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Sexy Stripping Secretary Showing Off My Soft Body

Started by largenlovely, February 27, 2010, 08:53:00 PM

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like the alliteration? lol

Here's the latest update that's gone up on the site..sorry i'm a tad late in advertising it but ...i've been a busy bee over here.

I just wanna give a heads up here...i will be retiring my website for good in the next couple months (or there-abouts) if everything goes as planned. I'm going to be updating for a little bit longer and then leave it up until i feel like everyone has had a chance to get everything they want from the website..and then it will be taken down completely.

I know it's a little bit earlier than i had initially told everyone..but...for me personally, it's time for me to move on from the web modeling. After 10+ years of doing this it will be strange not to have to think of updating the website..but it's just time to move on for me :)

Again, i will still be updating a little while longer..maybe the next month or so..and then i'll leave the site up for people to get what they want from's still time :) I just didn't want to suddenly take it down without allowing people the opportunity to join and take what they want.

Big Hugs



Sexy pic   you can sit on my lap and take a letter


I would love to have you as my secretary.  the pics are so sexy!