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Veronica Ryder is BACK!

Started by jennyriot, January 16, 2010, 12:13:06 AM

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Veronica Ryder is back and has a line up of clips
for the rest of the month that you definitely don't want to miss!

Veronica Ryder Clips

First, Watch Veronica on a treadmill.
She wiggles, and jiggling, and even some belly from below shots of her walking.
She even flashes those luscious back rolls for you!

Then, Veronica sat down to get a foot rub,
and get her feet rubbed and lotioned. But, she's too damn ticklish!
She giggles and wiggles, and tries to be still while getting her feet rubbed.
She's so cute and has the best laugh!



nice would love to rub them for you