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BigCutie MsFatBooty - McStuffing

Started by BigCutieMsFatBooty, December 15, 2020, 07:15:59 PM

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It's been a while since I have been able to do a proper stuffing. It's no surprise that I love McDonald's and it's just the perfect food when you really wanna binge. It's so salty and greasy and satisfying.

Here's everything I ordered: chocolate milkshake, two double cheeseburgers, 20 piece spicy nuggets with ranch and BBQ sauce and a large fry. All the right ingredients for a food coma, and that's exactly what I was in afterwards!

Next time I stuff like this, I need to make sure I have someone with me to rub my belly and help me get those last couple nuggets down. Any takers?

Wiggles and jiggles,

