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Fat, Unhealthy, Immobile, & in Assisted Living

Started by Reenaye Starr, July 19, 2019, 08:21:00 AM

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Reenaye Starr

I have gotten so obese that my friends and family did an intervention asking me to move into assisted living. I agreed, since I am nearly immobile and I need a breathing device. Who knew living in this place would cause me to live my best immobile life. The staff here takes care of everything. They help me bath, they help me wipe myself, they bring my food to my door and help move me from the bed to the couch. It has been extremely wonderful having an entire staff to help me with all of my needs. I feel like a fat, immobile queen, and now that I know I am being so well cared for, I can keep gaining to my hearts content! Join me for an epic new  Extreme Immobility Fantasy Video at
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