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Fatty Fabric Fun! - Big Cutie Summer

Started by BigCutieSummer, September 29, 2015, 04:29:54 AM

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Fatty Fabric Fun! - Big Cutie Summer

How excited is everyone about Autumn? I mean seriously, PUMPKIN SPICE ALL OVER THE PLACE!

I am totally ok with it. I LOVE pumpkin pie, tarts, muffin, bread, donuts... DONUTS! I haven't found a

pumpkin coffee that I like yet, though it might be ok in a frozen drink, it tastes kinda gritty in lower

viscosity drinks.

Of course, not only is it crazy pumpkin time, but halloween is right around the corner! You can see in

my latest update the pink tulle I bought for last years costume that never made it to fruition. Maybe

this year I will get to it! I think I could seriously rock a pink tu-tu with my pink faerie wings!


P.S. Check out this update and bunches more over at :)  I also update

my member's blog at least once per update, and always share special bits of information there and

pictures so you always get a little more of a personal look into my life as an SSBBW (Or USBBW for

those who go with that title for ladies over 600 glorious pounds of squishy goodness)

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Coming Soon: Instagram (as soon as I can figure it out!)