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Ultimate SSBBW Pear Bobbi Jo Smothers Slave With Her Wide hips

Started by SSBBWBobbi /, May 29, 2020, 06:46:59 PM

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SSBBWBobbi /

Imagine your head caught between my very thick thighs, Your entire chest crushed under massively wide hips. My Super SSBBW Pear shaped body pressing you into the mattress springs with no relief in sight.

Imagine that every time you try to take a breath all you get is a face full of soft fat thigh. My entire body bouncing and pushing you further and further down into the mattress. You can't breathe. You can't get air to try to breathe, and you can't exactly just lift me off of you.

Join me for this newest update and much much more of my impressively wide hips and super thick thunder thighs at :  SSBBW Bobbi at BBW Surf | SSBBW Bobbi  or SSBBW Bobbi at BBW Surf | SSBBW Bobbi