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Bobbi Jo & Savannah Smear Ceasar into the Bench

Started by flattenedone, August 24, 2018, 04:56:09 PM

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Ceasar has only ever worked with Nora for FWP. He wanted to test his strength against more weight. It just so happened that he reached out to us on the right day. We were days away from a shoot with two massive beauties... Bobbi Jo and Savannah. 

They held nothing back when it came to smearing Ceasar into the wooden bench. There were times you could honestly see him panicking and being stretched to his last fiber of consciousness. Most of his taps went ignored and the ladies were extra bouncy on this given day. Hundreds and hundreds of pounds bouncing around on you while you lay on a slab of wood winds up being torture after a couple of minutes.

Bobbi Jo gave him some full weight drops for good measure.

They wrapped up with double sitting him back to back, full weight, until he couldn't take one more moment of flattening.

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