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Tetas en Rosado

Started by Buffie, January 25, 2010, 10:58:39 AM

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Hola mi amigos! Here's another set from the Seattle Series. It's me! In pink! With boobs! YAY! =)

I'm barely in pink though. When I bought this top, I thought it would be just a little more stretchy than it really was. The boobs almost didn't fit. But we had a meeting, talked it over and came to a compromise. The boobs agreed to mush themselves into the top and the top agreed not to burst for at least a few photos. Everyone is happy!

Luscious hugs and jiggles, ~Buffie

*Much Thanks To Hot Light Studios For Taking These Images - They Rule!*
~Buffie Thinks You're Fab!~
Please visit me at !
Thank You!!!


Seattle Set??
Cool, love the pics.


I spent some time in Seattle with the IncomPEARable BBW Gwen and she shot these photos for me at her Hot Light Studio.  It was such a blast.  There will be more to come.

Thanks for the message, David.

~Buffie Thinks You're Fab!~
Please visit me at !
Thank You!!!


I hope you enjoyed Seattle besides doing the photo shoot. :)


Quote from: david98028 on January 25, 2010, 12:01:10 PM
I hope you enjoyed Seattle besides doing the photo shoot. :)

I did.  It was such a blast.  I got to see my friends BBW Gwen and BBW Olivia and my other friend Dee Vious, you'll see photos of her soon at Plump Dolls.

We ate VooDoo Doughnuts and cupcakes from Cupcake Jones and I have amazing coffee.  Zomg, I could have OD'd on coffee...
~Buffie Thinks You're Fab!~
Please visit me at !
Thank You!!!


Sweet B   :o been some time alway's nice to see you  8)


Quote from: flash61 on January 25, 2010, 09:53:38 PM
Sweet B   :o been some time alway's nice to see you  8)

Thanks flash!  Nice to see you, too.  =)  Things have been crazy for me lately but I've got a ton of new stuff on the way.

~Buffie Thinks You're Fab!~
Please visit me at !
Thank You!!!