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Does this closet make me look ~ F A T ~ ?

Started by Buffie, September 07, 2009, 03:09:42 PM

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Here's something you fellows may not know about the ladeeeees.

We never get rid of our favorite clothes. It doesn't matter how old, it doesn't matter if our boobs are 7 cups sizes (yes SEVEN) bigger than when we bought the dress. It doesn't matter how hopelessly out of style.

Shirts and skirts of days past for us are like your fish stories or photos of the nice wheels you've had in your life or your bowling trophies. They're our treasures. Little wonderful gems we like to admire and cherish...

Now that I've explained it in a way you should all be able to understand, I have one thing to ask...

Will you quit harshing us over needing more closet space than you already? Geez. Just deal with it.

For one thing, we have purses. You don't. We need a place to keep said purses because just like you don't want to wear your brown belt with your black shoes, we don't want to carry our giant to-go-work purse with a giltter party dress. Purses require a shocking amount of closet space. I mean, you see mine in the pictures here.

Want to know something you didn't see? That's about HALF my total purse collection. You see how much closet space just those purses occupy.

So ponder no more why your girl should get the big closet. She NEEDS it.

Case - and closet - closed!

Big Boobyful Kisses,
~Buffie Thinks You're Fab!~
Please visit me at !
Thank You!!!


what a funny story, and also what a sexy picture, and your smile is also wonderful



