this all night." Then she pulled me in. Mary made it last, each moment ringing out for minutes, when in actuality it was no longer than a few seconds. First my nose and lips were submerged in soft, smooth skin, the thought I had before my eyes and rest of my face were completely engulfed in this fat goddesses belly. Still she kept pulling me in, I could feel my face further sink into her, a sensual sensation like none other, her fat almost displacing around me, till I felt her cool soft skin brush against my ears, totally swallowed by fat. Mary kept the pressure on, and I realized it was impossible to breath in my position, my hands rubbing the hanging side of her belly, filling with handfuls of fat, my air totally cut off. After a half minute, I began to struggle out of reflex, my fingers sinking into her side rolls as I tapped for air. She held me another few seconds, just as the sparks were beginning to fill my mind, and then free. 

After she let go, my head went back against the couch, and I sat there looking up at this stunning, sexy woman, doing my best to take in air and calm my racing heart. 

"That...was...amazing," I said through the gasps. 

"I know," was her response, followed by her leaning forward and placing her knees on either side of me as I sat on the couch. Then, her belly filled the space between us, resting so heavily on me as she leaned in more and more weight. My face was now wedged between her breasts, my body totally covered under hundreds and hundreds of pounds of this huge queen. Mary must have been holding back at first, as suddenly she let go of the backrest behind me and let all of her weight drop onto me, sending my air gasping out of my lungs once again, tracing up her smothering breasts to her face. She let out a small gasp herself, almost sucking my breath in as she squashed it out. 

We stayed like that for a bit, my arms around her, resting over the shelf of her wide love hands, with her side rolls laying on top. I tired once or twice to make my hands touch around her, never even came close. We kissed, on and off between whispers back and forth. Occasionally, she'd squeeze her arms together, which pressed her breast together around my head and face, smothering me at will, letting me up for air and wasting no time before bouncing back into me against the couch. She loved the power her body had over me, how easily she could command my breaths under her, there was no doubt. 

After some time, Mary leaned her weight back, finding her legs under her to support herself. I aided by helping with her balance, while taking in a few full breaths of air for the first time in a long while. Once upright, I watched her body move, each roll and curve overtaking one another along her belly, which swayed almost constantly with every step she took. Mary removed our finished drinks from the red square bench in front of the couch, and placed them on a side table along the couch. I looked a question at her, she answered with a smile, "Lay down," she directed, gesturing toward the red cushioned bench. Not being a total fool, I could see where this was going. I leaned forward and planted a kiss on her belly button, then got up and laid out on the bench, on my back. It was about the length and width of my torso, so my arms, legs, and head were hanging off. I did my best to hold my neck up, watching Mary move around me, that smile of her's turning coy. She made her way to where my legs were outstretched over one end, and I watched this massive queen slowly make her way up, the bench and me between her huge thighs, which brushed against my sides. She was now standing directly over me, the cusp of her wildly large belly just over my chest and neck, I could just see her eyes over the top of her breasts. The view from my positioning made her look twice as big, if even possible. Her belly, which hung so low, was now just starting to touch my chest, as she swayed her hips back and forth while standing over me. The anticipation was...well, crushing. 

"I don't think I ever told you how much I weigh, did I?" she asked, playfully.

" much?" the number being just a number, but also, to a fat admirer like myself, and incredible marking point of the beauty over me.

"570lbs as of my last weigh-in, but that was a couple months ago. Probably much closer to 600 now..." Her words purposely trailed off as she began to lower herself down onto me...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

