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❤︎Bonnie C4s: Fatty Punishes roommate for fat shaming & Weight-gain Plans❤︎

Started by bbwbonnie, August 02, 2021, 06:43:53 AM

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Fatty Punishes roommate for fat shaming

My room mate is always so judgmental about my weight. As a fitness fanatic, he absolutely hates it when he sees me greedily stuffing my face like a FAT pig. He even tried to hide me away from his friends & family too. I have a sneaking suspicion that he might actually be ashamed to have me around! 
The other day I found an array of fattening foods piled up in the kitchen & I just couldn't resist. I HAD to give into my gluttonous desires! Before I knew it I was reaching for the treats & excitedly shoving them all in. Suddenly my room mate appeared & caught me in the act! He was very angry as I had devoured all his party food & was further outraged by my tiny, tight outfit. He demanded that I go & hide away in my room so no one saw what a mess I was! 
I decided he needed to be punished for fat shaming me! So the next morning, when he was sleeping on the sofa, I saw my opportunity to get my revenge! I crept up on him & pounced! Squashing & jumping on him, leaving him utterly breathless beneath my weight!


Weight-gain Plans

What do you think, how big should I grow? I have some fat goals in my mind & some plans on how I am going to get there too. I absolutely LOVE to talk about my weightgain goals & predictions. It's something that not only thoroughly excites me, but arouses me so much too! I just cannot help it. I'm utterly & hopelessly addicted to FAT & growing gluttonously!