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Smothered helplessly under nearly 700 lbs of BBW ass and belly!

Started by redhottie, March 27, 2010, 08:41:45 PM

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Here's another great shot from this weeks update at . Desiree Devine and Platinum Puzzy use slave Herman as a piece of furniture, bouncing, dropping, and wiggling on him to break it in. Hear him gasp for breath as he is smothered beneath Desiree's massive jiggly belly and pussy, while Platinum pins down his legs. The girls take turns butt dropping on this tiny man and riding his face, even slamming down their combined weight on his tiny frame. With plenty of video, you get to see every breath robbing, facehumping, butt slamming, punishing moment as little Herman meets his match. Kisses and licks, REDhottie





Quote from: TJgalon on March 27, 2010, 11:52:18 PM
That is amazingly, hot. mouthwatering hot. um, me next?
pool boy I need another drink.....hahahah




Thank Goodness to our east coast tour... looks like there are going to be some SMOTHERED pork chops in our future!! anyone interested need email me asap as our time if filling fast... wanna be filmed?  Yay, that would sure make US happy to cream you with our bulging beauty AND have a video to show for it!  :)  THAT COULD BE YOU NEXT!


This is one of the hottest preview pics I've ever seen.  The way Desiree is just completely smooshing that lucky seat ... sheer, raw, sexual power and dominance is what it is.  Plus, an added bonus for my little kink: with Desiree rubbing her belly and licking her lips as she looks at the camera, I can totally imagine it's me under her, and that as soon as she's done sitting on me she's going to gobble me up while I beg for more.


Momma like.



Thanks - I will be sure to see what we can do about getting you under ONE of us or MAYBE both!  WOWzers!