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Sasha's Big Sushi Binge!!

Started by MsSasha, April 09, 2010, 04:43:41 PM

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I went and picked up a a bunch of my favorite sushi rolls and pieces. I'm a big fan of most anything sushi related, but then add the sauces and make it tempura and I'll jump at them even faster!! Come watch me devour all these sushi rolls filling my big belly stuffing it to the max!! Plus using my big top belly shelf as a plate to eat off was sooo sexy and fun. After taking that massive amount of food down I needed a break to rub and rest my big belly. It felt like it had expanded quite a bit during this sexy sushi binge. Come check it out only at !!!


*sorry for the typo in the preview site address, my darn chubby fingers failed me, but you all know the address anyway  *


sexy close up that nice sweet belly. :)


Ooh, that's hot, Sasha!  I'd love to be one of those sushi rolls, waiting my turn on your belly to be taken into your mouth and chewed up.  Your belly looks so beautiful, soft, and comfortable; I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life there.

