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BigCutie MsFatBooty in Fat Cat

Started by BigCutieMsFatBooty, November 02, 2015, 08:12:56 PM

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Hey guys!

I just love Halloween. I love all the spooky movies and cool weather, eating lots and lots of candy and of course dressing up! I've loved Garfield ever since I was a little kid. We have so much in common too! We both love naps, being lazy and lasagna. And we both really hate Mondays! As you can imagine, it's not easy finding costumes in this size. More often than not, I'll buy a costume just for the accessories. That's just what happened when I bought this adorable Garfield costume. Even though I knew it would be way too small, I decided to try it on and film it for you. Lots of struggling and giggling. Hope you enjoy the show!

Wiggles and jiggles,