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My NEW DVD Release

Started by GoddessPatty /, January 16, 2010, 04:27:34 PM

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GoddessPatty /

Im at my highest weight ever but I finally made another DVD as requested by so many of you. My mobility is not the best these day. But remember, I carry all this weight for YOU AND ME.
For all you FA lovers out there that love to see me wiggle, jiggle, squeeze into things
and see my body upclose. Then this is the DVD for you. Release date - Wednesday, January 20, 2010.

DVD #OD - OUT FOR THE DAY (Tired Tubby Part 2) (48 min DVD - $45 incl S&H)

Thomas called and said join me for lunch today and bring your helper and your new wheelchair. I will be there shortly.
We quickly freshened up our hair and makeup and waited for his arrival.
To my surprise when he arrived. I noticed his car wasnt very big. There was no way I would fit in the front but even the size of the backseat didnt look very accomodating.
Once I waddle down my front porch and to the car I was quite winded. I wanted to shed a few tears once the cars backdoor was opened for me. I knew I was going to have to literally squeeze into it and it wasnt going to be easy. My body is cramping as I try and become a slinky snake trying to ease my way in. Im in and I
realize only half of me is in. Im out of breathe, I cant move. Im wedged in the car door. I yell, "I need water quickly. I want to scream from the pain Im feeling from the metal surrounding me. I want one swift kick from anyone to get the rest of me in. My helper then lifts my foot and says push your foot into my hand and I am finally all the way in.
It takes me 5 mins to catch my breathe and gain my composure. Im now ready to feast on some really good tasty food. Ive earned it!!!
Whoaaaaaaaaaaa wait!!! Before Im able to go enjoy a wonderful meal, I must tackle this dreadful car door how many more times??? Im exhausted from feeling like Im prying my way out of a steel drum that only has a tiny opening. I must lay down or at least relax and we are too far from home. This is where the next ordeal begins.
Small hotel doorways, chairs with arms, small couches and beds that are way too high off the ground. This is starting to feel like a workout that I never signed up for.
You will NOT be disappointed when you see just how many times I had to be assisted through a small door, crammed into a small elevator, me trying to roll over in the bed I had trouble getting up into, my huge body devouring the small couch.  And then the final walk up my porch when Im ready to collapse.
Literally a breathless ending. *wink wink*

This was filmed so close up that you can almost touch my soft, fat body. Dont miss out seeing my newest release at my fattest and heaviest size ever.

This info will appear on my site Wednesday, January 20, 2010 for those of you that want to order.
If you cant wait til the release date, then write me at for ordering info NOW through midnight (PST) Monday, January 18, 2010 for $5 off. Any emails after midnight January 18th will pay full price.

Enjoy the little teaser clip below of what you will see in the video. ENJOY!!!

It aint easy being cheesy!

Get your own website 80% pay out!!