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Hi, Everyone!

Started by tasty_tiffany, April 05, 2010, 09:05:06 PM

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Hello, all!  This is my first post, so please be gentle.

My name is tasty_tiffany.  That's little ol' me in the picture box.  I'm a 19-year-old girl who loves BBWs and SSBBWs and wants to use and be used by them in every way possible.  I've been sadly single ever since my highschool gf and I went our separate ways for school, so I thought I'd join a forum like this one here.

As for my name, well ... this may be verging on TMI, but I get really really turned on by feederism and WG, to the point where I fantasize about actually being some gorgeous BBWs food.  It helps my fantasy that I'm rather petite myself (5'1-and-a-half, and fiercely proud of than extra one-half), so it's just a little more plausible that it could happen.  Still not gonna (it being a fantasy and all  :() but a girl can dream right? 

Anyhoo, that's my introductory post.  I look forward to getting to know people here better as time goes on.





Welcome to BBW Clubs, Tiffany. We share the same fantasy!!


Cool!  It's nice to know I'm not alone in my kinks.



Tiffany your face looks tasty :P  not to eat of course but to kiss :-*


Well, thanks!  I'm not really into guys, but I appreciate the sentiment (plus, I can't stop staring at your avatar).



Quote from: tasty_tiffany on April 15, 2010, 06:37:34 PM
Well, thanks!  I'm not really into guys, but I appreciate the sentiment (plus, I can't stop staring at your avatar).

You must've lived in the same cesspool suburbs I did in my teens.  The boys/men & police in the area i'm talking about can turn any girl/woman lesbian because of the way most of them act.  I can turn you straight.  I can love my woman like no other.  Wish someone would give me that chance to prove it :(


Quote from: HORNYBLACK69ER on April 22, 2010, 03:51:26 AM
You must've lived in the same cesspool suburbs I did in my teens.  The boys/men & police in the area i'm talking about can turn any girl/woman lesbian because of the way most of them act.  I can turn you straight.  I can love my woman like no other.  Wish someone would give me that chance to prove it :(

I don't know you well enough to know if you're joking--and I seriously hope that you are--but in case you're serious about "I can turn you straight," then let me clue you in on something: Some women just aren't into you, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with them.  They are not freaks.  They are not monsters.  They were not abused or unloved as little girls.  They did not "choose" to be that way just to spite all men.  They're gayI'm gay.  There's not a thing in the world you can do about it, so you need to accept that and get on with life.

I had to put up with that kind of "turn you straight" mindset all throughout high school, both from tiny-dicked assholes who thought they were God's gift to vaginas and from my own parents, who for years were convinced I'd "grow out of it" if I met the right guy.  (Mercifully, they seem to have calmed down since my graduation, and at least they never sent me to Jesus Camp to "cure" me.)  Seriously, you need to cut out that "I can turn you straight" crap; it's not cool.


P.S. But like I said, I don't know you well enough to know if you're joking, and I seriously hope you were. 


Hi , I am a new member of forum. Would a newcomer be warmly welcome here? Good day you guys!!!
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