My natural instinct was to put my arms up and somehow stop this descending huge woman but I resisted and kept my body even and level with the bench as best I could. Mary's belly, which hung low enough to grace me while she stood, began to spread out over my chest, and neck, as the pressure added. I felt her soft flab fill the space around my chest, over my shoulders, even pressing down on my head and neck, I'm sure from the outside it all that was shown was the top of my face, nose and eyes and hair, squeezing out from under her. The pressure continued.  I felt her momentous butt touch my thighs and crotch, the width of her inside easily filling up the space on the bench, and engulfing my entire torso, my arms, which hung off the bench, even felt pressured to bed down from the overhanging fat of her belly and thighs. I felt more and more of her weight bearing down on me, as she relaxed her legs and spread them out before her. Just like that, I had almost 600lbs of glorious, sexy woman spread out on me. My insides felt compressed, and drawing air was almost impossible through my nose, my mouth and chin were smothered under the bottom of her belly. I'm sure my face was beat red as my body struggled to compete against the onslaught of weight crushing down on it. I couldn't even see Mary's face any longer, from the angle my face was pushed down and forward, my only vision was of the horizon of dark smooth skin, a wave of fat, washing over me. After a few minutes, when Mary had fully settled over me, she began rocking back to front, literally compressing every drop of air from my lungs, controlling my gasps with each simple sway of her on top of me. I hear her own moans and pleasing sounds from below, the passion of squashing me, or anyone, under her undoubtedly caused Mary a great deal of pleasure. Even in the incredibly crushed and oxygen deprived state I was in, once again I counted myself as a very lucky man.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

#15 July 11, 2012, 06:28:50 AM Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 06:30:32 AM by volupfan
thanks for the latest fuel .... im having fun keeping 'up' with your waiter!

hoping shes got more fun planned for him...


It Is awsome Fuel don't stop yet! ;D

How the waiter is going Fuel?

Excuse the delay, work has been kicking my ass lately. Here's the next installment. Enjoy.

The next morning.

I awake with a squint, as the sun sneaks in through the blinds. My first thought is of how comfortable I am, a rarity, as I usually get out of bed immediately in the mornings. This morning however, I feel cozy, warm, almost serene, laying here. It doesn't take long to figure out why. Still sleeping next to me is Mary, her slow breathing the only sound in the room, her face angelic in the morning shine. Mary was laying on her side, with her soft chest and belly laying over me, providing me with both an extra pillow and warmth. The weight of her belly alone, while still heavy, was also sensually giving, and comfortable, as it spread out across my left arm and torso. Dipping my head down, I could see her lower belly actually reached completely across me, to just touch the bedding on the other side of my body. There was definitely pressure, which awake, I felt while I drew breath in, though nothing like the night before, when Mary was perched on top of me with her full weight. 

Unknowingly, my free hand began to gently caress the soft skin of this sleeping beauty, my fingertips slowly sliding across the crevasses between her rolls. My mind drifted toward the events of last night. We played around for hours, toying with the shared fascination we had with our bodies together. Mary pushed my smaller frame to physical intensities I've never experienced, and yet throughout, I remained totally transfixed at her stunning beauty, size, and passion. We ended the night with a late run to the 24/7 Wendy's a few blocks away, it took a little while for the blood to get my legs pumping properly again, but I was more than happy to make the trip. I picked "us" up four chicken sandwich meals, and two large chocolate shakes for Mary and almost skipped back to her apartment. Somehow, a regular near-dreaded evening of work turned into one of the greatest nights of my life. 

When I returned, Mary had the bedroom set up to eat in there, with two large folding tables set up near her side of the bed. She gave me a peck on the lips when she opened the door for me, and once again I followed her jiggling rump as she led us to the bedroom. 

"Mmm, that smells so good," Mary cooed. 

"Almost as good as you look," I responded, still watching her hanging lovelandles bounce over the top of her shorts as she walked. 

"Aren't you the smooth talker," she said.

I began laying out the food on the tables she arranged, while Mary rolled into bed, and set herself up sitting against the headboard and pillows. It was a queen bed, yet she still managed to nearly fill its width all herself. I lost all concentration as I watched her lift her belly up, freeing it from the seam of her shorts, and letting to drop back down and over. The motion set off a ripple of soft fat across her belly and chest, and she definitely caught me staring.

"Oops," she giggled. After making sure all of the sandwiches and fries were win her arms reach, I got on the bed myself, sitting along the side of it, between her legs, with her right leg laying over my lap. I was turned to face her at my waist, and once again amazed that I couldn't reach her shoulders with my arms, even when leaning against her massive protruding belly. I immediately began massaging her belly, occasionally giving it a shake with both hands just to count the wobbling aftershocks. We chatted some more, while she worked her way though most of the food. I managed to snag one chicken sandwich for myself, and Mary instructed me how to get the tv on. Our evening together ended sometime around 2AM, as a very full stuffed goddess slowly drifted off to sleep, with me now laying along her side, my head resting on her plush side. 

Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.