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BigCutie MsFatBooty - Sexy Shopping Spree Pt. 1

Started by BigCutieMsFatBooty, April 08, 2021, 07:40:30 PM

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I recently went on a little shopping spree and bought myself a lot of cute, sexy, and very tight outfits to wear for upcoming sets. And like I've done before, I wanted to try them all on for the first time on camera! I really love making these videos, I have so much fun!

This time I ordered clothes from two different stores. Like always, it turned into a workout getting these outfits on! And of course there were a couple of items that just did not fit at all. I'm usually pretty good at gauging if something will be stretchy enough to fit or not, but I was off the mark for a couple things. Very hilariously off the mark as I don't know what possessed me to buy them! ;)

Because I bought from two stores, I had enough footage to make this a two part update, so please enjoy part one of my Sexy Shopping Spree and stay tuned for more in a future update!

Wiggles and jiggles,
