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Big Cutie Talia.. Girl With a Glow

Started by BigCutieTalia, October 04, 2009, 05:11:48 PM

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 So, I saw this cute little pink ruffled set and had to have it. I was sitting on the patio one morning and thought that wouldnââ,¬â,,¢t it be great if I could show it off to you while lounging outside.  So I did!!

Come see me and how my fat rolls look like the ruffles in this top!  My belly pops out of it anytime it has a chance. I also have on a pair of super tight platform shoes that I can barely fit my feet in. See how when I take them off it leaves a line where my fat little foot got smooshed!!

At one point I even have my belly sitting on top of the porch railing!!  It sits there so nicely. Come see how my tan lines have formed from creases in my folds hide skin when I tan!!  They are such defined areas hidden by my fat.  I hope you enjoy seeing these pics!!

You can email me at and see me at

<3 Talia
YIM - BigCutieTalia Big Cutie Talia


smiles and sexy body, they are wonderful pics