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BigCutie MsFatBooty - Sexy Shopping Spree Part 2

Started by BigCutieMsFatBooty, June 03, 2021, 06:21:13 PM

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This is part 2 of my Sexy Shopping Spree! I recently went on a little shopping spree and bought myself a lot of cute, sexy, and very tight outfits to wear for upcoming sets. And like I've done before, I wanted to try them all on for the first time on camera! I really love making these videos, I have so much fun!

This time I ordered clothes from two different stores. Like always, it turned into a workout getting these outfits on! And of course there were a couple of items that just did not fit at all. I'm usually pretty good at gauging if something will be stretchy enough to fit or not, but I was off the mark for a couple things. Very hilariously off the mark as I don't know what possessed me to buy them! ;)

Because I bought from two stores, I had enough footage to make this a two part update, so please enjoy part two of my Sexy Shopping Spree! Maybe I will learn my lesson and stop buying bodysuits....but I don't think so ;)

Wiggles and jiggles,



I've had this dress for over 15 years. I cannot believe that it has lasted this long. And while more and more seams are popping, I'm thinking it's got a few more years (and pounds) left! This must be some kind of magic material! I remember when this dress was an appropriate length to wear out in public, now it barely covers my bottom belly and if I were to wear this without leggings, you'd have a front row seat to my panties when I sat down. I love how every inch of this dress is stretched by my massive curves. This dress leaves almost nothing to the imagination. Now let's imagine what it would look like with 20 more pounds and many more inches....yeah I like the look of that!

Wiggles and jiggles,