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BigCutie Veelynn - Summer Lovin'

Started by BCVeelynn, August 08, 2015, 09:03:37 PM

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Summer can be so much fun! When I first thought about doing this set though, I thought, wow this is going to be cold and possibly uncomfortable, but actually once I got settled it turned out to be on of the most fun solo sets I've ever done! I was having far too much fun playing with the hose and eating some delicious smoothie popsicles, (and getting raunchier with them than I had originally intended lol) But the photos turned out so beautifully and I'm very proud of this set. Aside from a tiny pink stripe, my underwear have all but disappeared under my massive and growing belly, among other things. My ass has gotten particularly expansive as well! I hope you all are having an amazing summer so far, keep cool and stay golden my friends <3

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