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BigCutie MsFatBooty in My First Big Cuties Weigh-In!

Started by BigCutieMsFatBooty, November 30, 2015, 07:54:59 PM

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Hey guys!

It's that time again. Time to step on the scale and hear its tale. And what a tale it is! I've been feeling fatter lately, and now I know why. But how much fatter, you ask? Watch and see for yourself! And after the weigh-in, I weigh-in on why I weigh so much. Maybe it's because of my eating habits, or maybe because I don't exercise. Probably a bit of both, eh? Oh, and at the end I get on the scale again so you can see the numbers. There's a little fluctuation in my weight, but I don't think you'll be disappointed! ;)

Wiggles and jiggles,