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Fat Naughty Serving Wench: Would You Like Some Rolls With That? hehe

Started by largenlovely, November 08, 2009, 06:15:29 PM

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Ok it's a little late for Halloween...but if i need a reason to dress up in some cute lil outfit hehe.

I apologize for the long absence, I've spent some time taking care of life stuff. Some of you may notice there has been a little bit of a weight loss. I have been working on rebuilding the muscles in my hurt knee so..weight loss just kinda comes with the territory. So, while i know some of you might be disappointed in that, i can't apologize for it because i'm so glad to be getting my mobility back  :) Just to clarify though, it's not a diet's just me getting back to being an active fat girl

and besides...i'm still plenty fat lol

i see there has been speculation of me retiring. I do plan on retiring in the future at some point, i'm guessing within the next year...but no worries, it's not happening at this moment lol.

Ok, so now i will resume updating as normal :)  I hope y'all will come check out the new stuff

Big (still fat) hugs lol





thanks so much guys you're all so very sweet :) i'm glad you liked the update..there'll be lots more to come