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❤︎Bonnie C4S-Xmas Hog- FATTER Body Tour❤︎

Started by bbwbonnie, December 14, 2020, 09:08:38 AM

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I was so stuffed after bingeing on lots of junk food ALL day! My belly was absolutely HUGE I was struggling to walk & panting breathlessly too. I felt so heavy & bloated! Stripping down I waddled over to the bed to lay down & rub my swollen belly. As I lay there thinking of all the food I had consumed, I felt myself getting aroused but found I could reach to pleasure myself as my belly had grown too big!! 
I struggled to reach for some time before asking my feeder to grab & jiggle my belly.  He couldn't believe how much fatter I had become & filmed me at all different angles so I could proudly show off my gain!