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USSBBW Sweet Pea Okla Huge Pear Shaped Weigh In

Started by SweetPeaOkla /, October 03, 2020, 12:56:44 AM

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SweetPeaOkla /

How much do I weigh? With my massive pear shaped body, my wide hips, my huge cellulite dimpled thighs that rub together so much it nearly prevents me from walking. Am I over 600? Over 650? Take a guess then come see if you're right! Watch as I lift my sexy ultra fat body up onto the scale, waiting to see if it's true to it's word and will weigh up to 700lbs. What will I do if I'm over 700lbs? Anxious to see how much I've gained while sitting home and stuffing my face during quarantine I try to stand perfectly still to get a accurate reading. Oh wow I just can't believe the number on the scale! Join me now and find out  what that number says!

You found me! All of my super sexy, not safe for youtube content can be found right here! What are you waiting for? Join today to see this gorgeous fatty dancing, stuffing her face, squashing, face sitting and so much more! or