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The bounty of Irelands rolling hills.Desiree Devine comes to RHPG

Started by redhottie, March 23, 2010, 06:46:30 AM

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Top of the morning to you.  I always do a St Patrick's set for  It is late in coming this year but I wanted a Irish beauty to do it.  Desiree has been in the Adult business for years and she is 3 snaps gorgeous.  This is a big SSBBW.  I have friends that are 6 ft and big but some how Desiree made them look small in my eyes.  She is 6ft tall and weighs in at 370 lbs.  Her personality is energetic and huge.  She is Awesome totally awe inspiring. She has some of the most incredible tits I have ever seen . I was hating at one point till she won me over.  She wears a 44i bra boys and they weigh 33 lbs.  Her legs are like pillars and shes got an adorable ass.  And the cutest double belly muffin top.  This is an amazon of a woman and in play she bounced Ole Herman off the wall in my living room with her belly.  I am proud to make her the 59th redhotphatgirl.  Doing the fat girl dance...redhottie






She is an amazing person too!  I am SO lucky to be her wifey!  Would LOVE to see some plumpers with your SSBBW's on your site Red :)  Hehehe.
