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Juicy & Thick Weight Play on the Sofa with Lift & Piggyback

Started by flattenedone, October 30, 2015, 06:25:00 PM

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This video is all about goddesses, weight, and domination. It starts with Thick testing Matt's strength by seeing if he can lift her. He can quite easily since she's only 250-260 lbs. She then tests his piggyback ability, which is a bit more challenging. When she jumps her big ass onto his back he flies backwards almost falling over. Once he catches his balance, she forces him to transition into a horseback ride. He carries her to Juicy's feet, where Juicy demands he try to lift her.

As much as Matt would love to be able to, he can't budge Juicy's 630-640 lbs. Gravity and her girth are just too great. This makes Juicy mad show she throws him onto the sofa and lap sits him repeatedly... sometimes with Thick joining in.

Juicy gets more and more mad as the video ensues so she finally makes him lay down so she could challenge his breathing even more.

This video highlights just how dominant Juicy really is, which is really quite scary given just how powerful she is at her weight.