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So Delicious Entertainment announcement: BBW Strippers Bash 3

Started by lord_anubus, February 10, 2007, 10:38:51 PM

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I would like to announce that BBW Strippers Bash 3&4 has been scrapped from Chicago and New York. Now BBw Strippers Bash will be held in Memphis, TN in July. I am now taking applications from ladis wishing to come to this event and partake in this event. All Dancer and Guest info will be up on the So Delicious Entertainment Website by March 1st. Ladies if you have any questions or would like to be put on the list you can contact me via phone, instant messanger, or phone. Lets get this thing going and hope to see some of you ladies and gents there.

Yahoo IM: La_interprise
Phone: 901-931-8586

Lord Anubus

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Lover of BBWs


Searching for Entertainers for BSB 3.

Well its tha time of the year where the push forBBW Strippers Bash begins. Yes for those who do not know I have scrapped BSB 3& 4 (Chicago & New York) for BSB 3 Memphis. So with that  being said I want this to be a more improved bash. This year I am looking for more size and more diversity. Experianced talent and rookie talent. IF you are thatlady and can make it to Memphis, TN for this event let me know. I need to start filling the roster up asap.


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Lover of BBWs


Invitations will be sent out starting tomorrow morning (BSB:3)

Ok ladies, like I mentioned I would like to have diversity in BBW Strippers Bash 3. So tomorrow I will be sending Invitations to all BBW entertainers I know along with a brief on whats going on and how it will benifit all. If you can not wait for the invitation feel frre to call me and we can have a one on one on the deals of BBW Strippers Bash. For those who attended last year, well same rules apply.


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Lover of BBWs


Invitation to BBW Strippers Bash 3: Memphis

To the BBW Entertainer,

Event: BBW Strippers Bash 3: Memphis
Date: 07/28/07
Where: TBA

  Hello. This invitation is being sent to you the Adult BBW Entertainer to come out to BBW Strippers Bash 3 in Memphis, TN and represent for all the sexy BBWs in the industry. This invitation is being sent to all entertainers in order to get the word out and bring in ladies who I know can perform at a high level. This invitation will give you an Idea on what s going on and the choices you have as well as reply and give ideas and feedback.

First let me start by saying BSB 1 (New Orleans) and BSB 2 (Atlanta) was great events. Now its time to bring this event to a city that has the potential to be a great city for the BSB.

The Strippers Bash is like this. I am inviting you all to come out in return there will be floor or stage fee (payout). Which means what you make on the floor you keep (heck you work hard for your money). I will only make my money from the door. Now I know that if you are one of these ladies who does not live with in a 6 hour radius of Memphis you are kind of Leary about something like this. Well you have a right to be. I tell you ladies this can be a great opportunity for both of us to make a lil cash and get this thing exposed and move it to the next city. So ladies who live outside of the 6 hour radius these guys will come pay to see you and throw money your way because this may be the only time they get to see you.

What do I need from you if you decide to get on board? Well I am trying to develop a roster before mid March. That way the guys have something to look forward to as the bash comes near. Also I am looking for diversity. I am looking for ladies white, black, Spanish, oriental; Thick, BBW, SSBBW; Short, Average, Tall; Busty, heavy bottomed, or both. If you you are interested please send your best full body photo along with your stage name to .

Last a few of the rules that I have established for the bash.
- Zero Tolerance for prostitution or proposition during the bash. Now what happens outside or after is your business but not during the bash especially in Memphis.
- Ladies who want to bring their cameras and camera men can do so. This is cause i know you may want photos for maybe your yahoo group or website.
-Zero tolerance for drama. All drama queens stay home i do not need it. We all have one common purpose and that is to make money. No Drama, Bash goes well, we all leave with our pockets full.
- Have fun. If your having fun you can make a lot of money ("Happy People Make Happy Money" a blackjack dealer I know.).

Now if you have any questions concerns or comments please let me know. You can email me or , or call me, Eric, 901-831-8586.

Looking forward to your replies ladies and hoping to make this great.

So Delicious Entertainment
Eric Thorne
Yahoo IM:la_interprise

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Lover of BBWs


BSB 3: Memphis We have a roster forming

Well all the roster for July 28th BBW Strippers Bash is forming. You can go check out who will be in Memphis to this Years So Delicious Entertainments event of the year.

Ladies who want on this roster please get your submission in ASAP cause once the roster is full it will be full.

***Roster is Subject to change. Some ladies may cancel or be added on late.***


[attachment deleted by admin over 180 Days Old]

[attachment deleted by admin]
Lover of BBWs


Invitation to BBW Strippers Bash 3: Memphis

To the BBW Entertainer,

Event: BBW Strippers Bash 3: Memphis
Date: 07/28/07
Where: TBA

Hello. This invitation is being sent to you the Adult BBW
Entertainer to come out to BBW Strippers Bash 3 in Memphis, TN and
represent for all the sexy BBWs in the industry. This invitation is
being sent to all entertainers in order to get the word out and
bring in ladies who I know can perform at a high level. This
invitation will give you an Idea on what s going on and the choices
you have as well as reply and give ideas and feedback.

First let me start by saying BSB 1 (New Orleans) and BSB 2
(Atlanta) was great events. Now its time to bring this event to a
city that has the potential to be a great city for the BSB.

The Strippers Bash is like this. I am inviting you all to come out
in return there will be floor or stage fee (payout). Which means
what you make on the floor you keep (heck you work hard for your
money). I will only make my money from the door. Now I know that if
you are one of these ladies who does not live with in a 6 hour
ratius of Memphis you are kind of leary about something like this.
Well you have a right to be. I tell you ladies this can be a great
opportunity for both of us to make a lil cash and get this thing
exposed and move it to the next city. So ladies who live outside of
the 6 hour ratius these guys will coome pay to see you and throw
money your way because this may be the only time they get to see

What do I need from you if you decide to get on board? Well I am
trying to develope a roster before mid March. That way the guys have
something to look forward to as the bash comes near. Also I am
looking for diversity. I am looking for ladies white, black,
spanish, oriental; Thick, BBW, SSBBW; Short, Average, Tall; Busty,
heavy bottomed, or both. If you you are interested please send your
best full body photo along with your stage name to .

Last a few of the rules that I have established for the bash.

- Zero Tolorence for prostitution or proposition during the bash.
Now what happens outside or after is your business but not during
the bash especially in Memphis.

- Ladies who want to bring thier cameras and camera men can do so.
This is cause i know you may want photos for maybe your yahoo group
or website.

-Zero tolerance for drama. All drama queens stay home i do not need
it. We all have one common purpose and that is to make money. No
Drama, Bash goes well, we all leave with our pockets full.

- Have fun. If your having fun you can make a lot of money ("Happy
People Make Happy Money" a blackjack dealer I know.).

Now if you have any questions concerns or comments please let me
know. You can email me or , or call me, Eric, 901-831-8586.

Looking forward to your replies ladies and hoping to make this
So Delicious Entertainment
Eric Thorne

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Lover of BBWs

Large N Lovely Taylor

Hey all you sexy BBWs out there that can dance
I am plus size BBW Model that is getting started a BBW Burlesque show. Im looking at relocating to Vegas to get into the top Casinos and we can also travel and do shows.

1, You must be attractive
2. You must be able to dance
3. You will need 8x10 publicity pics.. if you dont have them I can help you get them made for a reasonable price. This is what you sign for your fans when you make appearances.
4. You must be able to travel, or relocate
5. Our first show will be in Myrtlebeach.. this is what I am planning currently with one of the Gentlemens Clubs

Send your pics to:
Serious only please..
