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Big Cutie Vallery ~ Who’s Ready for a Weigh In?!

Started by BigCutieVallery, September 10, 2015, 05:22:39 PM

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It's been a few months since my last weigh in, and I'm getting really curious to see how much progress I've made. As you might already know, I don't weigh myself until I shoot a weigh in for all of you, so I'm excited to see how much farther past 300 lbs I've gotten. I've been eating lots, not only with my breakfast stuffing sessions, but with everyday meals, pushing my amount of calories consumed to the max. I'm seeing some definite changes in my body and my clothes are getting SUPER tight, I just know I've made some significant progress!

How much do you think I've gained?!

PS- Did you know that I post a video blog every Friday just for my members? By being a member to my site you not only have access to 119 sexy sets, but tons of awesome video blog updates too! Now you get EVEN more sexy fatty fun on my site!

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