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SSBBW Xutjja in Inspecting My Knee & Elbow Fat

Started by Xutjja, July 12, 2019, 09:05:59 PM

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Inspecting My Knee & Elbow Fat

As my body continues to swell with fat I've started getting rolls in places one normally doesn't get rolls.  Bianca loves to tease me about my body parts losing their definition; particularly my elbows and knees.  My gluttony has caused my joints to be engulfed by heavy hanging sacks of pure fat.  She delights in pointing out how hopelessly super-super obese I've become.  We both know that I couldn't stop now even if I wanted to.  I've become too addicted to the feedee lifestyle.  If not being able to see one's elbows or knees isn't a sure sign that there's no turning back then I don't know what is.